
Tuesday, October 4, 2022

I Can't Unlove


You Are The Reason

I Can't Unlove 

In my life, I know and I can count
Men I've loved on just one hand
There are those I like and like a lot
And a lot that I can't stand.

But there are not many I can say I've loved
With all of my little girl heart
Because I learned real young that men can be mean
So I cautiously don't allow love to start.

I have run away from and I have run to
But I don't usually stay very long
'Cause most of the loves I thought were so right
Just turned out to be very wrong.

I really don't try to play hard to get
But most guys think that I am
I've just learned to see deep inside of a man
And quickly know if he's worth a damn.

But oh, the few that I have loved
I've loved with all my soul
And I've lived to please them with all of my heart
And make their joy my goal.

There isn't anything I wouldn't do
If I loved a good, sweet man
And I I knew he loved me true right back
And I felt safe in his hands.

I would climb the highest mountain
Swim the deepest sea
I would fight for him till my dying breath
If I knew that he loved me.

That's the kind of woman that I am
And I will be for ever more
But if a man unmasked shows another face
I will show him to the door.

For life's too short and death's too long
To live without true love
And there's no time to waste on Earth
Before you fly above.

But I have learned to live alone
When no true love can be found
It's best to live alone, I think
Than in strife and stress, to drown.

I've got a heart full of poetry
And my soul is filled with romance
And my body burns to love somebody
And to dance love's sweet slow dance.

But if I cannot find the man
That feels the way I feel
I will just live on without a song
If I can't find something real.

But I know there's something real out there
Because I've loved before
And I still love them though they are gone
When those ships crashed on the shore.

I can't unlove the ones I've loved
Though there have been so few
Once I fell in love, my heart still cared
Even when love came anew.

It's just the way I am, I guess
And you must believe it's true
And even though your love has died
I cannot unlove you.

You will be a part of my woman's heart
Till to Heaven my life I'll give
And even then on that golden shore
My love for you will live.

I can count on one hand those I've loved
The sweet and the not so nice
But when I think of you, sweet man
I know I'll count you twice.

©by Voo
May 29, 2019
12:07 a.m.

You Are The Reason

Can't Unlove You


I'll Still Be Loving You


Baby, I've Been Missing You