
Thursday, September 19, 2024

Seeds, Lost and Found



Seeds, Lost and Found

I do not know why I was never afraid of storms
Why I longed for them, looked for them, prayed for them
Needing to feel that electrical charge in the air,
That blinding white lightning, that menacing roar
That violent thrusting of a great downpour.

Sans umbrella, I would run in the rain
Wade in the water, play in the mud
Dare the Heavens to chastise my defiance,
Fling out my arms and beg angels to dance
For no mortal would, like me, take a chance.

And so I grew from girl to woman
Always searching, always wanting
Always needing, always grieving
Always lonely with no love around
Always lost and never found.

And then I saw with eyes wide open
The strangest thing, the sweetest thing
So like a dream but not a dream
A dream come true like a fond wish granted
My tears turned to seeds and those seeds then were planted.

And I watered  them and I tended them
I cared for them like the gardener of Eden
Sometimes a seed would sprout out of the dirt
And I would watch hopefully with tears in my eye
Only to see it soon wither and die.

Disappointment was the cloak I wore
Dark with despair and disconsolate
Dangerously daring and almost past caring
I ran then from love for I could no longer take
Watching what I thought was real turn to fake.

So I pretended that I didn't care 
Played with the tigers and ran with the lions
An innocent lost in the valley of shadows
Trying so hard to be found in this world
But just a face in the crowd of lost boys and girls.

We had our fun out on the run
Defying death and loathing life
Gothic angels with bent halos
Seeking for shelter or a hole in the ground
But really, just dying to somehow be found.

And then one day after years of dying
For life had evaded and love had perished stillborn
I turned a corner  that I had never turned
And I saw the face that my soul had known
On a plant that sprang up from those tears I had sown. 

The face of a lost boy who wandered like me
Looking for something that he could never find
Standing before doors that were slammed in his face
Stinging from weapons of words to his heart
Our hands clasped as though they had not been apart.

His mouth, my mouth devoured with kisses
His eyes, my eyes would not look away from
His body, my body could not wait to make love to
His heart, my heart heard without making a sound
And this lost girl and that lost boy had finally been found.

In a world of madness, we had found our sanity
In a world of dragons, we had found our swords
In a world of darkness, we had found our light
In a world of lack filled with just empty shelves
We had found that love lived, we had found ourselves.

The lost boy and I who had both planted seeds
When we were just children and abandoned to weeds
When no love would spring up from our careful tending
Now flourished and nourished and scenting the air
He was my seed, I was his, born of dreams, standing there.

©by Voo
12:21 a.m.

Find Me
by Bread

The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: A Place Called Love

The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: A Place Called Love: A Place Called Love IS HEAVEN COME LORD JESUS, COME.............. Home by  Gwangsig Park ...

Dead Man


Monday, September 16, 2024

Ah Those British!!! lol lol

 Embarrassing: British Realize They've Been Using The Wrong Words For Hundreds Of Things

World·Dec 13, 2021 ·
Article Image

in LONDON - The United Kingdom is a quaint little island country in Europe that speaks English as its primary language - much like the U.S. And while they've always thought a lot of themselves - even having a Queen, like something out of a fairy tale - the people there have just suffered a huge embarrassment, finally realizing that for years they've been using the wrong words for hundreds of different things.

It's unclear how they've gone this long without realizing they've been talking like fools - perhaps Americans were just too polite to point it out to them. But finally, one Brit pointed to a food item and said, "I'll have those biscuits." And the American looked at him like he was an idiot and said, "Those aren't biscuits. Those are crackers. Crackers. Biscuits are what you have with gravy."

Word soon spread about how the British had that one word wrong, but then they found out it wasn't just that word but hundreds more. "We've been calling the place where you store stuff in your car a 'boot' when it's actually called a 'trunk'," said one British man, "and we've been calling fries 'chips' and chips 'crisps.' And our word for a cigarette is highly offensive. We look like morons."

And it's not just that the British have been using wrong words - they realized they've also been spelling things wrong, often adding an extra 'u' where it isn't needed. They've also been pronouncing things wrong, like aluminum.

"Bollocks!" was a common exasperated expression by the British upon realizing their embarrassment, though then an American had to point out that that's not a real word. 

The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: BLACK LIKE THE NIIGHT

The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: BLACK LIKE THE NIIGHT: Black Like The Night . . She wore black like the night Downtown in that little dive of darkness I watched her from my bar stool;...

One More Try


One of my favorite movies and


Lily Was Here


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Hold On My Heart


Dancing Like Delilah old fave

Dancing like Delilah

Dancing like Delilah danced
In robes of silken red
As she swirled to charm the secrets
Out of Samson's head.

Singing like a nightingale
In a quiet Parisian square
Songs to trap the wildest heart
And mesmerize me there.

Smiling like the Mona Lisa
Mysterious, nonchalant
Enticing me with cool indifference
While all your beauties flaunt.

Running down those silver streets
With rain about you falling
Turning to look back at me
With sweet entreaties calling.

Why must you taunt my gentle heart
And play your wicked games?
You, who hold my gifts of love
And will not speak my name.

I am a poor man, rest assured
Not rich by any means
I do not dare to touch the stars
Or live in lofty dreams.

But you, my love, you are my dream
I crave and want you so
And though you sway beyond my reach
I will not let you go.

Beguile me, yes, seduce me, yes!
In your darkness I will dance
Sing to me and charming be
But give my heart a chance.

For lost was I that fateful night
In moon's glow, my eyes fell
Upon your form and fairest face
And my life was plunged to hell.

A swirling dervish in female form
Your eyes, come-hither bold
I felt your fire on that garden path
Consume away my cold.

A madman you have made of me
A thing of teasing's tool
Though I am known for wit and wisdom
Of me, love's made a fool.

All of my secrets I would tell
If you, my love, would ask
I'd climb the highest heights for you
Perform the lowest task.

But you stand there with parted lips
And rip my soul in two
Turn your back and softly laugh
"I have no need of you."



Still Lost by Tom McRae  inspired the write....

©by Voo
Aug 12, 07

The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: Just In Case in memory of 911

The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: Just In Case in memory of 911: Just In Case Just in case tomorrow never comes Just in case the sun forgets to shine Just in case the world is drowned...

Saturday, September 7, 2024