
Thursday, August 6, 2020

Coming Out Of A Coma REPOST....because, well, I just came out of a coma!!!!! What's up with that????!!! Geez..

                                                           Perhaps the strangest thing                                         you'll ever read..............*

Wandering Soul

Coming Out of a Coma
(and all the subsequent questions
a sleepless girl named Voo might ask)


What is it about dying
That makes you want to live?
To hold onto life with all your might?
To capture it in a locked cage
And destroy the key?
Even if you never really wanted to live
In the first place?

What is it about love
That makes you want to believe it's real?
And desire to hold it in your arms
And look into it's eyes
Even if you never really believed before
That anything as lovely as love
Could possibly be real?

What is it about a man
That you've never even touched...
Never even kissed...
Never even knew existed
Outside of a dream.....
But just the very thought of that man
Can make your heart beat
Like a thousand warring drums?

What is it about a woman
A woman who is all woman
And yet a child with a million questions
Written on the pages of her heart
A woman who knew she was a woman
Before she was born.....
And spent the rest of her life
Trying to find that child inside herself
Because she knew that child
Knows all the answers?

What is it? All of this?
The irrational, illogical, unreal reality
Of all of this?
The longing to live in the midst of dying?
The yearning for love in the fear of the trying?
The needing to smile in the downpour of crying?
Lucid dreamscapes you walk into
Though you've never known sleep?

Scriptwriters say
That none of this is real
That we are all asleep somewhere
Plugged into some creator's machine
Just dreaming preprogrammed manufactured lives
As He watches to see how we'll react to stimuli.

There's no such thing as crying
No such thing as love
No such thing as living or dying
No hell below or heaven above
No dream to wake up from
No arms to run into
No memories of people
Or places we've been to.

It takes a lot of faith to believe that
Much less faith to believe it's a lie
Like it took no faith at all
To let go of living
But a whole lot of faith
To decide not to die.

Coming out of a coma
Is like being reborn
The world seems strange
And yet oddly familiar
You feel as though you're a newborn baby
Entering into a body that is a thousand years old.

And it's frightening
And exhilarating
And wonderful
And awful
And awful.....
And awful
Because you can't be sure
For a very long time
If anything is real.

You're still in that place you were
Before you came back
To this place
This strange, familiar place
Where people in white uniforms smile
And take your temperature
And check to see if your heart's beating normally
When in that other place
It wasn't even beating at all.

And yet you felt more alive there
Than you ever have here
And you could do a multitude of things
That you have never attempted to do here
You could could fly!!!
And every cloud in every silver sky scene
Was so saturated with love
That it rained sometimes for years
And no one ever drowned in it's deluge.

It was wonderful there
And yet it was lonely
Even with it's beauty and majesty
And the ever present perfume
Of fresh cut roses
And newly mown grass
A sun that stayed
 Precisely the same temperature
And nothing ever died there
Not even a dream.

It was lonely there
Because I could not find you
You, the man I have yet to find here
And yet to touch and yet to kiss
And yet to forget
Even though your memory
Covers me like a warm shawl
And follows me everywhere I go
I could not find you there
And I was afraid.

Part of me knows you're not real
But part of me knows that you are
And it's up to me to decide
What part to listen to, what part to believe
But I don't want to make that decision
Because I know that part of me
Will no longer be alive if I do.

For part of me only lives in you,
In your eyes and in your heart
And in the world we have created in our dreams
Dreams made of poetry,
Built of magic and light
In a paradise cradled in an angel's hand
And watched over by every wounded writer
That ever wrote a love song or a fairytale.

You see what I mean?
Only a child knows the answers to these questions
They don't make sense to grown-ups
Those who were born old and will die older
Who never rode a horse of fire
Or danced on thunder or kissed the dead back to life
Like you and I have
We, who have waited eons to find one another
Only to lose ourselves again
When they told us we didn't exist.

We couldn't exist because people like us
Only lived in works of fiction
Pages of prose or long Celtic sagas of lost love
And star crossed songs sung by Sirens of the Sea
Who don't exist either.

