
Sunday, September 10, 2017


Surprises at Midnight

Get dressed, you said, in the sexiest thing you own
Throw on a coat and follow these words, alone
I've laid down a pretty paper roses trail
And where it leads you to, your eyes will tell
So I, in wonder, did just as he asked
For I was titillated by the task.

I hurried down the stairs and to the street
And the night was full of mystery and heat
I saw the pieces of paper shining there
Down the street, the pier and to the Square
I followed them until I came to rest
In an alley way, my heart pounding in my chest.

I looked around to see what I could see
And all I saw was a curiosity 
A cardboard cut-out of a handsome man
Standing there with roses in his hand.

I sighed and turned to go from that dark place
And then he peeked around the cardboard face
"Hello, my love!" he grinned, "What a surprise!"
And I hit him with a pie between the eyes.

©by Voo
March 18, 20017
6:29 p.m.
for you know who

Monday, September 4, 2017

I Don't Mind

I don't mind

I don't mind the tears
I just hate all the crying

I don't mind being dead
I just hate all the dying.

Sept 3, 2017
8:48 p.m.

You There song

Sunday, September 3, 2017


Every One Leaves Me Behind

Constant, perpetually, always
Words that describe my grief
And bitterest sorrow

Words that rake across my heart
Like ice cold wind
On a howling December dawn

I hate those words
I hate the way the meanings changed
When all the love left my world

I hate the way my soul broke
And memories became torture devices
Instead of sunny days

Eternally, everlasting, evermore
Words that use to be valentine cards
And not a diagnosis of my pain

Words that fill me with despair
And not the joy they once did
When I knew what joy could be

I hate the way my head hurts
When I think of everlasting agony
Without a hand to soothe my brow

I hate it.  I hate it!  I hate this...........
Loneliness without end and
Days filled up with emptiness

Nothing means anything anymore
Not even nothing
When there used to be nothing that I wouldn't
Do for love

Now there's no love to do anything for
Not in my life, not in my mind
Love has departed holding hands with hope
Perpetually slamming it's door in my face......

Gone where all the good things go
Things I never could hold on to
Even if I found them outside of a dream
Whether it's true or just in my mind........
Everyone leaves me behind.

© by Voo
Aug 28, 2017
2:11 a.m.