
Monday, December 14, 2020

Last Christmas 2020 (the end of life as we knew it) But i had no idea.......

💥Last Christmas💥


Twelve minutes past

It's raining


The streets are quiet

As they have been for months

Except for the rare passing through

Occasionally there is a gunshot

Some bored somebody

Trying to alleviate the boredom

Of this Corona-captured world

Perhaps even shooting to rid themselves 

Of the once loved being

They can no longer tolerate

Due to forced, continual intimacy

Sad, really

Really sad what the world has become

Close distance romances

Have become long distanced now

And long distance loves never last

Love is being edited out of our vocabularies

And forced into extinction

Everyone has become Democrats or Republicans

Who hate one another

Intent only on winning the battle

And losing the war

I can't remember the last time

I heard children playing

Or running through the neighborhood, laughing

They are growing up chained to a computer,

Glazed-eyed in front of a screen

They don't know how to jump rope

Or play tag

They know something is very wrong

But they don't know what it is

And they are only allowed to ask pre-scripted questions

Groceries are being delivered now by strangers

And you are glad to get food you didn't pick out yourself

But what do you eat when the savings run out?

And when you die behind your shuttered windows,

Who will know?

My neighbor across the street lay there for a week

Before a family member ventured to visit

It broke my heart

I felt guilty but I didn't know

I didn't know anyone visited anymore

I didn't even know when they took him away

Or that he was gone

Until his daughter that I didn't know he had

Put a For Sale sign on his house

We are not neighbors anymore, here

Just spies and covid- tracers and Nazis in training

Dear God!

Is it really Christmas???

I see no colorful lights, hear no jingle bells, no carols

It is definitely Not 

"The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year" this year

It's a year everyone is praying to end as quickly as possible

Knowing in our hearts that 2021 is going to be even worse

I'm not prophesying, merely making observations

2021 is the year 1984 was supposed to be but was delayed

We've been lulled back to sleep by the glow of our cell phones

And don't even hear the jack boots starting to march

And the cold de-humanized soldiers chomping at their bits

To begin the merciless fray they were designed for:

Order out of chaos

Death out of life

Life remade over in another God's image

Dear God!

Do You see what they are doing to this world?

Your world, Your Pride and Joy

It's becoming unrecognizable

I lay here, barely able to breathe,

Tears in my eyes, listening to the rain falling

On this cold December night, alone

And I wonder where I'll be next winter

Or if I'll be here

And I miss the madness and hustle and bustle

And fights and quarrels

And giving of gifts and disappointments and hurts

And fun and feasts and family and friends

That a year ago I took so for granted!

And I wish I could just experience again a little taste

Of what I had last Christmas......

God, help us!

©by Voo Shining Stone

Dec 14, 2020

12:46 a.m.

Christmas 2021 I had been found like the guy across the street but stll breathing and been on life support  from  the last week of July to Sept ....Someone I loved had died just down the hall in ICU from me. The world had been "reset" and I had to learn to function...walk... talk and live in it. Reading this, it's like I was prophesying about the coming year. But I had no idea how bad it was going to be....It got much worse. 3 years have passed and I'm still trying to learn how to live in this world. sigh

Thursday, December 10, 2020

The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: Coming Out Of A Coma REPOST and Post # 1111 on my blog. Appropriate for this crazy year, no????

The Island That Was My Heart


start soundtrack before reading

The Island That Was My Heart

He stood there on the island that was my heart
The place that no one visited or occupied
Surrounded by the dreams we'd shared,
The love we'd floated on like so many clouds,
The heaven we had found in the midst of hell.

I saw him, but just for a moment
His face shining in the mirror of moonlight
With a smile on the face that had always been smile-less
Until his eyes caught mine in the crowds of this life
And lit up like the summer sun after a rain.

He stood there on the island in the midst of the ocean
That had formed from the continual falling of tears
He looked momentarily lost, forlorn and bewildered
And my empty arms longed to hold him,
And never deem to let  go.

But I dared not reach those arms to that form
For I knew it was a shadow and not the man
Knew it would dissolve into vapor and mist
Like the love we'd shared as we'd danced in the rain,
Lain on the grass and trembled with awe.

How we had loved in those purple hued nights!
Those rose tinted days when the world lay at our feet
And birds sang the melodies pouring out of our hearts
Like they were their songs, their  wordless concertos
Gifted to us in the tasting of bliss.

How we had grieved when the gold of the day
Ebbed to the permanence of a blue black midnight
And all of the wonder of the world turned to woe
As the love passed like clouds in a violent wind
That came out of nowhere and left as it came.

Breathless, I stood alone in the circling crowd
Rushing and reaching but touching me not
They stared at me warily, recognizing heart break
Some with compassion, some with disdain
And all of the sunshine turned into rain.

Retreating, I ran and ran in the torrents,
Not knowing the reasons, I could not comprehend
Flame became ice sculptures carved by love's knife,
Melting with my tears until they formed the sea
And my heart became the island where no footprint had been.

And alone, I existed in a comfort-less fashion
Not daring to love, not caring to live
Life passed me by as I faded to shadow,
Picking up sea shells
In the shape of my soul.

I never saw him, I received no word
No message came for me, no letter was sent
Days turned to weeks,
Weeks passing to months
And the only voice that I heard was the voice of my want.

And then one night he appeared in the ethereal moonlight
Hallucination or vision, apparition or dream
I could not quite determine,
I could not quite surmise
But my love stood there smiling with love in his eyes

My island illumined by the love in his eyes............

©by Voo Shining Stone

2:15 a.m.