
Friday, October 23, 2020

As The Night Writes Us It's Song

As The Night Writes Us It's Song

I want you like I need you
I need you like I love
I love you like the ground below
And like the sky above

I feel you in the twilight
Like soft sand 'neath my feet
Coming through the atmosphere
And there my heart to meet

Touching me with just your eyes
Devouring with your glance
You reach for me as your soul sings
And pulls me close to dance

The day, forgotten, the night, awaits
And loneliness is gone
We kiss, we love, we touch, we sing
As the night writes us it's song

©by Voo
just this moment
March 27, 2018
11:42 a.m.


Sunday, October 18, 2020


painting of The Voo by M.Adams

V   O     O    I     S     M   S

(A literary lesson for the masses)

Voonatarian:       A believer in Voo

Spoovooky:    Voo's gothic poetry (and/ or Voo in general)

Vooism:          The distinctive doctrine or theory of Voo

                           (as explained by D'Sal who is in the process

                            of writing a 20 volume set on the subject)

Vooisms:    Nutty sayings pertaining to

                        or invented by Voo or people who

                        know Voo i.e.: the unique and

                        bizarre words and mannerisms

                        attributed to Voo aka Voo Voo 

                        aka  Voo Shining Stone

                        aka Capt. Princess Voo


House Of Voo:   Where Voo lives 

Voonatic:      The ultimate definition of a Voo Fan


Voo Doo:   What Voo don't do and won't do

 Voodle-loo:   Voo's version of "Toodle-loo!"

Vooyeurism:   The act of or habit of watching Voo

                               ( also known as stalking) or desperate

                                need for a life or Pay- Per- View

                                (only $29.95 per showing)

Voo’ology:         The complete and comprehensive

                                study of Voo (same thing, really)

Voo’nded:         It’s what you feel like after Voo

                               has finished wringing your neck

Voondicated:     When Voo pronounces you free

Abso’Voo’tely:   What Voo says when she gives you the approval 

                                   concerning something

Vooishness:      Needs no explanation

Revooked:       To be severely canceled or invalidated by Voo.

                             (can also be used as a term for a severe talking to

                             by Voo) Can be used interchangeably as rebuked

                             or revoked. Neither one is good for your ego

Edvoodication:    To be educated with such a great magnitude 

                                 of wisdom by  The Voo! ( What Voo don't know

                                 aint worth knowing!)

Vooification:      Many have tried, many have failed. There is only one Voo

                                  Never be another one no matter how you  try. Don't 

                                  throw your money away on those courses, brain

                                   transplants and plastic surgeries.

 Vookie:                 One  of Voo's favorite alien races in Star Wars.

Darth Vooder:     Star Wars character Voo hates

Voosionary:          A person who tries to predict and see things

                                    as though they were Voo

Voorizon:               That faraway place that Voo occupies

Voooooo!!!!            A cheer Voo's fans do when we read her creations

                                     (sounds like Boo but it's not)

Voo-bee-doo-bee-doo:  Ditty Frank Sinatra's ghost sings to and

                                                     about Voo this time of year

E’Voo’nescent:    What happens when you become

                                    just a memory to  Voo                                           

Voodeo:                A  VHS tape, recording or DVD of Voo

                                 doing what she  does best! 

                                 (whatever that is)

                                 ahem...... Everything!!!

AdVoo’saries:   Voo’s opponents!  You can’t win fighting the Voo

                                 Give up now and be nice  while you still live

Voonacular:  The language or dialect spoken by Voo

Voo’cabulary:   A linguistic form of Voo used by “The Voo”

Con’Voo’sation:    A general chat with Voo

Comvooter:      A mysterious, all knowing invention by the Voo.

                              You can't outsmart it...unless you're  the Voo

De’Voo’nition:   A statement or meaning of a word

                                  as stated by  Voo                       

Voolio:   A name Voo takes on when she’s 

                 in Spain or  Mexico.  

                ??? (really, D'Sal?!)  (that's pitiful)

                  I don't find that avoosing, D'Sal!  😜

Avoosing:    When Voo finds something funny or entertaining.

AdVoo’nture:   What Voo takes you on....sometimes on a whim!

                               sometimes against your will

Vavavoom:     What the boys say when Voo walks in the room

Vooey-ooey:    When there's nothing else you can say

The Mona Voo:    A rip off of  the Mona Lisa painting

                                   except it's of Voo and not famous

                                   (see paintings on this page)

VooCoo:   The amount of what Voo gives you

                     when she  feels generous

                     (Oh? And when was that??)

