
Friday, August 25, 2017



The Permanent Scar

What an evil, cold-blooded word
I wonder who originated it?
I wonder what slimy pit of lowest hell
It crawled it's way from
With that wicked, sickening grin
Upon it's face?

I think I know.......
I think I comprehend all too well
The day divorce was born
And thrust upon a world
That until then, had known only joy
Harmony, unity and true love:
The day Lucifer shook his fist in God's face.

Man was meant......
To have his mate, his helper
His companion through life's journeys
His lover, his friend, his partner, his muse
Man was alone
In a garden full of couples
Until he was torn apart and then made whole.

How lonely......
Is this world full of strangers now
Strangers that used to be friends
Friends who used to be lovers
Lovers who used to be partners
Partners who used to be mates
Mates who used to be married.

All strangers now......
Estranged and hating
Bitter, broken, bruised and bleeding
In places no one can heal
No matter how many times we plead
Or pray or give ourselves to others
Who will only wound us deeper.

Divorce is just a band-aid .....
Casually displayed on the shelves
Of convenience stores
Down the street from the wedding chapels
With their flashing neon signs
Enticing you to make the commitment:
Tomorrow you can undo it!

But see the zombies.......
Walking the streets
After divorce court?
Hearts torn out and big dead eyes
All dark and hollow and full of dreams
That will never come true?
Divorce is worse than death. Worse than death.

With death comes.......
A kind of peace
Not this cruel rejection that says:
You are no longer a part of me!
You are not worthy of my affection!
You are despised and scorned and unwanted
I never loved you!!

How God's heart......
Must break for the forsaken
The cast-away, the bereft soul
Lying in the street of rejection like refuse
The shattered families who will never be mended
Never know security, never know the comfort
Of a hand in hand again.

I suppose if anyone......
Could understand divorce
It would be Him
He, who was rejected by the very vessel
He formed there on the potter's wheel
By the very people He birthed to love Him
By the very world He holds in the palm of His hand.

Scars are usually permanent......
Even when the wounds have long healed
They remain, a constant reminder
Of what we have endured, what we have lived for
Would have walked into hell for
With love shining brightly on our faces
Knowing that for love, we would do it all over again.


©by Voo
Oct 5, 07
1:24 a.m.