
Saturday, February 25, 2017


As The Music Drowns

Baby, I hear the tears in your voice
Even though you’re trying to be brave
There on the other end of the phone.

I know you’re sitting there
In the dark as usual
Wearing pajama bottoms and those old socks.

I listen to what you say
And to what you’re not saying
And I keep my silence until you’re through.

You have no idea how much I love you
How I’d like to put my arms around you
And hold you till the pain stops.

I’m just the girl next door,
Your best buddy,
Your sounding board and listening post.

I know you better
Than you know yourself
And I still love you enough to die for you.

I hear you get up and put on a record
Not an impersonal CD
But a scratched up old album from The Goodwill.

Well, I won’t take up any more of your time, you say
And still hold onto the phone
Like it’s a lifeline in the sea of loneliness.

You can call me anytime, I whisper softly
As I lie there looking out my window
And down at your shadow in a dim hall light.

Damn those girls that break your heart!
They have no idea how good and fine and sweet you are!
They have no idea.

But I do. I do.
And I wipe the tears from my face
As Solomon Burke starts to sing the song of my heart.

I’m a man! you say angrily into the phone
(Like you’re trying to convince somebody, maybe yourself)
I’ve been hurt before, I’m not going to cry over it.

It’s okay, I answer softly
Knowing you’re not really even listening
It’s alright to cry sometimes.

Then you hang up the phone
And turn the stereo up real high
And I lie there in the dark alone as the music drowns out our tears.

©By Voo
Dec 08, 08
2:12 a.m.

Cry To Me by Solomon Burke, 
the song playing on the record player