
Saturday, August 20, 2022

Like Evangeline


Like Evangeline

Like Evangeline I will search for you henceforth

Through dream and world and life and death and beyond

Through valleys low echoing with my calls 

And mountain peaks shouting back my cries

I will go on and I will not lose hope........

The birds may take my pleas to you in pity

The wolf may howl my heart song in the night

But I will never stop my journey towards you

I will not concede my loss and fight.

The world is not so large a place that you are lost forever

In it's jungles, streets, it's woodlands and it's glens

The eye of my heart will surely find your hiding place

And joy will overflow me once again.

I search, though foot weary and soul tired

I search, though humbled by the lack of sight

Very little in the way of clues has guided me thus far

But still, I look for you, my love, and I swear, will not turn back!

And if, like Evangeline, I find you there at death's door, waiting

I will not say that my journey was fruitless or call the searching

Wasteful of my life.......

I will say, as that one did, in anguish and in joy incomprehensible:

Father, thank You for the beating heart that beat in time with mine

And for the warmth that slipped away to cold there in my hands 

The love I felt one last sweet time as sweet as that I bear you now.

Still searching, still looking, still walking.......

The roads of the earth that will, one day, lead me back to you.

©by Voo

Feb 9 2005

10:30 p.m.

To Love Somebody


Bring Us Together


Hands To Heaven


Islands In The Stream