
Friday, July 17, 2020

Can You Tell Me Why? In Memory of Benjamin Keough R.I.P.

Can You Tell Me Why?

Can you tell me why this came?
This horrible day so full of pain?
This thing so terrible
It has no name
Can you tell me why?

Can you tell me where to go?
I have no answers and I need to know
I can't even see
Which way to go 
Can you tell me why?

Can you tell me how to stop?
This time that broke me and the clock?
It's frozen in time
And it's all I've got
Can you tell me why?

Maybe  "Why" is not the right question
Maybe " How" is not even close
Maybe " Someday" is all I'll ever get
Maybe I'll have to accept "I Don't Know."

I've searched my mind and I've searched my heart
And torn my memory book apart
That the End has come now when the Beginning should start
Can you tell me why?

Grief, it is an angry thing
It steals your joy like a hawk on the wing
It swoops down and grabs you and forbids you to sing
Can you tell me why?

These questions come from my sorrowing soul
Down where it's dark and deep and cold
My beloved will never be, like me, growing old
Can you tell me why?

I didn't think so.

Benjamin and his Dad, Danny

See You Again by Charlie Puth
©by Voo

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