
Sunday, January 21, 2018



It's raining here
In my heart and outside the window
Cold rain, hard rain
Slicing down the panes
And through my heart 
Like the dagger that love
Often turns out to be.

But I hardly care how much I hurt
I only care how much I miss
Your kiss, your touch
And the way your mouth turns up
In an expression that could either be
A frown or a smile.

If the sky cries then it cries with me
For it doesn't like to cry alone either
I close my eyes and pretend
That there's an angel
Standing outside in the rain
Catching everything in a bottle
And shaking his head at the fragility of man.

(Why do I play the blues when it's raining?
Isn't that like a misery overload?
Why do we compound our heartbreak
And multiply it times a thousand
When it's already too much to bear?)

Angels can only witness
They cannot participate
They cannot feel the pain and stupidity of the human
For God has blessed them with that inability
And cursed us with feeling too much.

Listen. Hear that? The thunder?
The sky is screaming and so am I
Building up in intensity, it roars
Like a marching band beating drums
Made of human hearts.

Then silence
Then lightning
God's way of revealing
Who He is and who we are not
We are terrified of it, yet fascinated
How often have I stood in it's terror
And dared it to strike me.

But only after I had fallen in love
The greatest form of terror there is
The thing that has both heaven and hell
In it's hands
And continually rolls the dice to determine
Which one you get at any given time.

I love the rain
I love the lightning and the thunder
But most of all
I love you
And everything that you can give me
And take away.

But tonight.....tonight....
My heart is flooded
With rain and pain and longing
More so than usual, more so than ever
Because tonight
I saw you walking outside my window,
Your arm around another girl.

With your lover's smile lighting up her world
The rain hit your face
And your eye caught my eye
Beyond the lace curtain
And the heavens opened up 
With the rage of a deluge
That could not even compare
 To what poured from my eyes.

©by Voo
Jan 21, 2018
5:43 a.m.

Raining In My Heart by Al Green

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