
Sunday, January 17, 2021

The Secret That Was No Secret


The Secret That Was No Secret

Lying here with you
I wonder if I dare
Tell the secrets of my soul
I wonder should I share......

Lying in the darkness
Of this warm and cozy room
The only light comes from our eyes
And the softly glowing moon

Lying in this tenderness
With our hearts and forms entwined
The taste of love is on our lips
Like a sweet and honeyed wine

Do you want to know a secret?
I finally dare to ask
As I pull away to await response
To my long awaited task

And what is that? you whisper
Barely breathing as you gasp
Wondering if I need to tell
Some misdeed of the past

I let you lay in mystery
And drown in lover's pain
And then I turn to pull you back
Into my arms again

I love you so, I whisper
The words I'd never said to you
And you exhaled your breath and laughed and said
Girl, that I already knew!

©by Voo Shining Stone


Saturday, January 16, 2021

Jealous Of You


Jealous of You

When the wind touches your cheek,

Blows back your hair,

I get jealous

Jealous because I don't want

Anyone, any thing touching you but me!

When the sun's rays fall on your face

And make your eyes squint

As it turns your skin a sweeter shade of brown

I get jealous

Because I don't want anything in your eyes but me.

Jealousy is torture but exquisite torture

It stings with the pain of a honeybee

But makes you know, indeed,  how much

You want, you crave, you need

That honey that comes with love.

The soil of love's battlefields

Through time immemorial

Have been stained 

With the blood of that jealousy,

Made sacred with the blood of that love.

The heart wants what it wants

And will not settle for less

Will not release until the bands break

And even then, 

Will not let go though the heart has turned to dust.

Some say jealousy is evil

But I say jealousy is pure

For what is love that can be passed around

Through different hands and hearts

And not kept holy and cherished in the heart of the One?

And you are my One

And I am Yours

I want no other lips, no other arms

Kissing me, holding me

Nor kissing you, holding you.

I am jealous and I make no bones about it

Neither do I apologize or make excuse

For what is love that does not care who touches it, soils it

When once it lay like a precious pearl

On a bed of priceless gold?

That is my love for you:  A precious pearl

And I will not give you up or let you go

I will not share you with strangers who do not know your worth

I will not stop wanting you, needing you, loving you 

Even if you walk away from me.

©by Voo Shining Stone

Jan 16, 2021


Start song before reading

warm me

warm me, my love, i am so cold.........
i can't feel these fingers tracing the frozen tears
falling from my eyes
flowing down my cheeks onto your heart.

warm me, my love, i long for flame
red like passion, hot like fire, strong like wine
melt me like the glacier that i am, i was, i am.....
i no longer want to be.

warm me, my love, with the glance of your eyes
the touch of your hand, the breath of your mouth
so cold....
so you were, too.

in the waiting of the wanting of the needing, 
of the void that grasps the loveless.... 
and pulls us down into it's depths
to lie frozen in the silence of a darkened sky.

warm me, my love, burn me as i burn you
coming to life now in this desperation of desire
this heat that flickered low but never died
never died. never died. never died......

but lives now in this newest of days and nights 
and dreams
warming......warming......blazing now with love
your touch is like fire, your love is like a potion
i drink......i feel.....i love....i burn....i melt

the glacier gone forever.

©by Voo Shining Stone
Nov 14, 2004
7:38 p.m.