
Showing posts with label wild and crazy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wild and crazy. Show all posts

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Time Traveler In a World Without Time....pages from my diary written in an interplanetary asylum


Time Travel
by Daley

Time Traveler

                In A World Without Time

The plane set down in 1957

A Friday morning on a cold wet day

Even though I had left the day before on a warm dry Sunday night

And the sun had been shining for four months in Spitsbergen.

I was rather sleepy, having not slept

For twenty-two minutes or so

And my yawns sounded somewhat musical

In a braying donkey kind of hee haw way.

Peter Cushing was starring in the movie

They'd been showing on board, I remembered

Some horrible thing called a horror movie

No, that's not right, it was a terrible film

And it was silent. (Except for all the snoring.)

As a matter of fact, there had been

No in-flight movie of any kind that night

Only a couple of Saturday Evening Posts

And Photo Play magazines, muchly thumbed through.

I hailed a Black and Purple taxicab

That took me to my hotel, some modernistic thing

Called The Holiday Out

Where no one with even half a reputation would stay.

There were hardly any doors to speak of

Only thin slits in the bricks to squeeze through

And after you'd lost ten pounds in the effort

You found yourself, confusingly, somewhere outside Marrakesh

In 1965.

65???  What? I hadn't even been born yet!

Or had I? My mother hadn't told me, you see

Any details about that happy occasion

Or if, indeed it had been happy or if it had even happened at all.

I just seemed to wake up one morning

And there I was. Yawning.

Wearing soft white pajamas with little giraffes on them

Mysteriously holding an orange object that could have been a ball.....

Or an orange.

But enough about me. I'm a boring subject

The really interesting people are all in there

(In the places you come out of when you realize

You're in the wrong place)

I've met a few characters in there, believe me!

The bi-polar clown, the man with no heart,

The invisible woman who could only be seen

In the glow of the full moon,

The song that sang itself.

I rode through the desert on a horse

With no.......

Name? Yeah, that's it. No name. Or saddle.      Ouch!

Time travel can really be tiresome at times

Especially if you are travelling in the time before Time

Or before Timex watches 

('Cause Grandfather Clocks were just too big to carry around.)

It's always 4:30 when there is no Time to be told

I forget who told me that. Oh, now I remember!

A chap in a porkpie hat selling pork pies in Trafalgar Square

He wore a bowtie and short pants but only one shoe

(Probably because he only had one leg)

Ah, yes! The porkpie guy. Rupert Something.

In between times, you can't laugh

No matter how funny something is,

You can only weep

Bizarre, really, but no more bizarre than most things

I've experienced on those invisible pathways.

There's a very tall building in one realm....get this.... 

With absolutely nothing in it but seesaws

And unadorned Christmas trees

Looking for presents to hover over.

But December never comes there

That month is totally skipped over

No December 25ths at all

You go directly from Thanksgiving turkey 

To New Year's Day hangovers. Or thereabouts.

In one place, it was continually Halloween

And in another, it was always the day after tomorrow

Bankers in thousand dollar suits scrubbed floors

And poor people counted money.

I quite enjoyed that.........

(I was poor, you see)

I was always bloody poor

No matter what time period I ended up in 

(And I was always looking for french fries.)

I fell in and out of love several times, I recall

But always with the same fellow, oddly enough

He, too, was a time traveler stuck in a rut

Between here and there and he always carried a Polaroid camera

Heaven knows where he got his film!

We spent three glorious weeks in a library once

Camped out in the stacks, perusing books of all kinds

Trying desperately to figure out 

What the proverbial "Birds and the Bees" scenario was all about.

We had hitched a time warp back to that awkward age

When we were both going through and pushing past puberty

But without embarrassed parents to tell us 

What it was that we needed to know but did not know

We found books with ghastly pictures that implied

That babies came from a boy/girl conjunction but we were dubious.

By the time we had  figured it out and got caught doing it

We were kicked out of said library by a cross and startled librarian

Who appeared to be from a seventeenth century nunnery

Even though she was wearing a Fitbit and sole-less shoes.

Once, we had a mere fifteen minutes together

It was in Paris and we were drinking frozen wine

At some little outdoor café called Vin Congele´

(It was very romantic but it was January and twenty below.)

