
Monday, March 6, 2023

She's Got You



  1. We went over to my place for some drink and chocolate chip cookies. I poured her a nice cold glass of milk to go with them cookies. While she was dunkin a cookie in her milk I decided to put on some music on my phony graph that I got when I graduated from Yale. (Yale Elementary, gosh I miss some of those old old friends). Anyway I put on an album out of the stack and spun the turntable to get it started and turned up the volume. The speakers were a little staticky but she didn’t mind, she was soakin them cookies till they almost fell apart then she’d quickly flipped it in her mouth. She had downed almost 3/4 of the bag before she asked for a fill up of milk. I knew if I ever gave her a wedding ring it’d have to come with a cow to satisfy this young heifer’s thirst. (I’m beginning to think she’s a lush). Anyway we decided to play a game of toss the 45’s (Not those 45’s! The records!) We tossed them across the room like frisbees to try and get a ringer on the burnin candle on top of the kitchen table. (She was good. She had more ringers than I did. All of mine landed in the floor. I bet she tosses a mean salad). Anyway I lost as Patsy Cline was coming on, but “The only thing different” is she was trying to cut me some slack but I was wise to her and didn’t show any fear! (I was afraid she would beat me worse).
    But then she decided to get comfortable and slid her shoes off. I knew that I’d had it! she was gonna finish me off at toss the 45’s. I might as well pour her another glass, this is gonna be a long night...........

    1. ROLLING ON THE FLOOR HERE!!!!!! lo oh, lord, that was funny good!!! Yale Elementary...brilliant!
      I'll have to steal that line to put in Aachoo Voo somewhere.....bravo!!!! Believe it or not I actually had a 45s frisbee throwing contest once down a long hallway.....yep a milk lush, huh? uh hum

    2. You steal whatever line you want. If it makes Aachoo happy and livens up the story, then I'll be even more content. You know, he eventually graduated from Harvard and became a certified garbage truck driver. The diploma from Harvard High helped get him. Of course his dad was the head of the garbage truck department. He went to TSOHK (The School of Hard Knocks),he has a handwritten note that hangs in a picture frame in his corner of the locker room from the principal after he was asked to leave and not come back), and then he graduated from TUUA (The University of Under Achievers), There's another handwritten note hanging next to the other one that he's very proud of that he received for incompetency. His mother.... well, she's a different story. I'll save it for another day.....
