ust 16, 2019
We met on April 14th at midnight at an elegant formal party
On an ancient estate high upon a hill beyond a dense dark forest
Where no bird sang nor fox ran or bear prowled
We did not know our host nor did we know why we had been invited.
We were young and foolish and careless
As only the young can be as they explore the nooks and crannies of life
Tasting this, trying that, learning of love and lust
And what the finding and the losing of both can do to one's soul.
We were beautiful, still innocent, un-jaded
By the hands of men and lecherous hearts
We still sang in the mornings and prayed in the evenings
Before we went to beds alone and dreamed of love and wanting.
We didn't know what lay before us or we would have never gone
No, that's not quite right, we would like to think we would not have gone
But we were too heady with anticipation of the ball
And thrilled that we'd been asked.
We were like sheep to the slaughter led by our trusting natures
Because we had not yet discovered that there was any other kind
Our mothers had taught us to be obedient to our elders, kind to strangers,
And respectful of our betters and you were a good boy and I, a good girl.
There! The scene is set! We are at the ball in the dark castle on top of the hill
We are glorious in our elegant clothes and youthful faces
We are eager to raise our champagne glasses and eat our fill of feast
And wonder whose faces are hidden underneath the intricate masks.
We think we are so mature and worldly but we don't have a clue
And when that night is over, we will pray to wake up in our own beds
And find that it has all been just a dream
We will pray that we can forget and that God will forgive.
To be continued......................