
Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: The Purple Neon Moon

The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: The Purple Neon Moon:   start music......... The Purple Neon Moon There you were Standing in the light of the neon moon Purple, as I recall I had stepped out of a...

The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: PIANO, PLAY ME

The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: PIANO, PLAY ME:              Piano,  Play Me             Piano, play me             With wordless tune             Thr...

Monday, June 17, 2024

UTTER NONSENSE and Other Pages from my Diary....

Make sure you put music on Loop before 
scrolling down.(right click on video) 
music makes this page more funner!!! !lol

Utter Nonsense and Other Pages From My Diary

Stereo blasting in full color
Bright blues for blues
Grays for emptiness
And equalizers throwing gasoline
On red hot torch songs about darkness.

She walked

But no one saw her
It was one of those days
When the nights never end
And camels stop 
To fill up their tanks before
Heading into Los Angeles.

There was nothing to do about it

The ufo just hovered there
Like the one above Travis Walton's head
And I kept hoping it'd beam me up
Or knock me senseless but it never did.

Icicles hung from the sun

And snowmen melted 
On the truck beds of 4th of July parade floats
While children threw candy 
And taunted Santa Claus with wish lists.

I can't stand this stuff anymore!

No body writes about my life
It's like I don't have one or something
I must just be somebody's dream
On some far away planet
In the middle of an ocean of dishwater.

Is there any way out of here?

The banana cook flipped his pancake
And stared at me like I was Cornflakes
On a hot afternoon
But he had it all wrong: I was Fruit Loops.

You need a drink, he said

You look like chocolate milk
On a prehistoric playground
Here, drink this.
And he handed me a rubber plant
And a straw.

There's no ending to this story

I could go on and on          and on and on.....
Like a cabaret singer
With a thousand songs in her soul
And a mike so hot it burns her hand.

I see you out there reading this

You're thinking: Damn!
I should play chess more often
I had no idea how insane the queen was.

Well, I am insane

But I'm never boring
These words prove that
These words prove 
That you can make a poem outta anything
And somebody will read it and say
My God, she's brilliant!

But that's just a fact

In a constellation of a sea of fiction
Oranges don't grow on trees, baby!
And girls like me 
Don't come along every day.

Which is why the earth is spinning

And global warming is popping corn in the fields
In the middle of December
Al Gore knows the truth: He invented it
Just ask his wife.

If the world turned upside down

Would the oceans fall on our heads
And would we drown in self pity
And fish for tuna in the tops of trees?
I really need an answer to that question
I really do.

Oh, wait, the CIA is at the door.....

(They wanted to know my sources)
They wanted to know if I was a double-knot spy
And if I knew the way to San Jose
(I told them to hang a left at the Dollar Tree.)

My therapist does my therapy for free, you know

He said it amuses him
And that he finds my vocabulary sexy
But I won't lie down on his couch without protection
I wear an inner tube and hold a flamethrower.

I'm in love with this guy

Who lives in my stereo CD player
And sings to me about blue lights and purple things
We have this love/hate relationship
I love him but he refuses to eject so I hate him, too.

Buffaloes roam in the canyons

I think they fell out of the ufo
I'm not sure. I'm sure of that
Being sure of unsurety keeps me grounded, you know?
I tried to lasso one once but it got away.

( A buffalo, you moron!)

What did you think I meant?!
I may be insane but I'm not stupid!
Except on Tuesdays but then everybody's
Stupid on Tuesdays, right?
I think I read that on a menu somewhere.

Crickets are calling my name

I must run.............
You could probably catch me
On your little frog legs if you wanted to
But there's a 99.9 % chance
That I won't kiss you if you do.

Some people live 

For that 1%, however.......

©By Voo
Oct 25, 07

spur of the moment write
out of pure boredom
please don't ask me what it means
Just Enjoy it.


Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Lay Me Down To Dream

The Dove
by Brian Crain

Lay Me Down to Dream

Lay me down to dream, I said
And looked deep into your eyes
I am so tired and weary now
I need some lullabies.

Lay me down to dream, my love
My days have been so long
I need to rest upon your chest
I need to hear your song.

Lay me down to dream, I plead
My dreams have flown away
I cannot think or recall them
I don't know how to make them stay. 

But there within your gentle hands
And in your tender touch
Is every dream I've ever had
And all I love so much.

Pull me close there in your arms
And think of what I've said
Then when I'm calm, then lay your hands
Upon my weary head.

And transfer every dream in you
That you can give or spare
And send me to that land of dreams
Where I can meet you there.

I do not know the way, my love
I can't find it on my own
Bestow on me that precious gift
Known to yourself, alone.

I've traveled many miles, you know
On a recent treacherous route
And found myself in perilous places
With no one to lead me out.

But there were angels and there was you
And the good Lord up above
And He blessed me with a road map back
And a light made out of love.

And I've come back from darkest dark
With new missions, it does seem
But I need you now to sing me to sleep
And lay me down to dream.

