
Saturday, August 8, 2020

Classical Paintings Voo Style.....


  1. She was sittin on a park bench mindin her own business when this dude came up and started pesterin her. She was about to clobber him with her parasol when this long-haired hippy dude turns around and tells him, "leave her alone or I'll buzz over there and learn ya a "sting" or two!" Well the family nearby pretended they didn't see a thing and just kept to themselves while the couple next to them who were staring at them spoke up and told him to shut up and leave her alone or he'd get it with a "stabby grabby!" Just then LaVerna and Ernest called all their Pollock friends and illegal aliens and ran him out of town.

    1. hysterical nut!!! you is almost as crazy as me.....Le Vooza 😆🤩

  2. D'Sal!!! How many children does the couple have in the third painting?????????? lol

  3. Which one is your favorite?? I love the guy with the chain and the bee.....
    If you have a painting you'd like to see me Voodasize. let me know.

    1. I'll bet your favorite dog is a french Voodle!

    2. You got it, you silly billy! Now, really? Did you get it earlier or just now??? lol really?
      now you know why she's looking at her husband like that!!! lol (did you notice that he was doodling there and drawing hearts and unicorns on the paper??? I thought that was a funny touch!!! poor worn out mama with all those kiddies!!! French Voodle...oh, that's a good one!

    3. Just now. I had to go back and see what I had missed.

    4. Someone requested a Jackson Pollock Voodalized so I did one....I am crazy, am I not? But it's fun

    5. A lovely “crazy”! I know it’s fun. It’s as fun as my comments are using all those pictures and such.
