
Friday, June 25, 2021

A Woman Needs To Hear


A Woman Needs To Hear

A woman needs to hear.....

"I love you"

About seven times a day

She needs to hear........

"I need you"

Not feel she's in your way.

A woman needs to hear

In a soft romantic voice

"Come here, woman! I want you!"

That she's your one and only choice.

A woman needs to hear

The things you do not say

But the things a woman's heart can hear

When you just look her way.

A woman needs so many things

Like love, trust and desire

A hand to hold, a caring soul

And a constant burning fire.

But more than anything, I think

Even the sweetness in a word

She needs to hear you convey to her

That you've listened and you've heard.

©by Voo Shining Stone

June 24, 2021

10:42 p.m.


  1. I can feel your words, Girl! So soft with such longing….passionate longing!
    Oh how important all these connections are that can only be felt heart-deep. It can be any one of the five senses that expresses it and with all combined, it can be explosive! And oh how important it is when tenderly done, in everlasting words. At least that’s how it is…….. to me!
    Lovely song by the way! To me!
