
Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Flip The Switch

                                                                      Start Music..... .. . .. .Go
                                                                                             Go insaner.  
                                                                                                                 scroll slowly till song really starts

Darn that Voo!! uh! Darn that Voo! Oh!
She makes me CRAZY!!! Ow!

                                                                                                The Last Guy That Messed 
                                                                                                     With Voo...
                                                                               film at 11


                                                                                                        The Mythic Voo by
                                                                                   William Shockspeare 
                                                                                 published  August 91, 2029 



  1. I decided to go for a walk today and as I was leaving I turned the lights out and shut the door behind me. (tryin to save energy you know). I was nearly to the corner when I heard someone call my name. "D'Sal! D'Sal!" I looked over to the neighbors' house and there she was. A long cool woman in a black outfit or dress. A 5'6" beautiful tall. With just one look I had her address,(not really)this long cool woman had it all." Well, she at least had a pink monte carlo, or was that an Yvonne DeCarlo. It didn't matter, she had it! Anyway I strolled on over to talk to her and that's when she slapped me on the back of the head and I fell forward in a puddle of water. (She had just finished washing her Yvonne DeCarlo). I looked at her and said, "what the hey? That was some head banging experience lady!" Before I realized it I was getting dizzy and seeing stars, or maybe they were stripes. It was a kaleidoscope experience. I just wanted to bury my head in a hole and forget about it. (I was all messed up!) She helped me up and apologized. She even took me inside and had me lay my head in her lap as she read me a good story about a belly dancer named Alex Delores or DeLora, it didn't matter, I dozed and was dreaming. Then I started dreaming about all these women dressed in blue waving at me and shouting, "Hey sonny!" in that little old lady voice. That's when I woke up and realized it was all just a dream.

    1. I just now found this!!! darn blogger!!! it's all messed up now and they won't change it back.
      This is just hysterical, amigo! love it.
