Love was my alibi
by Kris Fogelmark
by Kris Fogelmark
Love Was Our Alibi
(a true fable for the ages)
Love was our alibi
And our defense................
Even as the world spun backwards
And made no sense
Love was our reason
And our excuse............
Even as the stars fell down
When the dark sky set them loose
Love was our motive
And our refrain
Even as the sun's rays sputtered out
And drowned in rain
Love was our security
And our hope
Even as the bravest man cried
And said he could not cope
Love lifted us
When we had fallen down
Picked us up in hands of angels
As we lay on the ground
Sat our feet on solid rock
Until we knew
That I could walk again
And run to you
And as I ran
I saw the darkness flee
For light shone there before you
As you ran to me
And as the world around us
Crashed and burned
We knew we could rebuild again
From all we'd learned
The long long days of solitude
Were now gone
And once again our hearts
Had found their home
But we were captured then
We couldn't stay
But pulled off of the Earth
To a vast place far away
The dark ones that held us prisoner
Looked and sighed
And acknowledged we were guiltless
As they cried
Our crimes were thrown forgotten
In the sea
They could separate us no longer
You and me
For we had earned our entrance
To Heaven's gate
And proved ourselves steadfast
As those who wait
To once again, unite
In love's embrace
And see at last the joy
Shine on the face
Of each of us
The criminals, once named
Who dared to love
When love was to be blamed
They had brought us to the judges
Of the skies
And demanded to be told
Our alibis
And as we stood, in chains
With quivering lips
They questioned us with words
That felt like whips
But we could not defend
Ourselves with lies
We hung our heads
And said," Our alibis
Are only love
And love alone, it's true
It is the reason for all things
We do"
And to our shock
We watched in awe, aghast
As our chains fell off
And we stood free at last
The judges smiled and nodded
As we knelt
In one another's arms
As Heaven wept
"You've learned the truth of truth"
(a true fable for the ages)
Love was our alibi
And our defense................
Even as the world spun backwards
And made no sense
Love was our reason
And our excuse............
Even as the stars fell down
When the dark sky set them loose
Love was our motive
And our refrain
Even as the sun's rays sputtered out
And drowned in rain
Love was our security
And our hope
Even as the bravest man cried
And said he could not cope
Love lifted us
When we had fallen down
Picked us up in hands of angels
As we lay on the ground
Sat our feet on solid rock
Until we knew
That I could walk again
And run to you
And as I ran
I saw the darkness flee
For light shone there before you
As you ran to me
And as the world around us
Crashed and burned
We knew we could rebuild again
From all we'd learned
The long long days of solitude
Were now gone
And once again our hearts
Had found their home
But we were captured then
We couldn't stay
But pulled off of the Earth
To a vast place far away
The dark ones that held us prisoner
Looked and sighed
And acknowledged we were guiltless
As they cried
Our crimes were thrown forgotten
In the sea
They could separate us no longer
You and me
For we had earned our entrance
To Heaven's gate
And proved ourselves steadfast
As those who wait
To once again, unite
In love's embrace
And see at last the joy
Shine on the face
Of each of us
The criminals, once named
Who dared to love
When love was to be blamed
They had brought us to the judges
Of the skies
And demanded to be told
Our alibis
And as we stood, in chains
With quivering lips
They questioned us with words
That felt like whips
But we could not defend
Ourselves with lies
We hung our heads
And said," Our alibis
Are only love
And love alone, it's true
It is the reason for all things
We do"
And to our shock
We watched in awe, aghast
As our chains fell off
And we stood free at last
The judges smiled and nodded
As we knelt
In one another's arms
As Heaven wept
"You've learned the truth of truth"
They said..."To live
And learned so well
Your freedom we must give"
"How few of men
Have learned the reason why
For life bestowed
And lived beneath the sky"
And the dark ones flew away
To others find
That did not know the truth
In heart and mind
They could not deceive the ones
That knew the Light
And walked in it
And not the evil Night
For only love is answer
Good enough
To every question asked
And to rebuff
Love, alone the reason
For it all
For every rise to summit
And to fall
Love, alone can mend
The shattered heart
The stopping of it's beating
And it's start
For man was made to love
And then to die
And take his treasures with him
Past the sky
To give them to the One
Who made it all
Who made the ear
To listen for His call
For no other reason
Will He justify
The things you do on earth
Beneath the sky
But only love can free you
From the cell
Of selfishness and sin:
Your self made hell
For Heaven knows
What you must learn in time
That love must be the motive
For your 'crimes'
These crimes that are no crimes
Except to man
Who thinks he holds the world
Within his hand
But his hands are empty
And his heart and eye
And he will not accept love
As a reason why
But to the One who made
The sky and sand
It is the only reason He made
To love and learn to love
Before he dies
And for every act he does
And all he tries
The motivation of his heart
And soul
To love and be loved in return:
His goal
What's done in love, pure love
Is not a crime
And will be thus rewarded
There in time
(So let our story teach you
Of this truth
And let our joy and glory
Be your proof
This book of truth you read now
With your eye
Will set you free if
Love's your alibi
For no chain can bind you
When love has freed you thus
So take our hands
And run there now with with us
To Heaven where there is
No shame to bear
And you breathe in love and joy
Like it was air
And we will look on Earth
(Our former ground)
And watch the lost still seeking
What we've found.)

©by VooShiningStone
March 24, 2019
4:40 p.m.
and though man and devil
can not understand
God will and those He holds there
In His hands............
And truth will find you

And learned so well
Your freedom we must give"
"How few of men
Have learned the reason why
For life bestowed
And lived beneath the sky"
And the dark ones flew away
To others find
That did not know the truth
In heart and mind
They could not deceive the ones
That knew the Light
And walked in it
And not the evil Night
For only love is answer
Good enough
To every question asked
And to rebuff
Love, alone the reason
For it all
For every rise to summit
And to fall
Love, alone can mend
The shattered heart
The stopping of it's beating
And it's start
For man was made to love
And then to die
And take his treasures with him
Past the sky
To give them to the One
Who made it all
Who made the ear
To listen for His call
For no other reason
Will He justify
The things you do on earth
Beneath the sky
But only love can free you
From the cell
Of selfishness and sin:
Your self made hell
For Heaven knows
What you must learn in time
That love must be the motive
For your 'crimes'
These crimes that are no crimes
Except to man
Who thinks he holds the world
Within his hand
But his hands are empty
And his heart and eye
And he will not accept love
As a reason why
But to the One who made
The sky and sand
It is the only reason He made
To love and learn to love
Before he dies
And for every act he does
And all he tries
The motivation of his heart
And soul
To love and be loved in return:
His goal
What's done in love, pure love
Is not a crime
And will be thus rewarded
There in time
(So let our story teach you
Of this truth
And let our joy and glory
Be your proof
This book of truth you read now
With your eye
Will set you free if
Love's your alibi
For no chain can bind you
When love has freed you thus
So take our hands
And run there now with with us
To Heaven where there is
No shame to bear
And you breathe in love and joy
Like it was air
And we will look on Earth
(Our former ground)
And watch the lost still seeking
What we've found.)

©by VooShiningStone
March 24, 2019
4:40 p.m.
and though man and devil
can not understand
God will and those He holds there
In His hands............
And truth will find you