We never knew where we would run into one another

Or if we would or how or when or why

Time travel is a game of chance, a draw of the cards

And often not exactly a pleasant experience

If you haven't gotten over that quarrel during your last encounter.

The most bizarre I suppose, took place in 1849 in the wild Wild West

When I found myself coming out of a teepee clutching a tomahawk

While my love, a sexy and disheveled cowboy, lay staked down to an ant hill

Begging for mercy and a Bud Light.

I will not tell you how that turned out

Neither will I recount several centuries of incidents

That will either turn you against me

Or make you fall madly in love. Maybe both.

Oh, look! A squirrel!!!

Let's just say that the Earth looks pretty from Mars

And that there is one planet out there

Totally inhabited by women that look exactly like me

(Except they are blue and speak in a Swahili/Russian dialect

 They giggle a lot and wear bikinis made entirely from their own hair.

Perhaps I should end this saga here, my faithful readers er.... reader

And take the tale up again when you have digested everything thus far

And wrapped your mind around the incongruity of it all

And when you are sober............or sane

©by Voo Shining Stone, Poet, Writer

And Involuntary Time Traveler

In the year 2020



(They told me there would be a year like this

somewhere in the future) So yeah.....this must be the year

It's so 2020-ish

Proof of Time Travel, ya'll.... Peter Dinklage Uh huh.

But just wait for 2021!!!!!!
It shall be 7000 days and 18 nights long!!!!!
KFC will run out of rubber chickens,
the cows will all become bulls
White Castle hamburgers will be re-named
something less offensive,
donkeys will run wild in the streets
and there shall be no ....uh....

Um. Nothing. There shall be nothing..................

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Adversaries, Monkeys and BFFs


Adversaries, Monkeys and BFFs

Voo and Rose were frenemies

They hated each other's guts

One was brilliant to the brim

And one was just plain nuts.

One day outside a convenience store

They met up in the rain

Each one had come to buy a Slurpee

But both were broke again.

I tell you what, Voo, Roseanne said

As a toothpick she did chew

Let's me and you hold up this place

And I'll share the take with you.

And Voo said, Yes (a trusting soul)

And followed Roseanne's lead

At the sight of Rose, the store clerk fled

So nobody had to bleed.

They took the money from the till

Downed a case of beer

Filled twenty-five cups of Slurpee stuff

Till they heard the sirens near.

This way and that, the robbers ran

With coins a-plenty flying

Into a flock of proud peacocks

Who screeched like they were dying.

A fine mess you have got us in!

VooVoo to Rose then cried

Me?! burped Rose, It's your stupid fault

That cannot be denied.

They hid within the monkey cage

For they had run into the zoo

And no one there could tell the difference

Between the monkeys, Rose and Voo.

They watched as cops all gathered 'round

To question everyone

The kangaroo said that he'd seen nothing

But he said it just for fun.

The elephant said that he couldn't remember

If crooks had run in to the place

And the tiger thought that maybe they had

But he couldn't sketch a face.

But when they questioned the peacocks

So proud and loud and strong

They said that there'd  been at least thirty men

But boy, did they get that wrong!

All day they waited with baited breath

To escape that monkey's cage

And Voo, poor thing, she tried to pray

As Rose paced in a rage.

I never should have  gone in with you!

For a Slurpee we will fry!

Here, have a banana, Voo offered her sweetly

You're making the crocodiles cry!

Then midnight came and they crept out of the cage

And the zoo full of  snore and roar

Rose gave Voo the Slurpees and she kept the money

And the monkeys were loose once more.

©by Voo

for my old pal Rose Aiello

back in da day

(she was always messin' with me)

So yeah....

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Nothing's The Matter With The Matter Of Me (Oldies From Voo's Vault)


Nothing's The Matter

                             With The Matter Of Me

I  had worked on my hair

It was all such a mess

But as they pointed out to me....

I had forgotten to dress.

I brushed most of my teeth

They were shiny and clean

But my socks were so dirty

With no shoes to be seen.

I cannot be expected

To remember these things

It's enough I am walking

Cause I've mislaid my wings.

I have run till I'm ragged

Then I fell with a thud

I have clothed with a feather

I have showered in mud.