                     (and what is a Coo???) beaucoup??

Bravoo:  Highest form of praise you can receive from Voo

                   Or that you can give Voo  (besides  Ilovevoo)

Voo’thetic :        What you are when you disgust Voo 

Voo’licious:        Tasty! Part of the linguistics of Voo

                                 (What the hel...heck, D'Sal?)

Voo Shakalaka:   Crap D'Sal makes up in his spare time

                                   (also a much requested dance Voo does)

Voo'ry:                  Very, very  Vooey

Voo’ling :             What Voo does 

                                 Un-or In-tentionally

Vools:              Men who have fallen for Voo

                           (And/or left or lost Voo)

                           (Men, in general)


  Vooled:       The act of being duped by the Voo

                         (yeah, well, there are no living witnesses)

Voodalized :   When you’re  highly thought of by Voo

                              (not to be convoosed with vandalized)

Convoosed:   Voo's  usual mentality


 French Voodle:     Voo’s favorite dog


                                      (I had no idea)

Voo’Sal :                  D’Sal’s Friend

                                    (D'Sal who??)

PeekaVoo:       When Voo spots you from behind her couch

                             (I think I would probably

                              be saying more  than that!         

                              (and holding a gun)

Voo’gabond :   What you become when Voo kicks you out into the street

ObVoo’ous :    A clear understanding of Voo .....

                             (Has not become clear to anyone yet

                             So still clearly obvoo'ous)

Voo’sic :   Beautiful vocal or instrumental sounds that Voo

                    listens to or makes depending on her mood.

                    What you can make together if you’re in harmony with Voo

Voo’sical :   (This one has been censored*   lol

                         Put on your zombie boots, D'Sal...

                         You're a dead man!

EVoo’tistical :  What Voo calls you when you’re full of yourself

Chicken Voodle soup :   Voo’s favorite dish when she’s under 

                                                the weather  (with or without chicken)


Voodles and voodles:      Many and lots

Contrivootions:               Things Voo contrivoots

ChickaVoo:    A  pet name given to you by Voo

                           (yeah, if you're a chicken!)

Voo’sterious:      The atmosphere surrounding Voo

                                  an air of mystery, otherworldliness,

                                  high strangeness or state of being

                                  when referring to Voo

                                  (I beg your say what???!!)

Voo’latile:  When Voo gets very upset

                         and the atmosphere is not

                         conducive to a friendly conversation

                        (yeah, you ain't seen voo'latile till you seen

                         ME get voo'latile!!!) You better Run!!!!!

Voombie : 

                      What you become when

                      Voo beats you to within  an inch of your life,

                      And then takes that  inch!

  FYI:  I hates zombies!!!) If you become a zombie, you

   better git! I will run over you with a bull dozer!


Please leave your Vooisms in the comments

and I shall add them posthaste to the list! 

There will be a pop quiz sometime before 2020

is over so that this voopid year will be complete.

(I hate this voopid year!)

 Be ready!

A Voo Creation
(with the help of my crazy friends on MEWE
and other asylums and sanitariums
and caves and other planets........and Kentucky
and Donegal.
Destiny Rose (who started it all) David (D'Sal),
T-Wayne (Who came up with "Vooniverse"
and many others........Patrick McDo for the sweet "My Voo"
ya big lug nut.....
A special thanks to my friend Mike who
gave me the name VooBear years ago.
thank you!!!! And thank you David
for writing the dictionary of my life!!!
You know me so well. (well, one of my personalities)
You will forgive my smart a-- responses
to some of your personal definitions, I'm sure. LOL
A big  Hell, Yeah! to my delightfully demented though
highly talented and entertaining friend Tom B.
(otherwise known as Tom B. Ozo, thanks to me)
for his recent contrivootions to the list.
If I have not given you your very own Voo-Name,
you have not yet begun to live or made me adore or
despise you enough to do so.  Think about it. 😏

We're all a bunch of "Voony Toons"

The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: 
 Voo's current blog that you are on currently: Duh!!!!  

 Voo's Me We page that you are not currently on


Oh, yeah, now I remember.......!!!

"Cause you never know?"

Thank you for visiting
Ya'll come back now, 'hear??

Music For Plants...Check it out. 
It might just grow on you...😂

Creation du Monde-Vangelis 
put on full screen.......

And God said:  Let there be Voo and Voo was........

Sound of Silence