
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

A Woman Needs To Hear



A Woman Needs To Hear

A woman needs to hear.....

"I love you"

About seven times a day

She needs to hear........

"I need you"

Not feel she's in your way.

A woman needs to hear

In a soft romantic voice

"Come here, woman! I want you!"

That she's your one and only choice.

A woman needs to hear

The things you do not say

But the things a woman's heart can hear

When you just look her way.

A woman needs so many things

Like love, trust and desire

A hand to hold, a caring soul

And a constant burning fire.

But more than anything, I think

Even the sweetness in a word

She needs to hear you convey to her

That you've listened and you've heard.

©by Voo Shining Stone

June 24, 2021

10:42 p.m.



Attics Of The Rich


Attics of The Rich

(a nonsense must read blog posted on
 November 32nd)

Cricket bats at the ready, boys!
We gotta clean out the attics of the rich
And decipher kryptonite particles
Written in the tea leaves of Cypress
Before it is too late.

Go on now, go on!
Ain't no sense being stubborn
Mules got souls, too, I know that
But you turkeys 
Gonna end up on somebody's plate come Thursday.

I got me a cannon 
On the top of that hill
I'm gonna light it up and fire it
At Jupiter one of these hot damn days
You just watch me out of your blind eyes!

Weasels! Weasels! Everywhere!
Just look at 'em! Wearing lil ole heels
And mink coats and mini dresses
Made out of mp3 players
And fine copper wires.

I says to my buddy the other day
I says: Hambone, where you think we goin'?
And he says: I don't know 'bout you, Plumber
But I'm goin' to sleep!
And I says: Well, bring me back a souvenir.

Rose, my baby Rose, (you know the one)
She smile all the time and it make me suspicious
She even smile when she cryin'!
I bought her a turquoise Thunderbird to drive herself crazy in
But she put it in a blender and made one of them smoothies.

Did ya'll see that news story the other day?
'Bout the end of the 5th dimension
And the ramifications of the non-totalitarian be-bop society
And the effects of Popsicle dreams on a left-handed 
Son of a moonshine maker in Rockport, Cali-sumthin-er-nuther?

It gonna be the death of us all
The death of us all, I tells ya!
That and peanut butter left out in the sun
And shooting stars laying all over the ground
For kids to trip over and make airplanes out of.

But back to the attics of the rich
That's my call in life
I know that now. Me and my baby, Rose
Gonna clean out all them attics with cricket bats
And settle down in Whynot, Mississippi and sell gorilla cookies.

Uh huh. Sho 'nuff, we are. You just watch!
Gonna sell us enough gorilla cookies
To get our own attic.


©by the twisted Voo
Nov 4, 07