
Thursday, February 16, 2023

It Won't Be Tonight repost

Glen Hansard

It Won't Be Tonight

Standing on the precipice
That steep and craggy cliff that draws my wounded soul
I heard my heart 
             Urging me to jump......................
Whispered urging that turned to loud command
Loud command that turned to plea
That drowned out reason
                     And slowly deafened me.

I put my hands upon my ears
Like a blind man wearing glasses
When he has no eyes at all
Trying to block the scream
While begging for the fall.

I didn't want to love you
I didn't want to care............
I didn't want to see that face
That form that's standing there

I didn't want......
                     I didn't want
I didn't want your charms
            Now look at me, a tangled mess
Uncradled by your arms..............

You threw me away
          And I came back.............
I left you before you could do it again
You searched for me
                And took me home
Tell me why are we lovers
When we cannot be friends???

We can't even be in the same room
Without tearing each other apart
We love and we lust......
When we don't even trust.....
And all we do is break each other's hearts.

This need of you is madness
Why can't I let you be?
You cannot live without me
And you can't live with me.

That bed, it is our battlefield.....
For our wars.... one after the next
We love and cry
               We love and we die
For this wild and wounding sex.

And when we've licked our wounds
And mended..............
The heart bruise and the sore...
The passion that cannot be tamed
Soon calls us back for more.

And you hurt me and I hate you
                  But I love it more than life
Craving every wayward bullet......
Every slicing of the knife.

Then your dark eyes beg me to devour
As you give yourself to me
Lying helpless in your needing 
             And not wanting to be free.

We've run away so many times..... 
           Battered victims of love's thumps
 And both have stood on that precipice
                      But no one ever jumps.............

We only turn around and run back to  
  The next sweet and savage fight
            Swearing this mad love has got to end!
And knowing it won't be tonight.

©By Voo
       the mad poet
      who cannot run away.....


Wednesday, February 15, 2023

The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: SO I MARRIED A PIRATE AND A PARROT

The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: SO I MARRIED A PIRATE AND A PARROT:                                   SO I MARRIED A PIRATE                                                                 AND A...

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Because Of You


Because of You

There are days when roses seem sweeter
The sun shines brighter
And the roads you walk on
Rise up to meet your feet and glide you along.

There are nights when the moon sings
And silver stars shoot across the celestial canvas
Birds stay up just to croon you lullabies
And the world is a sweet and jubilant place.

I never knew that place before
I never felt like I could touch the heavens
Dance on daylight and run with the rain
Until now, because now, there's you.

All you have to do is smile
All you have to do is reach
All you have to do is be
And Earth becomes Eden.

If I could write you a love song
All the lyrics would be 'you'
If I could paint portraits
All the faces would be yours.

If I could write you a book
All the stories would be unending
If I could inspire you with dreams
All the dreams would come true.

For these are the things
That you've given to me
These are the joys
That now decorate my days.

Because of you
Because of you
The sun shines brighter
Because of you.

©by Voo
Feb 24, 08

Sweet Baby by Prince my fave by him