©by Voo
June 8, 2019
7:47 a.m.


Monday, June 10, 2024

Timing Is Everything

Timing Is Everything

Silently, wordlessly.....
I walk behind you in the fog
And wait for you to pause
Long enough for me to catch up.

You stop and look furtively around
Jingling the coins in your pocket
And I see the frown you occasionally wear
When you think of me.

Seeing nothing in the mists,
You walk on, glancing up at the sky
And pulling the trench coat collar
Tighter around your throat.

You stumble over a stone
And utter an indecipherable oath
That I can't quite hear
And it makes me smile.

"Where are you?!" you shout out loud
And kick the stone out into the darkness
"How much more must I endure?" you ask
And I recognize my moment and rush forward.

"I'm right here, mon cher." I whisper
And slip my cold hand into your pocket
And into the warmth of your fingers
As they grasp mine in fear and trembling.

You twirl underneath the dim street lamp
And clouds of fog circle around us and between us
You make motions to disperse the mist
And stand there in stark disbelief and indescribable joy.

"Is it you?" you ask, reaching to touch my face
"Is it really you?" "Tell me it's you and not a dream."
And I back away and look into those eyes
That I have dreamed of melting into for evermore and always.

"It's really me, beloved." I whisper softly
"Can a dream do this?" and I stroke your cheek with my finger tips
"And can a dream do that?As I run my thumb over the outlines of your mouth
And leave it there upon your lips.

Time is suspended, stands still,
And we both wait to see if this is reality or fiction of the mind
Before we give in to the emotions that run rampant
Over, under, around and through us like mad things beyond control.

"There was a glitch in time." I say, 
"And I slipped through the veil when the time was right."
"Well, timing is everything." you murmur
And push a wayward curl behind my ear.

Somewhere in the distance 
A band begins to play in some elegant ballroom
And the music reaches our ears and swirls around us
And you bow and say, "May I have this dance, Princess?"

I take your hand and the touch of it sends currents through me
Your arm around my back, and we waltz as if on clouds
I cannot take my eyes from yours as we meld in that sweet embrace
Like warm honey spilling from an overturned bowl.

I hear you exhale and I exhale my own breath
Over your shoulder as my pulse runs wild
Tighter you pull me and your grasp is like steel
Yet the pain is delicious because I know you are real.

  ©by Voo
 Dec 28, 2018   
2 days before my birthday

I Feel You


I Feel You

I feel you

You're out there




Thinking of the days

When I was there


At the end of your day.

With a poem,

A song,

A bit of mischief

To make you smile.

You miss that

Don't you?

You miss it like hell

'Cause it was a little bit of heaven

Wasn't it?

©by Voo Voo

July 15, 2021


The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: NIGHT TRAIN TO THE STARS AT THE ALL NIGHT CAFE: click on Loop on the vid to keep soundtrack playing Night Train To The Stars At The All Night Cafe ...

The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: THE LONG NEON NIGHT one of my all time faves

The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: THE LONG NEON NIGHT one of my all time faves:

The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: LOOKING

The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: LOOKING: Looking (the beginning of a journey) Streets as dark as dark can get Skies as black as blackest jet I walk...

The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: UNBEKNOWNST TO ME

The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: UNBEKNOWNST TO ME: Unbeknownst To Me He stood there, musing As he often did About deep and wondrous things That only a poet could...

Saturday, June 1, 2024

I'll Still Be Loving You


Somewhere Here On Earth


Somewhere Here On Earth

Somewhere on Earth
Beneath this moon and star
You are waiting for my love
But I don't know where you are. 

Somewhere on Earth
Walking all alone
You're looking for that lover's heart
That you can call your own.

Longing for a tender kiss
Longing for a touch
Missing what you've never had
But missing it so much.

And somewhere here on Earth
Beneath that star and moon
I am hoping you'll find me
And that you'll find me soon.

And somewhere here on Earth
Walking all alone
I am searching for that heart
That I can call my home.

Longing for a sweet embrace
Longing for a touch
Never having kissed your mouth
But missing it so much.

Why must it be that on this Earth
We seek and search in vain
For joy that hides in shadows
And love we can't attain?

Why must it be such a lonely road
Between cruel death and birth
For those like us that alone traverse
While love's out there....... somewhere on Earth?

©by Voo Shining Stone
Feb 18, 2022
12:09 a.m.

The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: Unbound

The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: Unbound: Unbound When I am with you My soul is unbound I am free as a bird Flying high and unfound When I am with you I feel no fear I fear no troubl...

The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: Decomposing

The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: Decomposing:   Decomposing The songs don't come anymore The poems don't rhyme The clocks don't chime anymore They don't tell time..... Th...

The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: Sweet Sweet Jazz

The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: Sweet Sweet Jazz: Stop This Insanity by Gregory Porter and LaLa Hathaway SONG FOR YOU Donnie Hathaway Ribbon In The Sky Stevie Wonder Cantaloop( Flip Fantasia...