
Sunday, October 4, 2020

Nothing's The Matter With The Matter Of Me (Oldies From Voo's Vault)


Nothing's The Matter

                             With The Matter Of Me

I  had worked on my hair

It was all such a mess

But as they pointed out to me....

I had forgotten to dress.

I brushed most of my teeth

They were shiny and clean

But my socks were so dirty

With no shoes to be seen.

I cannot be expected

To remember these things

It's enough I am walking

Cause I've mislaid my wings.

I have run till I'm ragged

Then I fell with a thud

I have clothed with a feather

I have showered in mud.

I have been so imperfect

That I'm perfectly wrought

I have studied so hard

That I used all my thoughts.

I cannot say the matter

That's the matter with me

I'm just willy and nilly

And so silly, that's me.

So if you see me out flying

O're the top of some wall

Don't point out that I'm wingless

Cause I don't want to fall.

I'm a clown and a jester

I'm a sad little mime

And I know who I am

At least most of the time.

So, I'll leave you with that

Now that's all done and said

I will go finish my hair now.....Oh!

What have I done with my head??!!!

©by Voo Shining Stone

Sept 21, 2013

10:04 p.m.


  1. Yep! Cute and funny, wild and crazy! Sometimes nutty, but always swayze! Ain't nothin the matter with you, because you're the Voo!

    1. Speaking of you, the Voo, I watched a movie on Netflix today called “In a Valley of Violence” with Ethan Hawke and there was this girl on there that reminded me of you. Her name was Mary Anne. She was very talkative, spoke her mind, kicked a butt or two, and took no crap from the men or her sister. I started watching it and couldn’t stop. It’s a new western and it was comical in different parts of the movie.

    2. me, huh? talkative, huh? kick butt, huh?
      Except, believe it or not, I don't talk a lot in person...๐Ÿงจ๐ŸŽˆ๐Ÿ“ฃ

    3. I don't know about that!! You're very talkative in what you write. (It's all good though!) Seems to me there was a phone conversation one day and you were very chatty!!! Yes/No??????
