
Saturday, March 24, 2018


Unopened boxes

i sent to you a lovely gift
i tried to give your soul a lift
i tried to make your sad face smile
though you were far away in miles.

i talked with you for hours on end
'bout where i'm going and where i've been
i shared my heart, my soul, my dreams
but it was all for naught it seems.

i tried to make you laugh with me
i tried to make your blind eyes see
i tried to touch your wounded soul
but for my warmth you returned cold.

i cannot make dark go away
i cannot turn the night to day
i cannot sing and make you glad
for you exult in being sad.

i wanted so to make you see
that God has love for you and me
that in His plan He has a part
if you will give Him all your heart.

i laughed with you and cried with you
i told you things i knew were true
i gave you real friendship and caring and grace
but the door that was opened was slammed in my face.

so i will go and leave you there
where i first met you in your despair
my gifts were unopened, my presents untouched
my words were rejected and that hurts so much.

i will not knock on a double locked door
i will not call your name anymore
i gave you my sweetness though you did not see
and my greatest of gifts, which which was me.

©by Voo
 Jan 31, 2004 
ll:45 p.m.


  1. I could feel her hurt. How can some men do such things to women? And why can't they learn? They bring shame to us men.

    1. believe it or not, I wrote this very poem to the man you just read about
      in Living Inside My Head. He was desperate for my love and when I offered it to him, he
      rejected it and ran. Then spent 3 yrs trying to get it back but it had died, never to live

    2. He should have realized what he had. Better for you to find out before it's too late.

    3. Does anyone ever find out ANYTHING before it's too late??? ha

  2. Hello Voo. These writings are magnificent and very sad. To dedicate oneself and find oneself in check. I will repeat myself but always and again your writings resemble my autobiography. In a parallel world, I know this emotion of disappointment. You are as sensitive as crystal exposed to ultra sound. Cracked and intact. I read all of what you expose here .. Certe, often very silent but you offer me my own trip with your writings. Like those who describe a princess and a prince ... The dream of many while being us. I appreciate each of your lines. I get lost in my thoughts and I find myself in you. My last two "poems" were created after reading you. You hold the tenderness and live the inner "sadness". You are my clone which gives me reason to appreciate every word you ask. I will call it the potion of memories. Very sweet to swallow and hard to digest. The angels watch over you just as they do over me. Without fighting, we remain victorious and our reward is the purity of our souls. Nice end of the day Voo and take care of yourself.

    1. You have rendered me speechless, Phillipe. In light of the soul crushing experience I have
      just gone through, my wounded ego, heart, mind amd spirit desperately needs to hear
      tender words such as these. I confess, I have all but lost all confidence in myself as a
      poet, a person and a woman. That is the price you pay, I suppose for joining your soul
      with another's and then having that other soul reject the very thing that makes you who
      you are. I have always been wounded by rejection and disappointment even as I sought love
      in all it's forms but now I find myself sliced too ribbons and terrified at the mere thought
      of opening myself back up to another man. Because, this man was my other self, my other half
      and if he doesn't understand me, then how can I expect anyone else to? I am glad to read that you can see
      and find yourself in my writes. I love that. You see, my poetry is and always has been a prophetic, anointed spiritual gift from God almost since my birth. Even if it is not a sacred
      write, it is still anointed in some way to go to the very heart and soul of the reader as though
      the poem was written for them, about them...because it was. I don't know how to explain this
      phenomena, I just know it is. And when someone, like yourself, confirms that to me, a bit of joy
      floods my heart and I am reminded for a moment, that if for no other purpose, this is the reason
      I was created and why I yet live. Bless you for sharing your heart with me. And for the sweetness and tenderness of your words I so need right now. Voo
