
Friday, March 8, 2019


Kissing You

I think about kissing you in the morning
When I first open my eyes
And look around to see what kind of day it'll be
Then, no matter if sunny or stormy,
I close my eyes again and kiss you
In the realm between waking and dream.

I think about kissing you in the noon time
When everyone else is eating lunch
Or chatting on iphones or androids
And complaining around lunch rooms
To anyone who will listen about how boring
Their lives have become
But not me.

I go through my day smiling
At what I will see when I see you again
And what I will say when I hear your voice
And what I will do when my eager fingers
Touch your skin and feel the passion
Building up inside you and me
Like anticipation on Christmas Eve.

I think about kissing you in the twilight
When the gold of the day meets the blue of the night
When traffic quiets down on land and sea
And a soft hush falls over the city streets
Awaiting whatever mystery the midnight holds
And all the lonely people look on in envy
At lovers walking by, holding hands and smiling
Like you and me.

I think about kissing you in the evening
When you walk in the door
Looking  like a mythical Titan
Arising out of the sea
Or stepping off of a cloud
After a long day of running the Universe
(Or dictating letters)
Or planning another Paradise
For the woman you adore.

I think about kissing you in the dark
When you lie passing beyond consciousness
Onto that golden shore you walk on
Into the land of lucid dreams and fairytales
That may or may not be reality
But nevertheless, exists in your soul
And occasionally, I meet you there.

I think about kissing you at midnight
When my blood runs it's hottest
And all the day's little horrors have faded
And passed into history and out of my mind
It's then my lips cry out for the taste of yours
And moan in low tones 
Until your sweet mouth finds mine
And devours me the way I long to be devoured.

I think about kissing you in the wee hours
When the veil between realms is thinnest
And heaven and hell can glimpse one another
And glare at one another and weep for the loss
When demon and angel can stare into
One another's eyes and acknowledge the battle
That they know will one day surely come
But that matters little to me and I give it no thought.

I think about many things in the course of my day
I dream about many things in the course of my night
I work and play and go and come
And plan and peruse and whisper and hum
But all of those things in the great scheme of things
Are just trivial time killers to pass the time
And will all disappear like the mist on the morning
When my real life begins and I'm once again
Kissing you.

©by Voo
March 8, 2019
8:55 p.m

I Think About You

Luther Van Dross



  2. As I have grown older, passion has given way to warmth and secure happiness. It's no longer the kiss i think about, but being held, listening to the vibration in his chest as he speaks, or the beat of his heart, and enjoying the safety and warmth of his arms. Passion happens, but it's not what I seek anymore. I guess I can enjoy it vicariously through you, so keep writing, Voo!

  3. A Kiss! A real Kiss goes a long way with me.

    But the one kiss that really gets me is the one that's exchanged many times over between the eyes before it reaches the lips! That makes the longing for it even more desirable by the time it reaches the lips.
