
Saturday, April 17, 2021

The Guardian and The Ghoul


Monday, March 25, 2019

Evil always wears a beautiful mask..............

Dark Magic Music
by Goetia
start now

The Guardian and the Ghoul
(a fairytale too true)

beneath the darkened moon
a black rose bloomed
and wolves began to howl
encroaching doom

and in the forest filled
with cold thick mist
the woman shivered
like she'd just been kissed

she'd lost her way
and couldn't find the path
but stumbled in when she thought
she'd heard a laugh

and so she had
but didn't know the source
and didn't know that laugh
had changed her course

for hidden there
'neath trees like a black cape
her fate awaited her
with no escape

she heard him breathing
ragged -like and slack
who's there? she called
but got no answer back

he watched her terror growing
by the minute
and smiled a smile
for he took pleasure in it

he saw her pale skin
glisten in the dark
he felt her blood go rushing
through her heart

he smelled the lilac
smell of her perfume
and breathed her in
impatient to consume

she didn't know the danger
waiting there
she didn't know the stranger
didn't care

she only knew her fear
had paralyzed
but not that she
was captured in his eyes

he watched her as she stumbled
in the trees
and slipped and fell
and tumbled to her knees

the moon was much too dark
to light her way
and the forest kept it's pact
to make her stay

they played with her
the man and the dark wood
the vines crept out to catch her
if they could

so many times, the forest
set a trap
to catch a pretty maiden
in it's lap

and held her there
until the man appeared
to save her but
became the thing she feared

and this one was no different
though more innocent than most
and so would be a delicious treat
to the forest and it's host

they watched her laugh in nervousness
and then they heard her cry
as she fought valiantly to find
a light up in the sky

and then on the ground the maiden sat
to think and catch her breath
she discerned how close she was to doom
to danger and to death

she prayed a prayer for guidance
she repented of her sins
she promised Jesus if rescue came
that she would make amends

and the vines withdrew their hold on her
and slunk back the way they came
and the forest turned it's head at that
for she had said the Name

and the man with lust within his eyes
cried out and groaned in pain
he knew the maiden would not be his
nor would she come again

for in an instance, bright light appeared
and pierced the gloom of night
and an angel came and gathered her
and took her from his sight

and just before light ebbed away
the angel turned to say
"you will not have this beloved one
so, ghoul, be on your way!"

so he crept into his cavern lair
and nursed his wounded pride
and curled into a ball of hurt
with no maiden by his side

and waited then for the next call
when the forest alerted him
that a maiden had wandered off the path
into the woods so dim

and he would watch her as she stumbled
and listen close to what she'd say
for if she did not say the Name
then she'd be his that day

the man, the ghoul, the evil one
in his lair of stones and sticks
always waiting for the lost
and up to his old tricks

he never changes, his tactics work
and always have, you see
how do I know this, you may ask
the maid who prayed that night was me

and so I tell my story
to all who'll hear my tale
so if you have the will to live
you'll hear and hear me well

the woods so dark, and the light so dim
detour the path that you are on
and if you never call the Name
you'll not find your way home

this world is full of creatures
that lie in wait for you
to take from you your breath and life
and discard you when they're through

don't stumble in the darkness
when there is light to shine
don't forget there is an angel watching
over you, friend, just like mine

he is waiting for the summons
to be sent from God above
to rescue you and help you through
and to prove to you you're loved

but the ghoul there in the forest waits
for he knows that few there be
that believe that angels wait to fly
to rescue foolish ones like me

and he rubs his hands, anticipating
as the clouds obscure the moon
as the wolves howl out their fearful songs
and the black roses start to bloom

he stands 'neath black trees like a cape
hidden from the eye
and he laughs his laugh to catch the ear
of the lost maiden passing by

shhh! the forest whispers out
as the ghoul sends forth his laugh
and the vines of sin begin to reel her in
from the safety of the path

and in his darkness, he devours
and casts her flesh away
and her spirit rises up to scream
but it can never run away

and the forest is filled with his victims
though he's long tired of their stale human taste
he will still carry on till the lost are all gone
while Heaven watches and mourns for the waste

so many angels sidelined
so many unemployed
that could be sent from Heaven
to rescue the devil's toys

for they can't come unless they're called
and they cannot rescue
the heirs of salvation to which they're assigned
God's own, like me and you

and the ghoul knows that
oh yes, he knows
and he lies to us
as he watches us grow

and he steals the faith 
out of our hearts
and steals our prayers
before we start

and he makes us believe
as we make our way home
that the dark evil forest
is where we belong

please listen to me now
the foolish, now schooled
if you don't call for the Guardian
you'll be devoured by the Ghoul.

the true face of the ghoul............

Darkness always runs from light.............

©by Voo
March 25, 2019
11:34 a.m.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Can't Go Back Home


Found On A Blue Green Sea


Found On A Blue-Green Sea

We sailed upon a blue-green sea
My love and I, that night
Beneath a moon of solid gold
And stars, silent and bright.

We clung to love with wanting arms
And spoke of things to come
Of fire and cold and growing old
And paths that lead to home.

We drank the night like it was wine
And whispered in the wind
Laughed at all the lonely years
And what almost could have been.

We'd found the faces we could love
In crowds of loveless hearts
And made our pact, no going back
To romantic stops and starts.

(Maybe love is magic
And maybe love is glue
And only love can mend the seams
Of a life that's torn in two.)

But in that lovely little ship
Beneath those stars so bright
We solved the mysteries of our lives
As we sailed into the light.

Sometimes we don't know who we are
Till in a lover's eyes we see
All we ever hoped and dreamed
And all that we could be.

We nestled down in harboring hearts
Like treasures found and kept
While wind and sea carried us to shore
And in arms of love, we slept.

©by Voo
Dec 1, 07
11:11 p.m.

The song that inspired the write
The Promise by Secret Garden
the most beautiful melody I ever heard.......