
Monday, September 25, 2017


Dreams That Cannot Die

Living life, that unswerving road, that follows no road map
We travel ever onward on past triumph and mishap
We stop at roadside flower stands and smell the rose's bloom
And buy ourselves some fragrance that begins to fade so soon.

We light a light there in the night 'twixt midnight and the dawn
We love the dark but more the spark that makes the darkness gone
We count off days in lovely ways but more oft than not, in gloom
And look for love to come our way but hardly make it room.

Our lives are busy, busy things, we breathe too fast to know
That death is always on our heels and needing fear to grow
We miss the sunsets in the west, sunrises in the east
And nibble tidbits here and there and miss out on the feast.

We do not learn, we only burn our energy in toil
And only grasp what has slipped past as we leave this mortal coil
We wonder why we cannot hear the song of birds so sweet
But the sound of birds and the poet's words are drowned out by our feet.

The music, the melody, the rhythm of dance, the symphony's refrain
The flute, the lute, the violin, the sound of pouring rain
The laughing child running free and wild, the heartbreak of a kiss
When we are old it's then we know that life is made of this.

Then aged heads will bow in sorrow, with weathered faces, sigh
And replay life that slipped away and dreams that cannot die
For life is not to be hurried through but savored as we live
And not a thing to be taken lightly but something that we give.

©by Voo
Jan 31, 2005 
2 a.m.
For Layne Longfellow

Saturday, September 23, 2017


No More Night

It's not that darkness is beautiful
Or that in it's embrace
You find an ecstasy that cannot
Be felt in any other realm

It's not that.............

It's not that darkness is alluring
Or that in it's seduction
You find a place to be your true self
Without inhibitions

It's not that............

It's not that darkness is magical
Or that in it's magic illusions live
And you can deceive yourself into believing
That they are real

It's not that...........

What it is and always has been
Is that darkness is a hiding for ugliness,
A veil shielding the monstrous
And a book cover hiding the mysteries

It's that and more...........

What it is and always has been
Is that darkness came before light
And continually follows it around
Like death follows life

Darkness is the candle snuffer,
The lips that blow out the sun,
The background that allows the moon
To shine forth it's borrowed and counterfeit light

It has it's music, it has that
But music made up of sounds and howls
And screams and streams of ghostly footsteps
Walking in night, searching for day

It's not that darkness is lovely
Or has a beauty all it's own
But by covering up the blemishes of this world
It appears to be

And that is why we love it
And always will
Until there is no more night.

©by Voo
Sept 23, 2017
3:23 p.m.

Saturday, September 16, 2017


                                  NOT ALONE by   PROTOTYPE