
Thursday, March 31, 2022

The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: GAINS AND LOSSES

The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: GAINS AND LOSSES: Gains and Losses In the game of life, we lose a lot Much more than we gain And spend half our time out of our minds An...

Floors Made Of Fire


Floors Made Of  Fire

An effigy, they tell me, is not the real thing

But a stand-in for a man

A made from rags or straw or resin

Rolled up newspapers or bits of paper

Kind of doll-thing with no soul.

It's symbolic of something hated

Something they want to destroy but haven't

The guts to destroy

And so they burn the effigy.

It makes them look like big bad terrorists

When they are only simpering cowards

Holding torches and shouting words

That pierce the heart like swords.

Fire should be saved for cold winter nights

Fire should be savored as a life giving gift

Fire should be kept in a locked deep stone box

And shared among frozen friends.

But there are those that deserve the fire

And not for warmth and not for life

But because their hearts are filled with hell

Effigies of men-without-souls shall be given to the flame. 

To dance alone, eternally burning

On floors made of fire


To dance alone, eternally burning

On floors made of fire


by voo

July 16, 07

The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: WORDLESSLY

The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: WORDLESSLY:  I Can't Make You Love Me Wordlessly Wordlessly, I speak volumes To the deafness of your heart I tell you how I miss you Whe...

The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: Slip Through The Portal

The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: Slip Through The Portal: I Can't Stay Away From You Instrumental Slip Through The Portal Slip through the portal tonight in your dream...

The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: ALREADY THERE a prose poem full of odds and ends

The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: ALREADY THERE a prose poem full of odds and ends: Already There Walking through life We stumble sometimes Upon unlocked doors...... And we hesitate, wondering If...