You see, we don't exist, you and I
That's why I couldn't find you there
In that other place
And that's why I can't find you here
In this one
Because that place where you and I do exist
And love and laugh and live, my love
Is in a love story in a book, in a library, in a dream
In a fantasy, in a myth, in a fable, in a fairytale
In the minds of people who do not live in this world,
On this planet, in this universe
People who do not know each other and have never met
But who have shared the same dreams for hundreds of ages
Dreaming such magnificent dreams of love and valor
And relentless searching and finding
And going through the cycle again and again and again.

And how do I know that, you ask
With that twinkle in your eye?
Come now, little boy with your mischievous grin,
You tell me!
And you take my girlish hand, fresh with youth
And we laugh and scream into the break of yet another dawn
In voices so loud they will wake the dreamers on other worlds:
Because they are Us!!! We scream, And We are Them!!!
And as long as they exist, so shall we
And as long as we exist, so shall they.

Coming out of a coma
Is like being reborn
The world seems strange
And yet oddly familiar
You feel as though you're a newborn baby
Entering into a body that is a thousand years old.

And it's frightening
And exhilarating
And wonderful
And awful
And awful.....
And awful
Because you can't be sure
For a very long time
If anything is real.

©By Voo


  1. What a write! A lot of questions that need answers to them! Is true love really real or made up? Or fictional? Sometimes you don’t want to wake to a world where it doesn’t know love or acknowledge you!

  2. Just love your special touch ..vooism . This is a unique write and so well done

    1. Vooism...I love it. That may be the title of my next
      David came up with voorizons earlier...that was a cool one. but you started all this soI must give you credit for it, GF. thank you!!!

  3. Replies
    1. Strange, huh??? lol thanks for the visit. How's the fam?

  4. Adults..

    ..children in mature bodies pretending I’m willing to bet. Some more advanced than others apparently but all having something to offer to my summation.

    Waking from this comatose state I saw the long hair and the flesh on her bones was weathered with a wisdom unlike the other grown kids. She was a diary full of run on sentences and incomplete thoughts..

    ..that is until I reached out and touched her to turn her face towards me and she turned to colorful dust, vanishing into the air as nothing and all her sentences and thoughts became clear as crystal. They were concise and they contained the wisdom of one who has been here before.

    And it was then that I realized I wasn’t awake at all for I never had such clarity in my awakened state..

    ..still a child in that realm

    (c)Locthiese 1-2021

    1. well...that comment was almost better than the write. lol
      This write, however is based on a true story. Parts of it came to me while in a coma a few years back. I didn't know how I'd ever come out of it.

    2. I’d say you came out just fine

    3. fine, perhaps...but crazy. 😏😊 definitely crazy. but that's fine. 😛

  5. Wow...OK. Where to start. Well, I'll say I don't think this is strange at all. A little off the beaten path, but you know, thank God. Most things in Life can be attributed to our species' hard-wired drive for survival. But the impossibility of "love"...that's a different little animal altogether. I'll stand on the end of the limb and say it's really the only variable that can come close to balancing the messy equation called Life. I Bear with me. I'm even comfortable enough to say it's the most obvious reason for our existence. Wouldn't you? I mean, one thing's for sure, love is definitely our ticket out off all things mundane. Living a Life without it would be like trying to travel the world while sitting in your driveway. Thank you Voo.

    1. wow some comment! thank you. Do I know you, btw? welcome to my world. Which has never

    2. love this line.....
      I mean, one thing's for sure, love is definitely our ticket out of all things mundane


  6. Spectacular: these journeys awe those who haven’t experienced them. Words alone have a limited affect. It’s both psychedelic and spiritual. It takes more than faith to understand these experiences. It’s like God intervening when he must. Grace in spite of seemingly not earning it. Abundant grace. Grace which we at our level of consciousness have little idea about. We are the chosen ones-maybe from
    Previous births and experiencing ‘the haloed now’
    We then
    Move to the future without any record of the past.
    That’s the effect of your poem on me though I have obviously not touched some portions.

    1. Your comment was posted almost a YEAR after I came out of the coma of Aug/Sept 2021. Sometimes it seems like yrs, sometimes, merely weeks. I hope it never happens again. I think I broke some kind of record concerning comas. And for the curious out there.....yes! You still Hear and are Aware of what's going on around you!!!! Be careful what you say in the room of the comatose!!!!! They Hear you!!!!
