Saturday, January 2, 2021
Monday, December 14, 2020
Last Christmas 2020 (the end of life as we knew it) But i had no idea.......
💥Last Christmas💥
Twelve minutes past
It's raining
The streets are quiet
As they have been for months
Except for the rare passing through
Occasionally there is a gunshot
Some bored somebody
Trying to alleviate the boredom
Of this Corona-captured world
Perhaps even shooting to rid themselves
Of the once loved being
They can no longer tolerate
Due to forced, continual intimacy
Sad, really
Really sad what the world has become
Close distance romances
Have become long distanced now
And long distance loves never last
Love is being edited out of our vocabularies
And forced into extinction
Everyone has become Democrats or Republicans
Who hate one another
Intent only on winning the battle
And losing the war
I can't remember the last time
I heard children playing
Or running through the neighborhood, laughing
They are growing up chained to a computer,
Glazed-eyed in front of a screen
They don't know how to jump rope
Or play tag
They know something is very wrong
But they don't know what it is
And they are only allowed to ask pre-scripted questions
Groceries are being delivered now by strangers
And you are glad to get food you didn't pick out yourself
But what do you eat when the savings run out?
And when you die behind your shuttered windows,
Who will know?
My neighbor across the street lay there for a week
Before a family member ventured to visit
It broke my heart
I felt guilty but I didn't know
I didn't know anyone visited anymore
I didn't even know when they took him away
Or that he was gone
Until his daughter that I didn't know he had
Put a For Sale sign on his house
We are not neighbors anymore, here
Just spies and covid- tracers and Nazis in training
Dear God!
Is it really Christmas???
I see no colorful lights, hear no jingle bells, no carols
It is definitely Not
"The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year" this year
It's a year everyone is praying to end as quickly as possible
Knowing in our hearts that 2021 is going to be even worse
I'm not prophesying, merely making observations
2021 is the year 1984 was supposed to be but was delayed
We've been lulled back to sleep by the glow of our cell phones
And don't even hear the jack boots starting to march
And the cold de-humanized soldiers chomping at their bits
To begin the merciless fray they were designed for:
Order out of chaos
Death out of life
Life remade over in another God's image
Dear God!
Do You see what they are doing to this world?
Your world, Your Pride and Joy
It's becoming unrecognizable
I lay here, barely able to breathe,
Tears in my eyes, listening to the rain falling
On this cold December night, alone
And I wonder where I'll be next winter
Or if I'll be here
And I miss the madness and hustle and bustle
And fights and quarrels
And giving of gifts and disappointments and hurts
And fun and feasts and family and friends
That a year ago I took so for granted!
And I wish I could just experience again a little taste
Of what I had last Christmas......
God, help us!
©by Voo Shining Stone
Dec 14, 2020
12:46 a.m.