I have been so imperfect

That I'm perfectly wrought

I have studied so hard

That I used all my thoughts.

I cannot say the matter

That's the matter with me

I'm just willy and nilly

And so silly, that's me.

So if you see me out flying

O're the top of some wall

Don't point out that I'm wingless

Cause I don't want to fall.

I'm a clown and a jester

I'm a sad little mime

And I know who I am

At least most of the time.

So, I'll leave you with that

Now that's all done and said

I will go finish my hair now.....Oh!

What have I done with my head??!!!

©by Voo Shining Stone

Sept 21, 2013

10:04 p.m.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Saturday Night at Voo's House...back in the day....When Crazy was Real, Ya'll!

Voo.....aka The Pink Lady aka Madonna

aka The Girl Who Had No Buttons

Get This Party Started!

                                       Yes, every Saturday was Halloween at Voo's house

Costumes were not only encouraged but required

Neighborhood girls frequently raided my closets, much to their

mothers' chagrin. We were a glamorous lot! Sometimes we did shows

and photo shoots on the front lawn (and caused many car wrecks.)

"I can't tell you how many times I heard mothers screaming
at their kids across the street "Get in that house and change your clothes!!!
You look like a bunch a hookers!!!!"
No...they looked like me....Voo, the Diva.  sigh

                                   **Their moms preferred them to dress like this know...girls will be girls

and they all wanted to be me, apparently.

Me in my 14 and one half minutes of fame

Various people who showed up on Saturday nights

The Saturn guy. nobody knew his name...

Bruce in disguise

anybody here remember Bruce?

Mr T as a child

Lenny and Chad

T-Wayne, the non-Jewish wannabe rapper

who could only rap in hillbilly and Hebrew

(so sad)


 Risky Rusty Rusky from Australia
my partner in poetic crime
and inventor of Ear Socks and other ridiculous fashions
that never caught on......

These two shall forever remain anonymous

                                          Hey, those are My pajamas!!!!

The non famous painting of a famous painter
painting a semi famous infamous Voo who has since become
relatively famous in some infamous parts of the internet
and/ or other known and unknown parts of the galaxy.....
and asylum waiting rooms everywhere!!!

                                      I had my Marilyn Monroe phase too.

For years, people would stop when I was outside and ask for Marilyn's

autograph till they realized that she was dead. But my house was

a real life haunted house so I just signed as "Marilyn Monroe's Ghost"

Women scorned but guys loved me....

I kept the neighbors entertained. Once I invited some people over for a barbecue/get together in my back yard. I got everything set up and went to take a shower and get dressed and when I came back outside to see if anyone had shown up yet......there were about 300 people out there!!!! Not one inch of the lawn was un- covered by people, blankets or lawn chairs!!!! I was stunned!!! I didn't even know half of them! That party is still talked about till this day!!! Even some local celebrities showed up! And some infamous YouTube stars that I will not mention at this time.......


Smitty, Bear, Kristoff and LeeNut
(That's my buddy Smitty with the rose in his hair)
completely insane guy...once set his own eyebrows
on fire just for a laugh....

Impromptu concert and runway modeling........
followed by the traditional eating of the pizza
and daring Smitty to do something outrageous...
(Not that he ever needed encouraging to do something
outrageous) Usually all of his "Hey, Ya'll, watch this!"
was followed by our "Oh, my God!!! Is he dead!!!?")

He once went to a party with me with all his clothes on
backwards......people were so confused all night....
(And it was darned hard to button up his collar and tie
his tie down his back, let me tell you....!!!)

Once he went to an event with me and Chris, my girlfriend
and we had to stop for gas on the way. I had my fur coat
in my car and he was in the other car with Chris. As we girls 
were pumping the gas for both cars, he put on my fur coat
and a hat and pretended he was our "pimp" and was
ordering us around and yelling that we were too slow
and  wasting time when we could be making him money!!!
We were so embarrassed because it drew a crowd....
but we got our revenge later when we took him out in the woods
and pistol whipped him, took all his money and put him out
in the Red Light district which we thought was appropriate.......
wearing one sock and shoe and  no shirt and with 
SUPER PIMP written on his chest in magic marker....

(not really) (maybe) (I ain't sayin')
more on Smitty later........

