Surprises at Midnight
Get dressed, you said, in the sexiest thing you own
Throw on a coat and follow these words, alone
I've laid down a pretty paper roses trail
And where it leads you to, your eyes will tell
So I, in wonder, did just as he asked
For I was titillated by the task.
I hurried down the stairs and to the street
And the night was full of mystery and heat
I saw the pieces of paper shining there
Down the street, the pier and to the Square
I followed them until I came to rest
In an alley way, my heart pounding in my chest.
I looked around to see what I could see
And all I saw was a curiosity
A cardboard cut-out of a handsome man
Standing there with roses in his hand.
I sighed and turned to go from that dark place
And then he peeked around the cardboard face
"Hello, my love!" he grinned, "What a surprise!"
And I hit him with a pie between the eyes.
©by Voo
March 18, 20017
6:29 p.m.
for you know who