
Monday, February 11, 2019

OUR PLAYGROUND ( farewell GPlus tribute)

It's So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday

Our Playground

Departures are never easy
While hellos are such a breeze
Watching friends walk round the bend
Cannot be done with ease.

It doesn't take me long to fall
In love or out, it doesn't matter
I wear my heart out on my sleeve
For all to see or love or shatter.

I am a poet and so that means
That I love love and sweet romance
I live to read and cherish words
And take my turn in the poetic dance.

And I've been hurt and I've been burned
And built up walls to protect myself
But in that building, kept isolated
And drained till I had nothing left.

But every now and then in life
Friends come along to dig me out
Out of myself, out of that place
And give me freedom to run and shout.

And I give up and I give in
And give my heart to those that do
Encourage me to share my gifts
And pour out my love on those like you.

So many friends I've made here now
All over the world, and close to home
No matter what the time of day
I can click GPlus and I'm not alone.

But they've taken down our carousel
Dismantled the playground and all our swings
Burst our balloons and cleaned out our rooms
Not knowing how precious to us were these things.

Our communities of creative geniuses
Our picture books of living art
Our gifs and comic animations
All came from loving, beating hearts.

What fun we've had with one another
How many tears we've shed here, too
Reading heartache, sharing heartbreak
And helping all to make it through.

Our differences, our prejudices
That we brought here when first we came
All fell away like dried up leaves
When we learned to know each other's names.

So many nations met on these grounds
So many cultures, religions, creeds
And black and white and brown and red
We all are human with human needs.

In the name of poetry, in the name of art
Good books, good food and stars in space
We shared and cared and learned to love
And laid aside the fears we face.

And having said that, now saying this
We may get scattered and lost, it's true
But I hope we meet on those paths to elsewhere
For I've dearly loved my time with you.

You are my friends, my funny companions
My virtual hugs and hands holding a rose
To brighten my day and tell me goodnight
My gurus and teachers keeping me on my toes.

We may never meet this side of Heaven
Having never hugged or touched or kissed
But in my heart, please know, wherever you go
You were loved and cherished and you'll ever be missed.

©by Voo Voo
Feb 11, 2019
8:09 p .m.

Never Say Goodbye
Bon Jovi
you can always find me here, hopefully


We  Don't Say Goodbye
Celine Dion
The Bee Gees

I Will Remember You song
Will You Remember Me????


  1. Like Myspazz all over again, huh? We still have Wordpress, Blogspot, etc. Words still flow, so keep writing!

    1. I will, Sandra but it won't be the same. I don't understand why google is doing this. We are a vast world wide community. I never got over losing myspace, now this. Just so sad.

  2. Salutations, Mistress of the In-Between. Having problems with my old gmail address. It's Ejon from the Red Church. Hope all's well. Salute. I haven't been able to access your other blog due to this.

  3. I can be reached here until I sort this complication out.

    1. I thought so!!! I had an intuition that the man in the mask was familiar but didn't know why. I hope you can access the other blog soon. I left you a present there last night. smile. Your LS has been wondering where you were...........

  4. Replies
    1. thank you, Ray!!! I have been spending the morning and afternoon reading your incredible blog..........and loving it. You are a gifted writer. So sorry that I didn't discover you sooner. But I did subscribe to your blog. Feel free to Follow mine.........blessings, Voo

    2. ok subscrided. Done and done. I'm not sure of what I'll do after the fall but it was good to chat with you even at the end....

  5. Will follow you regardless the platform my most talented friend...

  6. Very nicely depicted the woes of losing the G+ ground where all of us played so merrily . It's heart-wrenching that it is being closed down. You rightly said the fact that when sorrow gripped our mind we often got to ope G+ and became happy sharing writes and pics of myriad friends belonging to many countries. We had really become members of one family which is going to be fragmented. God help us. G+ come to our predicament , do not close down.
