Shape Shifter
I am a gentle man, you said
and kissed my hand, raising your eyes
in the process to meet mine
in the candlelight
Promise? I queried and withdrew
My hand from your tightening grasp
I wouldn't hurt a fly, you answered
And certainly not the heart
Of a fair lady
And I believed you and went tumbling
Down into the spell you cast
The web you wove
The love I needed so badly
For days on end and nights
Falling for you and your lies
And then the spell was broken
And the web began to strangle
True colors came to light
And cruelty took the place
Of tenderness
I saw the true you in full sunlight
One day as you shape shifted
From knight to ogre and reached
Out to crush my soul in your hand
You sneered at my fear and laughed
At my pain
You sir, are no gentleman.
You sir, are no gentle man.
You sir, are no man.
©by Voo
Jan 10, 2005
8 p.m.