
Saturday, March 27, 2021

Random Episodes Of our old serial show Jupiter's Child from myspace Not in original ORDER! We were so Goofy! Edited


(This scene took place on another spaceship at another party,
 not the Jupiter's Child)

Neil came walking out of the Equipment Room holding an ancient phaser. "Look, Dan,  I found this neat toy." he said and pointed the phaser at his friend. "Dammit, man, that's not a toy! It's a phaser and it's set on Stun!" Dan was not amused. The weapon was old but it was still deadly. They were, after all, guests at this party and not supposed to be poking around in off limit supply rooms or quarters.  They had gone looking for the bathroom, there were 3 full decks on the ship and yet there only seemed to be two bathrooms.....At one point they had accidentally walked into a Ladies Room, well, they supposed it to be a Ladies Room....the sign on the Door looked sorta humanoid.  Inside they found a very cool and very empty shower that looked like it could beam someone up mid-bath.
Neil had wanted to try it out but Dan pulled him out of the room just as a red skinned creature with small horns entered the corridor and  headed for them. It was carrying a towel.....
"Look at this, Dan!" Neil exclaimed excitedly as he pulled out another piece of equipment and began mock shooting at invisible foes. "Now this little beauty could take out the entire Ronduzam army!!!! Dan sighed in complete exasperation and reached to pull the thing from Neil's hand. "Dammit, man, this is not a phaser, it's an electric drill...........with a cord!!!!!"                           
Dan began looking around for an Exit or at the very least, a Transporter Room so he could beam Neil back to Great Britain but there didn't seem to be one in sight. Oh wait!!!!  He heard a familiar swooshing sound....perhaps there was one, after all.....
"Dan, get a load of this!" he heard Neil say as his back was turned. "Now, this is da bomb!" And he turned around and beheld his friend who was shortly gonna be beamed into Non-Particle Heaven........."Dammit, man, that's not a phaser, a drill, a weapon or a bomb!!!!!! That's a Banana!!"

(Aboard the Jupiter's Child ship)

Rusky/Rita and Peyton were discussing ship's maintenance when Captain Voo walked in. "You boys gonna help Liz bring in those vats of moon cheese?" They stared at her. "Can't James or Uncle Joe-Bot do it?" Rusky murmured, turning back to the schematics of the clogged Jeffrey tubes. 
"No, they're all decorating the ship for the big party, I'm afraid you'll have to help her." "I'll do it....if you come with me." Peyton said in his silkiest voice and started toward her.

Skillfully darting away, Capt. Voo stepped to Rusky's side and said,
"Perhaps in a moment. Right now I must speak to our Trouble Maker-at-Large."  Feeling dismissed, Peyton hurried away, turning back once to see Rusky staring at Voo like she was a prime rib and he was a Uranian mushpuppy. "What's he got that I haven't got?!" he groused none too silently and disappeared from sight.

 "What's on your mind, Cap'n  Voo?" Rusky asked. "Where is the Admiral?" Voo queried, "I need to know." "She's on the Holodeck, visiting Stonehenge," he said, "I thought it best that she have a little fun before returning to active duty."  "Good idea" Voo agreed, "I'm not sure how stable she is at the moment. What do you think?" "Well," Rusky ventured, "She did run away from the ship and crew and said she was tired of running a Child Care Center in space. I guess it all got to her. But her Evil Twin always shows up when she gets too stressed out."

"Yeah, you like that Evil Twin, don't you?" Voo smirked. "You two get along like green eggs and ham. But then, you've got your alternate too, don't you, Rita?" Rusky straightened his blouse and fluffed back his hair. "What are you trying to imply?" he asked huffily. "Is this  just a little phase of yours or are you going to grow out of it? You seem to like the girls too much to actually become one."  "It's an Ed Woods kind of thing. You wouldn't understand." he said, reddening.  "Underneath this lace and ruffle is plenty of man, baby!" Voo cleared her throat and got busy looking at the screens not having a clue what they pertained to.

"The ship is really looking nice," she said at last. "The Disco is a dream, the Movie Theater is stocked with great movies, The Lounge is decorated and we have all kinds of entertainment lined up. Lots of ships are on their way full of guests. I do hope everyone will be on their best behavior."
"Are you referring to the Jupiter's Child crew or some other starship?" 
Rusky asked, grinning. "You haven't been with us for very long."
"I was afraid of that." Voo sighed. "Since I'm in charge of the party, 
I was just hoping......". "Don't worry about it, Princess, it'll be fine
By the way, you still wearing that CheroKay regalia made out of cellophane and edible candy?"

