
Tuesday, March 31, 2020



O, ye of many questions
How thou dost annoy me
With thy never ending fountain
Of mellifluous, yet provocative
Interrogations and inquiries.

Lo, I am weak from illness
But more than that, from perusing
All thy probings
Of my cranial gray matter
And the subsequent headaches.

Alas and alack!
When God created thee
Out of the miry clay
Surely He didn't mean
To fill thy head with
This virtual multitude
Of endless questions.

But then He blessed thee
With so much of so many things
Not the least of which
Is thy charm and tenderness
Not to mention 
The sweetest lips in all of creation
And for that gift alone, 
I can forgive thee of all
Thy aggravations.

Indeed, my prince
And Knower-of-the-Unknown
I would venture to say
That with thy flowery prose
Of yesteryear
Thou would surely maketh
Even Keats and Shakespeare
Throw down their quills
And give up any notion of
Ever being a poet.

Not to mention discouraging
D.L. Lawrence to stop
In the middle of writing Lady Chatterley's Lover
And confess that he cannot compare
To the erotic mysterious odes 
To love and sex that thy hands
And imagination have wrought.

Indeed, again,
My wandering troubadour
Thy words are like a enigmatic road map
To unknown territories and unseen delights
Spread out over the page for me to follow
Not knowing if it is true what thou hast written
Or just the act of throwing words together 
With no thought at all but follow blindly I must.

And as to thy latest batch 
Of questions, questions, questions......
Asked by thyself and also myself
From the depths of my wondering heart
After much deliberation and sincere
Searching of soul............
I must give thee the answer to every question
Both large and small that thou hast asked
And it is simply this:
Yes, yes, a thousand times, yes!

©by Voo
May 3, 2019
3:15 a.m.


Questions by Bamboo

Monday, March 30, 2020

Some Really Great Out Of The Box Music

Great Music is out there
If you just look for it.....

this is a good friend of mine, Gary Swan

me and Gary at a photo booth
cutting up

my friend Justin losing his mind
after losing his family

the same man after receiving his miracle

Indian country music?????
oh yeah

I love this so much

JT and Linda Make a Hit Record repost

Video I made of me and my friends making a recording
in J.T.'s home studio...........
It turned out better than this video but this was
fun to make. The black guy on the guitar in disguise
is a member of my family.
The radioactive pair singing is me and Chuck. Several shots of Linda
and J.T. and miscellaneous pics of people I do not know
but thought were funny.....
Filmed in upstate New York.
They recorded over 30 songs, some of which I wrote.

This is me and my buddy/prayer partner
Chuck as seen in the video. We are singing
a song I wrote at a church we used to go to,
My ex husband was also there that night in
the audience.........

Precious Things Broken

Precious Things, Broken

Like a jar of clay, cracked
My life has spilled out before you
Floods of tears have flowed like rivers
And still they do not stop.

Why, Lord? I ask and ask again
And You haven't deemed to answer
I look to see Your face
Where it's always been before.

And there is nothing but a shadow
Of the joys of yesterday
Nothing but a whisper
Of the love songs that were played.

Why, Lord? Why?
Why these endless tests and trials
These mazes with no doors?
These sad rooms with no floors?

Yesterday, I thought I'd won the battle
I thought I'd run the course
I thought I'd made You proud of me
I thought I'd get to rest.

And then without warning,
The sky fell down, the sea arose
The sun turned black
And nothing, nothing, made sense anymore.

Every time I grow up
I become a child again
Every time I am free
I become entangled with sorrow.

You know my heart
You know how I think and how I feel
You know who I am and who I'll never be
You know me, Lord! Don't You?

I thought I knew who I was,  at last
And where I was going 
And what I was going to do for You
But now I  see nothing and know even less.

How can a mortal die a thousand deaths
And still survive?
How can a heart keep beating
When it no longer has a life?

If I were an alabaster box, Lord
I could pour out
A fragrance fit to wash Your feet
But there is nothing in me now that's sweet.

I am a crushed red rose lying on a road
And all the enemies I ever had
Are marching over me, laughing
Taunting me, saying, "Where's your God?!"

And I'll admit: I don't know where You are
Not now, not since......this...this....test
That I have so obviously failed
Again for the millionth time.

Yesterday I had the faith to move mountains
Yesterday I had the fire shut up in my bones
Yesterday I had the tongue of a preacher
And my lips were as the pen of a ready writer.

But all the words are gone
Dried up like dust in an abandoned mine
And the spark inside me is so low
I can't even see it in the dark.

Lord, help me!!!! Hear my heart!
Give me back Your presence
And the safety of Your wings
I am tossed to and fro like a sparrow's feather.

A sparrow, that's what You called me
And that's all I ever wanted to be
A baby bird growing to maturity
Under Your care and the shelter of Your love.

I didn't think I could ever hurt like this again
I didn't think You'd ever allow it
But You did, You did and I don't know what to do now
I don't know how to feel because I no longer feel...You.

Are You watching me from somewhere up there in Heaven?
Are You putting these words in my mind
And making me write them down?
Or is this the only way I have to cry out to You?

Everything I have ever loved has been taken, Lord!
Every safety net has been pulled out from under me
Every thing I trusted in has stabbed me in the back
And every hope I had has fled away in destitution.

Why, Lord? Why? I thought the wheel had stopped
And I had been remade enough to make the grade
All those years of polishing, refinishing, refining
And yet here I am again in a pile of broken plates.

All those precious things..............
All the people I loved.....
All the prayers I prayed.....
All broken now and scattered to the wind, unanswered.

And even now, Lord, I love You enough to say
Let me come home, let me be where You are
Let me lay every broken thing in my life, in me
At Your feet, at the only place that they can be made whole.

©by Voo
Jan 20, 2015
12:55 a.m.

Falling Slowly by Brian Crain

Sunday, March 29, 2020


Sunday, August 25, 2019


When I am with you
My soul is unbound
I am free as a bird
Flying high and unfound

When I am with you
I feel no fear
I fear no trouble
If I know you're near

When I am with you
I love without terms
I live to teach you
I live to learn

When I am with you
My soul soars so high
And no one can hurt me
Or make me to cry

When I am with you
I burn with your fire
Take you inside me
And feel your desire

When I am with you
My heart feels at rest
I sleep like a baby
With my head on your chest

When I am with you
I'm up, never down
Your love sets me free
Unfettered, unbound.

Unbound like the wild wind
Unbound like the sea
Like an eagle in blue skies
When you are with me

When I am with you
I do not touch the ground
For I'm no longer mortal
But a spirit unbound

And you are my true love
Just as wild and as free
Unbound and un-tethered
When you are with me.

©By Voo
Aug 25, 2019
12:50 p.m.