
Thursday, July 4, 2024

You Can Leave Your Hat On


Happy 4th of July, ya'll!!!!     lol ๐Ÿ’‹❤️๐Ÿงจ


  1. A belated happy Independence Day to you my beloved southern belle.

  2. on behalf of all southern belles, we thank you. Now if only my my lame brained neighbors would realize it's over and stop popping those firecrackers...we could get some sleep! 2 days and nights straight!!! Yes, I said guy started shooting off bottle rockets and big fireworks before it even got dark Thursday! You couldn't even see them! He probably spent 2 months rent on 'em. Sheesh! btw: we are now officially 248 yrs old! no...not me..the USA.

  3. ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…

  4. We stood there lookin’ at each other as though we were the last two people on earth. Her beauty was like nothin’ I had ever seen. Her ruby red lips had the resemblance of a deep ruby-red rose right before it begins to open up and show its beauty.
    I knew that at any moment those lips were gonna part with a smile as wide as the Grand Canyon and show the per’tiest pearly whites I’ve ever seen, hidden behind her luscious lips.
    Underneath that hat were the most attractive pair of brown eyes that I had ever gazed at.
    I felt them penetrating deep into my soul as if they were probing.
    Her brunette hair was as sleek as a well polished automobile. And the swirls in her hair hung down to her shoulders.
    What was underneath the hat didn’t matter. It would be worth the pleasure of finding out, but for the moment, all I could think of was,
    “Sweet darling, you can leave your hat on!”
    As she sat down in the black leather chair, with her eyes still looking into my soul, and mine locked in on hers, she slowly reached down to her ankle and began to ease her red shoe off. I could tell she was waiting to see if I was going to take my eyes off of hers to look down at her ankle. I never moved them but my near peripheral was capturing her every move.
    As she brought the glass of wine to her lips she still kept her eyes on mine. For a moment I thought I saw a smile begin to emerge like the sliver of a new crescent moon.
    Without taking my eyes off of hers, I could see her slowly setting down what was left in the glass.
    She knew that I was certainly interested in her so she carefully removed the hat, and removed the red ribbon from the hat and laid them both on the table.
    I knew she was mine as her eyes began to sparkle like fireworks on the 4th of July!
    She was more than I could resist so I walked over to the table And introduced myself. It was first class. Imagine! Walking towards her and never taking my eyes off of her.
    What happened next was phenomenal……….

    To be continued…………..

  5. With intrigue, I had to ask,
    “Excuse me Ma’am! I couldn’t help noticing how attractive you look, if you don’t mind me saying that!”
    I have to confess, the moment I saw you I just couldn’t look away. Your eyes captured my eyes and all I could think of was, ‘what is she thinkin’? So! What were thinkin’?”
    As she sat there, her eyes locked on mine, with a smile of salaciousness she responds, “when you walked into the place I noticed you right away. That form of yours, was as though it was carved from granite. You seemed to carry yourself as one with confidence that I couldn’t look away at anything else. You had me at first glance!”
    “Wow!” I thought to myself, feeling like a warrior who with a monumental effort had just won a battle and was collecting his prize.
    “So!” I said to her. “Tell me a little bit about yourself! What do you like to do?”
    Women love it when a man, whom she’s interested in, wants to know everything about her.
    “I love to bake and cook! I can make some of the best chocolate chip cookies that will ever pass through your lips. You’ll never go back to anything else!”

    Then a slow creeping tingle began emanating from his core quickly blossoming into a conflagration that seemed to sear away any lingering ache and fatigue from a hard day’s work.
    His body thrummed with a preternatural potency he’d never imagined possible.
    He flexed his muscles in wonder, marveling at the rejuvenated strength and dexterity coursing through him. “Incredible!” he rasps, awestruck. “A woman who can bake such tasty morsels! How did she know?” he asks himself, as his mind pulses in a hypnotic cadence, ascending to the pinnacle of delirium! “I have transcended!” he thought to himself nearly shouting it out loud.
    “I would love to try some of your delicacies.”
    So they rose from the table and exited the place together and walked towards her place. He knew right then that this was just the beginning of a new adventure for him!
    To be continued………

    1. Quite the story! Wow. impressive. btw did you notice the new Aachoo Voo blog? I started from scratch since I couldn't edit or change or repost on the old one. It's hard work but I'm hoping it will inspire me to get back to writing after my long hiatus beginning in 2021. I'm trying......but it's been hard

    2. I have not seen your Aachoo Voo blog. But I will.
      I’m glad you’re trying to make a comeback. Listen! Some of the greatest writers ever have been there.
      I hope it continues to inspire you.
      Now I’ve got to visit my gal pal and see what’s new in her Aachoo world! Look for comments…….. D’Sal