It was Voo's turn to redden. "You remembered that?"
"Of course!" he smiled, loving her discomfort and remembering 
that astounding slap she had given him recently. As fine as she was, he still loved his revenge and meant to have it. "I never forget a pretty Naukoo warrior wearing edible clothing."  "Hmmp!" she said derisively and turned to leave. "Don't forget to help Liz with the cheese!"
And as she walked away, he was mesmerized by the swing of her hips, 
angry and exciting, like they were listening to a distant, invisible drum.
 Oh, hell yeah, it was gonna be party to remember!!!


Rusky was in the loo with Gail. The Admiral had ordered him to have his entire body painted purple and The Budding Artist had brought her gifted brushes and obliged. Lena couldn't wait to see what he looked like.  A Purple People Eater, perhaps????? However he turned out, she knew he'd be

(Later in the Disco Room, the party is in full swing)

The crowd went crazy when the new DJ came out in his space suit. 
He was well known all over the Universe for his cool remixes and celebrity groupies. The Disco was on fire.
It was almost midnight and the party had been going strong for hours. 
It was the Party of the Century, no doubt about it. The dancers were ready to raise the roof off the sucker and had worked themselves up to a fever pitch.

Capt. Princess Voo, in her edible outfit, had successfully avoided Rusky and Peyton's eyes, hands and mouths all evening but it had not been easy. They seemed to be  everywhere! She had danced all night with fine men from every part of the Universe and had had a great time, she had to admit. This definitely was The Party of  All Parties if she did say so.
That humongous pirate guy from Alabama kept asking her to dance and she felt herself forming a bond with him as they slow danced under the Disco Ball. He was a sweet shy pirate and he had a big hook. But she kept feeling eyes on her every move.......
Well, Capt. Voo was having a fine ole time but Rusky was not having it. Revenge ran through his veins and through the gulleys of his mind (whenever the need for a drink would allow another thought.) The sound of that humiliating slap still reverberated throughout his pickled Aussie/Plutonian brain. Not only that, but the lovely CheroKay maiden had refused all of his flirtations and advances. (Which, let's face it, were not really advanced.)
More like basic and Neanderthal. He was a space dog. He knew it. Lena knew it. The Admiral knew it. Heck, everybody knew it! He'd been banned from his home planet, fer Pete's sakes!!! For all he knew, he probably had two or three Plutonian wives back there at home. He didn't remember.....He'd been drunk that decade.

"Past! Peyton, got any of that Romulan Ale stashed away anywhere?" he whispered into his friend's ear as he sat at the bar drinking Jello Shooters and eating Enaran Algae Puffs. "What?" Peyton asked in amazement. "You know that stuff is still contraband in twelve star systems! What do you want it for?" "I know that, Peyton." Rusky huffed  "But do you have any?"  "Well, of course I do!" Peyton said "What's wrong with you? Why do you want it? They have this bar stocked with every drink known to mankind and I mean to try it all before the night is over. Puff?"
Rusky waved the food away. "No thanks, I'm saving my appetite for the Thai food Liz is cooking up for me. So, where's the Ale?"

"Only if you tell me why you want it." Peyton said ordering another Shooter.  "It's for Voo." Rusky finally said quietly. "I want to see if I can knock her off her high horse for a while. I've heard that the CheroKay are very susceptible to the effects of Romulan Ale." "Is that so?" queried Peyton, suddenly interested. "And you're counting on the Ale making her susceptible to you?"  "No, no, nothing like that. I just want to see her thaw out a little." "Capt. Voo is a nice girl." Peyton defended her, though she hadn't been very nice to him. "I think she's entirely too good for you." "Yeah, but she's not too good for you?  Is that what you're saying?" "Well," Peyton said drawing it out,  "Let's just say that when they find her body in the morning, the only fingerprints on it had better be mine!"

And he looked around for Lt. Sula. After all, the two of them were an on-again, off-again item still and he didn't want  her going all La Bandida on him again like she had the last time. She had ripped him to shreds literally. And all he'd done was give a passing alien girl a come hither look, he swore it!  But he'd wanted Voo ever since the moment he had set eyes on her. And he was just intoxicated enough now to do something about it!
He finished his drink and stood up. "Let's do it!" he said to Rusky and the two of them hurried off to his quarters to find the case of Romulan Ale where he'd stashed it with all his other little treasures. the Mr. Spock doll and other things.........


(Still later.....)

For hours, Peyton and Rusky had been trying to spike Capt Voo's drinks. She appeared to be drinking only Naukoo Beer and it was quite a challenge to both of them to get the blue Romulan Ale into her glass. In fact, it became an obsession. But they'd managed to do it about ten times so far. To their utter dismay it seemed to be having no effect.

Voo came off the dance floor after a particularly enticing dance with Lena's cousin, The Ambassador. What he was the Ambassador of was a mystery.  No one had ever heard of his planet. One of Lena's little pranks, maybe. Who knew? But Mary Ann seemed to like him and she kept an eye on him as she danced with Rusky. Who was looking at the Captain. Who was looking at the pirate. Who was looking at.......something.

