
Monday, February 14, 2022

Beginnings And Endings


Beginnings And Endings

In the end there is nothing but beginnings

In the beginning there are oh, so many ends

In the the between times there are comings and there's goings

Thoughts of where you're going to and where you've been.

In the between times life finds loving and finds loathing 

Finds hearts broken and hearts about to break

There are times love finds a true heart full of pure gold

But most times just empty mines not worth the stake.

Life and love are interwoven like the poet and the poem

Like the midnight and the moon, each loved and lover  

Endless endings and beginnings, in betweens, dances and dreams

Knowing one alone is naught without the other. 

©by Voo Shining Stone

Feb 14, 2022

12:25 a.m.


  1. It’s been said that “Every beginning has an end and every end has a new beginning…… by I say that:

    “with real love, there is a great beginning with no end at all; even into eternity, and everything in between is what binds it.
    D’ Sal

    I love this quote,
    “If I can see pain in your eyes then share with me your tears. If I can see joy in your eyes then share with me your smile.”
    Santosh Kalwar

    This is what I’m talking about!

    Such a heartfelt poem, Voo! It opened up my heart! ❤️❤️
