
Saturday, October 21, 2017



Fugitive From Love

(a modern day outlaw tale with no happy ending)

I am a fugitive from love
I’ve been on the run for years
I’ve been shot down by heart break bullets
My eyes shed blood red tears.

I am a fugitive from love
Afraid of that lovin’ stuff
Don’t want no fancy free liaisons
No one night romance fluff.

I am a fugitive from love
I only move at night
When love shines it’s light down on me
I keep out of sight.

I am an outlaw running free
I live by no one’s rules
I believe no lies so don’t even try
For I am no longer a fool.

That man, he broke my baby heart
He took away my soul
So I became a fugitive
Hiding in the cold.

(And now you think that you can arrest me
You’re surprised when I resist)
Put on these handcuffs, you say to me
And I’ll lock them with a kiss.

You’ll never take me alive, I say
You’ll never make me stay
I am a fugitive from love
And I will run away.

You shook me by my shoulders
So rigid with pride yet soft
And you said, You’re talking crazy, girl
Baby, that’s crazy talk.

But crazy or no, I will not go
Be led away in chains
You tell me love is getting healed
But all I see is pain.

But I let you persuade me a little
I relented and resigned to my fate
I forgot to forget for a minute
But as you slept, I crept out and escaped.

And I ran and I ran and I ran
Through the night and the stars and the rain
And I cried and I cried and I cried
As I caught that southbound train.

I am a fugitive from love
A woman, scarred and torn
An innocent victim of the pain
That simply can’t be borne.

It hunts me like a prisoner
Though I have committed no crime
It convicts me in the court of love
But I will serve no time.

I am a fugitive from love
An outlaw running free
So skilled am I, don’t even try
You cannot capture me.

You cannot capture me
You cannot capture me
I am a fugitive from love
And you cannot capture me.

©by Voo
Feb 16, 2004

secret garden by Bruce Springsteen
goes perfectly with poem

Thursday, October 19, 2017


Friday Night,  Corner Table

Friday night
Corner table
And you.

I'm so nervous
That I'll say something
Do something
Feel something

Your eyes 
Shine over my face
Like sparkles on the ocean
Like a man on a mission.

Cheers, you say
And I nod,
Raise my glass,
Clink and let the champagne
Glide it's way down my thirsty throat.

Are you happy?
I'm caught off guard
And I blink and laugh a small laugh
As the bubbles tickle my nose
And I feel your fingers on my wrist.

The band starts,
The busboy takes the dishes away
All the while smiling
And staring at me in my sequins
And freshly curled hair.

You signal 
For more wine
Unless you want something more potent?
You query and I shake my head
No, thank you, I've had more than enough.

I turn my chair
Towards the stage
But you catch my arm
And turn me back to you
Not yet, you say, not just yet.

And we sit there
Watching one another
Wondering in low light
Swimming in questions
Drowning in song.

After three pieces, fast and slow
The maestro stops 
Holds up his hand and says
We have a special request
From the gentleman at the corner table.

He wants to know
If the girl of his dreams,
The lovely lady with the pretty curls,
The woman that's sitting there tonight,
Will be his wife?

And I gasp
And put my hand to my mouth
As you slip a ring onto my other. Will you?
You ask with your heart in your eyes. Will you be mine? 
But I am speechless.

This was going to be our last date
I had decided. I was tired of waiting.....
Our last date. I had been trying to find the words
But if you never read this poem, I guess
That's something that you'll never know.

©by Voo
Feb 17, 08
4:45 p.m. 

the song they were dancing to....


I  See Your Face Before Me  by Johnny Hartman....................


Song of The Anguished

I was dreaming under water
With delusion all around
While the bones of dying blackbirds
Cried their last and hit the ground.

I was thinking of my true love
Whom I've yet to meet and touch
I was running toward a yearning
That my heart still loves so much.

On the hill there stood a gallows
With a noose tied just below
So the hanged man died there quickly
Before he had the time to know.

If the pain of death was hurtful
Or if he died from just his fear
It was quick and it was awful
And it left it's terror here.

Running from my waking nightmare
Running to my future fate
I was thirsty, I was hungry
But my life's an empty plate.

Tantalizing with her fragrance
Seduction was her favorite game
As she wound herself around me
Said I'd never be the same.

And that's true, I was a new man
And it's true, I was reborn
In her passion and her beauty
That soon shredded me with scorn.

The things I've done, I cannot tell you
The things I did, I hate to think
As I followed her to quicksand
As she stood and watched me sink.

Love is like a burning ember
Love is like a dying coal
Fires of joy and Eden's promise
Before the flames burn up your soul.

I have walked the ancient desert
I have climbed the mountain tall
I was young and strong and worthy
Before the stumble and the fall.

There, a hero to my mother
Then, a friend to my best friend
And a brother to my brother
Till the dark and bitter end.

Oh, sweet heaven, rain upon me!
Oh, sad sun, shine on my face!
Hangman of Hell, open this lock now!
Let me leave this cursed place!

I will run the roads forever
Show the blind man how to see
Teach the deaf and dumb and foolish
Not to ever follow me.

If you wake me from this nightmare
If you calm my screaming eyes
If you hush the dying ravens
So I cannot hear their cries.

I will seek out newer pathways
Leave the old ones far behind
If you re-turn my life to me
If you'll give me back my mind.

Yes, I'll sign your bloody papers
Yes, I'll stop my sad refrain
Yes, I'll do what you ask of me
No, no more will I complain.

Ah, much better, so much better
Peaceful now, it is so quiet
I can barely see the gallows
All I see is tinted light.

Breathing now, I take a deep one
But I cannot then exhale
I breathe in such warmth and sweetness
But cold is all I can expel.

Dreaming deep beneath the water
And the nightmare of this place
I make my last deal with the Hangman
For one more glimpse of her face.

©by Voo
Sept 30, 2012
9:45 p.m.