Ghostly Theater soundtrack
H orror S tory
The fog rolled in over the ocean
Quiet, white, on little cat feet
Thick as smoke and menacing
In a steel butterfly kind of way.
It was just in time to meet the storm
Rolling in from an alternate direction
Dark and black and noisy
Like a marching band from hell.
All night the wind had howled
Outside my shuttered window
Tree branches with gnarled gray fingers
Had scratched the roof and tapped on the panes.
I was in the house alone
Had been for thirteen days
Thirteen days of terror gnawing at my insides
Terror, which had no voice except a scream.
"You can never leave here." they had told me
"Once you walk through that door
You're here forever."
And to my everlasting despair, I found that to be true.
Cellars are terrible places
Dead things live there
Rotting things and ancient things
That smell of decay and hopelessness.
I wish I hadn't gone there
I wish I had stayed in the attic with the bats
And the vampires and the ghosts that walked
And moaned all night.
But I had to find a way out
I had tried every door, every barred window
Every keyhole, nook and cranny
The cellar was the last place to look for freedom.
I watched that fog roll in
Through the leaded glass at the top of the stairs
Across the shore, across the cliff, across the lawn
Drawing closer and taking on the form of a man.
I closed my eyes and prayed
"This is just a dream." I said and my voice echoed
Down the dark corridors and off the awful paintings
That hung on every wall like spies in a castle.
Thunder roared and lightning struck
And just for a moment I could see clearly
As I stood looking down the endless staircase
And looking back at me were terrible things with red, red eyes.
Behind me, I heard a footstep
And off I flew down those uncounted steps in the darkness
Down to rooms full of dusty furniture and unlit candles
Fear driving me relentlessly, looking for I knew not what.
Doors, doors, so many doors
They seemed to open of their own accord
Inviting me into the heart of the house
But none that I could see, that led away.
Rustling noises like mice running
And yet not like mice filled my screaming ears
Invisible arms brushed against mine
And I pushed them away and fell and ran and fell and ran.
"Down here." I heard distinctly
And I gasped and ran in the direction of the voice
The outline of a dark, dark door illuminated in a flash
Then it flew open and something drew me down.
Down squeaky, rotting steps
With breath as cold as ice and air as foul
As the devil's soul, the cellar waited for me
And I was much too shattered to resist.
"Who's there?" I cried, hopeful
"Can you tell me how to get out of here?"
And before I had stepped on the last broken step
The door behind me slammed shut and I heard a lock click.
Then something whispered
And something slithered
And something touched my face
And I.....................................
Ghostly Theater remix
©by Voo
Oct 24, 07