
Monday, February 13, 2017


The Pursuit

What would you give me for sunshine? he asked

And I said, I didn't know
As I stood in the rain and drowned in the pain
My eyes full of wistful and woe.

What would you give me for starshine? he asked

And I said, I didn't know
As I walked in the cold frozen white of the snow
With a million more miles to go.

What would you give me for roses? he asked

And I said, I didn't know
As I fell in the fever of the hot desert sand
And the night dropped to forty below.

What would you give me for solace? he asked

And I said, I didn't know
As I knelt in the gleam of the moon on the stream
My burning feet grateful below.

What would you give me for love? he asked

And I said, I didn't know
As I lifted my face to the stranger's embrace
My heart leapt and his answers told.

 ©by Voo
May 23, 2007
1:25 a.m.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting! I met a strange young woman once and was smitten by her forwardness….. she seemed to want to know more about me …and she had never met me! ….she asked quite a number of questions in the beginning…… what’s your name? What do you like to do? Do you dance? Are you with someone right now? What do you think of romance? …….. all the while she sat next to me as we talked……. I found bliss for the next 3 weeks…….and then!!!……… out of the blue………. she was gone………. left me with a broken heart…….. but for three weeks I was on top of the………. list of her accomplishments…….. gotcha!
