
Thursday, July 22, 2021


The House That Chimed Midnight

I have escaped the clock again
You know the one............
The gingerbready thing
Carved in the black forests of Germany
And copycatted by the Renoirs of Resin.

The clock
Hanging on every grandmama's wall,
In every dark wall-papered dining room,
Over the polished buffet,
Beside the Norman Rockwell pie plates
And the oval photographs of old people.

The cuckoo clock..........
My prison
The noisy condo I share with Bavarian boys
And pigtailed girls who dance in circles
And never sleep, for it is their job
To rouse me from my comas
And thrust me forth on springs to sing the hours.

Damn them with their plastic smiles!
But I have escaped
As I often do
On Monday mornings at precisely 1 till 3
Between the oom-pa-pa of the polka
And the minute hand stumbling
Over the bump on the defect on the face of the clock.

I have escaped
And here I sit on a telephone wire
Surrounded by other birds
Who stare at me suspiciously
And spread rumors that I am not alive
And that I cannot sing or fly or pick up refuse
With my beak.

But neither can they fit into the tiny hole
From which I escaped.......
So there!
I am free
I am wooden and I am mechanical
And my eyes are painted white blobs
But I am free!

And unlike them, I cannot die
No matter how I long to
No matter how sick I am
 Of Wagner and Valkyries
And German Chocolate cake.

On the other hand........
I cannot sleep out here
Insomnia haunts my every bird step,
My raven clawed nightmare,
My moment of respite in the cave of a tree
For if I close my eyes for a minute
There will be a woodpecker knocking on my door.

"Come on," he will say, "Say "Cuckoo!" for me."
"Pop outta there and make me say "Ooh" and "Aaah",
Give the kiddies a thrill and make Grandpa throw a shoe
And curse and bellow for disturbing his dreams
Come on, Cuckoo, come on, Cuckoo, come on, Cuckoo."

Damn all Woodpeckers with their obscene appetites!
I can't wait for the day when all trees are made of concrete
And all poles are made of steel
Let him peck his stupid little beak off!
Let him torment me then when his face is shredded
And his teeth are hanging by threads!
But he is the least of my worries..........

You probably don't think that a bird has hands
But in my mind, I do, and I cover my face with them
And I sigh like this:  s-s-s- i- g- h
And I think of waltzes and little Cuckoo girls
With big pretty wings and songs that are silly
And real Cuckoo eyes that look only at me.

I am an angry bird
I should have been born a dog....or a cat
Or a piece of carpet
For they don't have to do anything but lie there
While I have to pop in and out, in and out
All the damned day long!

Before I go back this time
I'm going to do what I've always wanted to do:
I'm going to sing Beatles' songs!
"Michelle, ma belle," "Yesterday,"
A few choruses of "I Wanna Hold Your Haannaanndd."
And end it with "The Long and Winding Road."
You know the one......that leads me back to the clock.

Look at them staring at me!
Lined up for miles on every live wire in the county!
Watch that, will you?
They're selling popcorn now and filming me for YouTube!
"Why don't you fly north for the winter?" I shout.......
"Like maybe, Siberia!"
Stupid real-life birds!!  Who needs 'em?
I am too noble for this crap.

I begin my solo
Mentally thumbing through the songbook
That someone left on Grandmama's buffet years ago
The one I perused every time I popped out of the clock
And memorized and recognized
When the songs came on the radio.

My fowl audience is silent, expectant,
Not a feather stirring, not a peck from a beak
I raise my voice to soar above the traffic....
"Cuckoo-ka-choo....I am the Walrus!"
And the birdbrains erupt in laughter, sneering and jeering.

Someone throws a tomato
Wounded, I bravely try again
"I am the Walrus; I am the Cuckoo...
I am the........."
Aww, the hell with it!

©by Voo
(For Poet Man
On the occasion of his birthday, Dec 03)
written on
Nov 30, 09
6:15 p.m.

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