Voo braids guy's hair into multicolored curly things.....
After too many Purple Passion drinks on the part of both parties...
they could never get them out and eventually they
had to be surgically removed......

Prince makes an unexpected surprise visit.....
He said Paisley Park had gotten much too
boring for him and he had heard about
Voo's Place and came to check it out....
He did four numbers and told me what they all meant in morse code
I helped him write his next album
which has not been released yet so stay tuned....Oops!
One number we co-wrote was called Voo Voo's Voo Oodle Doo
He said it was pretty delirious and was going to have to tweak it
down .........alas..!!!! It's somewhere in his vault...
along with a picture of me wearing something.....
purple..............(Or maybe he took it with him, who knows? May he R.I.P.)


One Saturday night, I threw a surprise wedding
on my lawn. It was 32 degrees that night and 81
the next day.....The preacher (a friend of mine)
offered us a hundred dollars to call it off till
it got warmer.....we refused......It was a magical
night. (cost me $2000.00 to decorate the lawn plus
wedding cake, etc but it was worth it)

(true story)

One night three adorable little elves showed up
and sang me carols till I was forced to turn the water
hoses on them and run them away. (They looked
suspiciously like me which was all the more upsetting)
Especially when I remembered that winter when my dad
got lost at the North Pole and didn't get back home till  Spring)
Oh, now that makes sense!!!!! For their last number, 
they did Papa Was a Rolling Stone....I thought that was
odd.........but now......hmmmmm I remember Mama
never celebrated Christmas after that with her
usual enthusiasm....

Joe Joe, one of my occasional Saturday night guests 
trying to hitch a ride to my house............(I told him he might
have better luck if he would just leave the axe at home
but he said it was given to him by his cousin Lizzie and that
he would not part with it) (But he cuts wood for my fireplace
for free so I don't complain much) (Except I no longer have a fireplace)

Joe Joe's favorite song....Let's Go Crazy

That shameful, it will go down in history night
when we all got pickled on Purple Passion
and decided to dye one another's hair and miscellaneous
other parts of our anatomies.....PURPLE!!!!!
I was 19, I had an afro....I loved Purple Rain by Prince
so I thought.....why not??? It seemed like a perfectly logical
thing to do at the time..........



Then there was the night we instituted a dress code
for all the cats in my neighborhood............
The only feline that co-operated was this little guy
named Billy........
Who was ganged up on later by the rebellious
cats who could not be swayed by promises of 
Meow Mix and cat toys....
SO.........We just held them hostage and dressed 
them up like paper dolls and set them loose 
to explain why they came home wearing tutus
and little tiaras.....It was hilarious!!!
But my slogan has always been:
What's the use in having a cat if you can't torment it?? lol
Fair is fair, cats love to torment us......

Omar who came to love his Mickey Mouse ears.....

poor Chloe......she hated my guts.......

And here's her knee socks and 
Strawberry Shortcake bonnet.....

yes, it's true, I had a Groucho fetish.......sigh

and Homer...who hated wearing dresses, 
pajamas, shoes, and also the name Homer.....

LeeNut goes full blown Groucho Marx
one Saturday night. My house was always 
full of kids, friends, relatives and
people I didn't even
was the place to be. I miss those days.

(me sitting on porch of my former house)

The house is gone now. All that remains
are the front steps that lead to...Nowhere!
(And the cemetery, of course) Lots of memories, pets
and former lovers there, alas!  sigh  I mean...not!)

You don't even want to know...........
and I don't want to tell you EVER!!!

Baby Two Hats
(yes, we even dressed up the children!!!!
omg, the poor children!!!!)

Baby Two Hats
(Little Laughing Pony)
the little Indian boy
who has now gone to the other side
and become a cowboy........


Jethro the Cat who Sat.......
like a person
and supervised our parties
from under the safety of a table.

now......let's do it!!! Let's be....
Bustin Loose, ya'll

I Can Make You Dance
(I'll put Hot Sauce in your pants)

Lean On Me...The Raisins

Not everything stated here is 100% true
(some things are 200% true)
Some things have been toned down
but I have repented so it's all good.
(However, I am still 750% CRAZY!!!!)

FYI ladies.......