
Saturday, June 10, 2023

Man Of Contradictions


(The Man of 

I loved a man of contradictions
Who none of his promises kept
He wrote pages of poetry about wiping my tears
But he was the reason I wept.

I told him all about myself
My dreams, my fears, my hope
But when I queried a simple question
With that he could not cope.

He wrote of gods and goddesses
Of Poseidon under the sea
He wrote long poems about mists and mysteries
But few of his love for me.

And if he did, it was a series
Of questions without end
That took you down such winding roads
And back where they'd begin.

And you never got an answer
To any question asked
Not about the future
And not about the past.

The more you learned, the less you knew
And life went on the same
And all  you knew at the end of the day
Was his last and given name.

Oh, he could tell you about magic
Or Medusa with snakes in her hair
And he could write books about  Lilith's good looks
But about him, he had little to share.

Such a contradiction, was this man
Always secretly, carefully contained
He could charm and be bold till the unknown turned you cold
He could obtain love but could not love sustain.

He didn't lie but didn't tell you the truth
He just omitted all the everyday facts
We'd talk for hours about joy and pain
But I never knew the man behind the mask.

How can you love a man that you don't really know?
How can you long for one who can't seem to care?
How can you believe he'll ever be there for you 
When every time you turn 'round, he's not there.

The man of contradictions
The darkness and the light
Rolled into one, the fear and the fun
But only real in the dreams of the night.

I never was sure where I stood 
Never was sure how he felt
He seemed to think I should  just be so happy
With the mysterious cards that he dealt.

But I was never happy
And never satisfied
For he never gave me enough to be
And the gulf was always wide.

His joy could be contagious
And you hoped that it was true
Then from out of nowhere in the blink of an eye
He'd turn and blindside you.

And you never saw it coming
Or knew from whence it came
You wondered what on earth you'd done
And why you felt such shame.

Eggshells were the carpets you walked on
You had to tread so light
Because you never knew what made
His sunshine turn to night.

I loved him, oh, I loved him!
With all my heart and soul
But I never was a priority
A need, desire or goal.

I don't know what I meant to him
If indeed, meant any thing
In light of the way it all fell away
When I woke from that indecipherable dream.

The man of contradictions 
And complexities so deep
He'll never share his heart with me 
And his secrets will always keep.

Our love will fade into the mist
Like a cloud into the blue
And none of the dreams I shared with him
Will I ever see come true.

I stood and I waited, he walked away
I wanted the joy, and he chose the woe
God put together what his fear tore asunder
And that fairytale ending now, we'll never know.

©by Voo Shining Stone


Friday, June 9, 2023

Look At You... poem I wrote for Leonard Cohen yrs ago


Look At You

You said you'd never smile again
After surviving the wars of love
Coming out on the other side wounded
And haunted by the ghosts of pain.

Don't look at me, you said, I'm half a man
I'm crippled and scarred
And you are still beautiful
No one can mend me now.

But I didn't listen or take heed to your
I loved you till you hated me and loved
Me once again.

Now, look at you, you're laughing
Your scars unseen
Your heart healed
In the patience of my tender hands.

Look at you, my love
My tenacity has worked a miracle
My stubborn hope
Has given you back your smile.

©by Voo
Jan 7, 05
7:30 p.m.

For my beloved Leonard

The Only one For Me


The Only One For Me by John Trudell

The Only One For Me

You're my prayer's answer
My song's refrain
My cloud, my sky, my sun and rain

You are my passion
My heart's desire
My night, my day, my warming fire

You are my sweetness
My spirit's soar
My dance, my music, my reason for

You are my light
My soul's embrace
My other self that wears your face

You are my treasure
My hidden gold
My wealth, the depth, cannot be told

You are my blessing
My greatest gift
My joy that gives this life a lift

You are my lover
My dearest friend
My best companion that's ever been

You are my heart
My need to be 
My love till ends eternity

You are the only one for me.

©By Voo
Sept 19, 2010   
1:45 a.m.