"May I get you a drink, Capt?" Peyton and Ru asked at the same time, tripping over one another to get to her side. Was it their imaginations or was that regalia beginning to look.........see through? Perspiration, perhaps? One could only hope. It looked delicious.

"Yes, please." she smiled at them. "Make it two, if you don't mind." And off they hurried like eager puppies. "What are you doing, Voo?" Mary Ann asked sidling up to her and winking. "You've got those two running after you like sheep dogs.....only you're not an innocent little lamb, are you?
"I have no idea what you're talking about." Voo said in a mock tone, smiling back. Then said, "Those idiots are trying to get me intoxicated." "Is it working?" Mary Ann asked as the Ambassador joined her. "No," Voo whispered. "It can't be done. I've had my receptors taken out. I could drink for a week and not get affected."

"Here you go, Princess." the boys said, returning with huge glasses of beer that was  supposed to be brown but was strangely blue.  "Thank you, dears."  Voo took the glasses and walked away. "I've got to check on things down the way. See you later." And they watched her walk across the disco, the lights glittering in her mischievous brown eyes.

Voo hurried down to the Galley and dumped the glasses of Romulan Ale into Liz's punch bowl.  That made about twelve.  Nice. Of course the punch was being saved for when the Admiral made her appearance at the party. Liz wasn't going to be very happy. Voo'd have to dump it out and make a new batch before anyone was aware of it.  It was a huge punch bowl though. It was going to be a job.  But the dispensers were full of the stuff so no worries.

The Captain was quick stepping to the Ladies Room when she heard the announcement coming over the ship's Intercom System.


Oh, no!  What now? She bumped into a guy dressed like Mr. Spock and he blocked her as she tried to get away. He kept giving her the Vulcan sign. "V is for Voo." he said doing his best impersonation. Finally, she pushed him away and said angrily "V is for Victim if you don't get the hell outta my way!!!!"

"Paco, could you take this platter of tacos for me?" Liz asked, her hands full. "Sure." he said smiling that goofy grin. "What would you like for me to do with them?" "Oh, take them to table 16, please." The cafe was filling up. People had been dancing all night and were hungry. Most of them didn't want replicated food, either. Lena, Suria, Lt. Sula and James were banging on their table for Martian meat sickles, whatever that was, she didn't know what they wanted, the nuts.....Two of the Brians had placed an order for Plutonian Pizza and TeeTonka and five of the men Rose had picked up were screaming for Fancy Feast. It was going to be a long night!  Rusky had taken a tray to the Admiral in her quarters, surely she would be coming out soon....

 "May we have some hot tea?" Counselor Sharonlee and Ramona the healer asked politely as Liz passed by. "Coming right up, girls." she promised. Uncle Joe-Bot was sitting at the counter making a nuisance of himself and she really wished he'd go away. He kept asking when the train was coming. What??  Flower, Peyton and Noreen walked in, giggling. "If they ask for Rat-in-a-Box one more time.....!" she sighed
There were people from all over the universe on the ship tonight, all with different tastes and appetites. The green guy at table 30 was giving her the eye. She didn't know if he was hungry or flirting but he gave her the willies. Especially when he popped out the eye and tried to give it to her.

 "How's it going, EA?" Gail winked as she plopped down at a table. "Wow, I'm hungry! Doing the Margokian Hustle always does that to me!" "You got that right!" Shauna giggled, sliding in beside her. "Great party, huh?" "Have you been over to the Lounge to hear Mary Ann? Wow, that lady can play that piano!" Eliza Anne hurried into the kitchen to check on the special dishes she was making for Rusky. That skinny man could eat like a horse! But she loved cooking for him. 

She wondered where Capt Princess Voo had gotten off to. She had been such a big help in all the planning of this shindig but oh, my moon and stars!!!! That outfit! Liz could hardly believe her eyes! It was barely even there!!!  And the CheroKay maiden was usually so modest, too....but not tonight! Rusky and Peyton were panting like dogs every time they looked at her. Heck, even Uncle Joe-Bot was bugged eyed...and he wasn't even a real old guy..............
"Table 3 wants to know if you serve ^^^^^##^^^^?" The Waitress Bot interrupted her thoughts. "Oh, sure, honey, "Liz answered absent-mindedly, "That's just rice pudding with green chilies."

The Admiral makes her Entrance .............

Everyone dropped everything and hurried to the Disco. 
Several people wondered how everyone could possibly fit into the Disco, 
as the ship was teeming with people in all sections.
However, the crew members knew that the internal sensors 
in the club automatically expanded the walls in anticipation of a growing crowd and were not concerned.

