
Monday, September 21, 2020

Going In Circles



I just found this in an old folder from an old website

that I had forgotten and thought I'd share it.................


I am a poet from birth and a prophet to the Earth. I am spirit, soul and body and all woman. I am a gentle heart and an intelligent mind. I see far more than the average person. I am a loner and a stander in shadows. I have never fit in anywhere. I love poetry, and music and books and deep people. I love beautiful things and languages and places. I am fueled by passion and felled by rejection. I am a woman of dreams and a lover of all things romantic and wonderful. I am Voo. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Who I'd like to meet:

EVERYONE..... except you. haha (JK) especially YOU. 



  1. My my my! Oh, but what am I to do with you. You got me goin' in circles! You know I can't help myself!!

    I just got........ ed'Voo'cated!!

    ed'Voo'cated - to be educated with such a great magnitude of wisdom by The Voo!

    1. Hush! haha well, my main laptop just went out on me so I'm on an old one that is broken but slightly working. So I don't know how long I'll be able to log on here. I can't even log onto mewe now cause my password is not on this one. makes no sense to me but oh well...that's my life right now!!1 talk to you when I can, amigo

    2. Did your password get re"Voo"ked?

      Re"Voo"ked - to be severely canceled or invalidated by Voo. (can also be used as a term for a severe talking to by Voo). Either one's not good!

      Hang in there girl! I'll chat with you when I do Voo! Mi Amiga preciosa!

    3. consider yourself "revooked!" lol love that Vooisms are growing in popularity all over the world!!!!