The only thing that concerned some of them were nagging 
thoughts that ran along these lines:

Who is running the ship?????  Are the battle stations being manned? 
And first and foremost:  Will I meet anyone cute tonight?????

 The Club was literally a living entity! Full of energy and 
Colors bounced off the walls, the music was loud enough
to peel the paint off of a Klingon Bird of Prey.

Oh, yes, it felt good tonight to be young and alive!  
Or old and spastic.... whatever.

Everyone rushing into the room stopped and watched
the dancers for a moment and looked around to see where the Exits were and the bars and wondered what it was they were being summoned for. 
The exuberant dancers had barely even noticed the Announcement and not missed a dance step.

Suddenly the music came to a grinding halt and all 
the lights went off. There was a collective gasp.....
What was going on?????? No one seemed to know anything. 
The silence was...stunning..........
You could hear the hearts pumping in the people next to you. 
It was exciting. It was terrifying. 
It was.....the Jupiter's Child as usual.......
any day of the week, any light year........................
But now it was......So quiet. So quiet..........

Then a single spotlight came on and hit the back door 
of the Disco. Everyone turned to look. No one moved. 
No one breathed.
Well, some did.....they had to.
Or die.

The anticipation was incredible. The tension, unbearable.
A drop of sweat fell off one of the dancers and hit the 
dance floor and everyone jumped.
It was that quiet.

Beyond the doors and the spotlight a loud roar suddenly 
assaulted the ears of the waiting crowd. Omg! 
What was that?! Should they run away or what?
They didn't know. Many wondered if they were about
 to die and how they should spend their last moments.
 Mary Ann thought of the Ambassador. Gail 
thought of her studio back home. Uncle Joe thought 
about Petticoat Junction.
Sula thought of Peyton. Where the hell was he????
Lena thought about her precious purple Rusky/Ru 
and wondered where he was......
Capt Voo thought about the hand that was groping her butt. 
And swatted it.

The huge doors flew open and everyone stepped back a 
collective step. The spotlight went crazy as it focused on a bright red 
motorcycle building speed as it rolled into the Disco 
gunning it's powerful motor. The noise was deafening. 
The crowd parted as the big machine came plowing through
like a bulldozer. The spotlight was red now and followed
the cycle around the room.
As the eyes of the dazzled crowd adjusted, they strained their necks
to see what was going on.  A motorcycle on a ship? No one had
ever seen such a thing.  It was amazing!

Then the spotlight turned bright white and focused 
upon the rider.
BORN TO BE WILD started playing over the speakers
and the video screens lit up.
The place went insane............People started cheering 
and applauding. It was mass mayhem in a good way. Men 
whistled and women rolled their eyes.
And as the motorcycle came to a stop upon the raised
platform and the spotlight dimmed, the people knew that 
they'd be talking about this night long after they
retired and grew old and died.

Grown men actually......cried.

For there, sitting upon the magnificent red motorcycle 
was the magnificent ADMIRAL KISMET............wearing red leather 
and looking like an intergalactic centerfold. A sight to behold. 
A fantasy girl on a calendar. A dream come true.
A woman you made from a kit.    
Time actually stood still.......

 And then she stood and spread these huge red leather....wings 
and the crowd oohed and ahhhed and some fainted. 
 It was wonderful. It was fantastic. It was typical Kismet.

And she was Back with a Bang!!!!!!

Admiral Kismet and Rusky after party

(Much later)

And then Lena/Wing  woke up in Rusky's room and looked around.  Well, she'd always danced hard but not that hard!  What the heck had happened? Was it when she had bumped into Robbie the Robot as she and Rusky did the Bump? Maybe that was it............... At  any rate, that dream had been wild!!!!  The ship had been invaded, it was utter chaos. You know....the usual.........

Rusky of Oz

Found these on an old laptop. Don't think I have the entire series.
Too bad. Rusty started this show on myspace 
and I joined later. We
had so many people join the cast, 
even some celebrities and actual cast members
 of the old Star Trek tv shows.
 Like the guy who played
"Data" and occasionally William Shatner.
 Bill had his own show on myspace at the time
 and I got to know him pretty well. I just loved him.
This particular storyline follows the
 end of the series as myspace was
shutting down and going to a purely music website..
We were all devastated
and decided to go out with a bang.
 So I wrote a Party of the Century scenario
 starring every one of the characters that
 had been on the series.
 We all had two or three characters we played and
 it was so much fun!!!! 
So I decided to share a bit of the
 insanity with you.
 Hopefully I will run across more of the episodes....

All named characters were the screen icon names of the gang on myspace
who participated, like "The Budding Artist, Lena, Kismet, Rusky...etc. Perhaps some of you were there and remember....?????  Good times!!!!
We were young and INSANE!!!!!!

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