Sunday, June 11, 2023
The Blue Vineyard Of Voo Shining Stone: NIGHT TRAIN TO THE STARS AT THE ALL NIGHT CAFE: click on Loop on the vid to keep soundtrack playing Night Train To The Stars At The All Night Cafe ...
Cats In This Neigborhood Episode ONE
Every year is the Year of the Cat, baby!!!
My sidekick and roving feline reporter, Roscoe Ratcatcher
They teach the ways of the Einstein..............
instead of reading newsworthy articles like this one!!!!
Some of them are great hunters and chefs at local restaurants😉
Some are friendly receptionists......on occasion..
that there is a cold blooded killer among them....
If they get out of line, they go before Judge Pawker, the hanging judge
the paranormal expert who loves to pop up
when you least expect it.............
this poster started showing up on neighborhood telephone poles
and on the internets.................
Several of us started arming ourselves
🐶 with bulldogs and laser light pointers....
For instance, Snowball plays The Grinch every Christmas at the
who usually wins all the local bike-a-thons..
Brothers Huey, Duey, Looey, and Clyde
and Garfield look-a-like contests.....
when he's not in prison
Brothers Huey, Duey, Looey, and Clyde
do double duty as window washers and peeping toms......
Yesterday Donald was caught by his brother's cell phone
Yesterday Donald was caught by his brother's cell phone
sticking his tongue out at his mom.
(he is now grounded for six of his nine lives)
(Man! I've got to find myself a new audience!)
One of my personal favorites is the preacher cat,
The Right Reverand Moochie Mewhard,
who goes about casting the devil out of his fellow felines ......
whether they need it or not...................
This guy is a Rock Star wannabe who practices
falling backwards into mosh pits at any given opportunity.
He can't sing or play guitar, he just.....falls
Here we have Manny Moo at the kitchen table today
after the Vet told his Mom to put him on a diet.
Needless to say, Manny did not appreciate the carrot and
Buttermilk Smoothie.....
Well, I think this hidden Cat Cam
clears up the mystery of a killer loose in the neighborhood.
I wondered why I hadn't got a paper the last three days....................
Spockles has really been enjoying all the new Star Wars series, he says
but is fighting for a part in the next Star Trek franchise.......coming soon
But he said he's tired of all this Non-Human exclusion
in Hollywood at the Oscars. Calls it Catism Racism.
He can walk a red carpet just as well as
Lady GooGoo Ga Ga ....... Whatever
Local meowers, The JellyBellies performed the
only song they know for the big charity event CATSRUS last night....
The song? STUCK ON YOU by Lionel Richie. They sung it 47 times
before being booed off the stage.
In other news..........bad brothers Bobby and BoDiddly have been up
to their old tricks, stealing toilet paper and paper towels out of any open bathroom
windows they can find. Traces of it literally litter the whole neighborhood.
It's a crime and a shame how some cats turn out. But....that's what catnip will do to you.
Local, Bojangles Popeye Church, explains his new fried chicken
proposal to potential investors at KFC HQ. (Kittens Felines and Cats)
It was later said that he did quite an impressive
PowerPoint presentation even though nobody knew how it ended because he threw up
a hair ball on the keyboard and it kind of went down hill from there.
Also, as a lesson to all the high schoolers..........
this picture was circulated amongst them
Friday to remind them not to be like Jolly.
(Jolly won't eat anything if it's not in capsule form)
Don't Be like Jolly.
As most of you know, General Bonkers
went live on the Cat News Network tonight to try to calm the masses
after a huge UFO was seen hovering over Mrs. Bailey's back yard. It took out all of her bird feeders and seven squirrels. Please contact General Bonkers at the Feline Flying Force Base
(the shed behind the garage on Baker Street) if you have any information. We suspect Claude Jay, the kid who likes to build model airplanes and stuff but have no concrete proof.....
General Bonkers is offering a $25.00 reward and all the rats you can eat......
which probably will preclude any humans turning him in.............
In closing this week.....just a friendly reminder this winter or next
Remember your feline friends...
because they never forget a slight...........
We will return soon with more
Cats In This Neighborhood News..............
until next time.....Farewell and Meow from your Oh, so Human Reporter.....
Voo Ima Standingby and the ever cool Roscoe "Sup" Ratcatcher
Voo Ima Standingby and the ever cool Roscoe "Sup" Ratcatcher
will be back with his popular editorials
in two weeks. He has been in intense pychotherapy
as of late trying to get over his life long anger
at the world in general and at me and Roscoe in particular.
I think it's because we discovered that he was named after
Frank Sinatra by a crazy cat lady who'd had a crush on
Ole Blue Eyes from childhood.
(He hates the name Francis)
but don't call him Frankie either.
(he hates everything)
From the (Mothers Of Bad Kitties)
(pd adverisement)
Attention you thugs and alley cats.....and
especially you, A. Catinova Wisenheimer!!!!
Saturday, June 10, 2023
Hallmark Moments That Never Were
Hallmark Moments
that never were
I had a Hallmark moment once
With my dad....................
The trouble is, I don't remember it
And looking at this photo here
We both looked scared too death
Of one
What is it
I am supposed to remember
And would I want to remember
Anything if I could?
And I wonder what it was
That he remembered about me
In the long icy years
Before he passed from this life?
In the long icy years
Before he passed from this life?
I remember my Pa, my daddy's daddy
And how much fun we had together
And how he laughed at all my antics
As we went fishing or riding
Or just to the store
Where he'd buy me Grapettes and candy
Where he'd buy me Grapettes and candy
And I'd always want more.
I remember horses and cattle barns and sawdust at auctions
I remember horses and cattle barns and sawdust at auctions
And how excited they'd be cause they thought it was slick
When I'd run down and do my "horse whisperer" trick
Coming home with a truck full and most of them, free
Cause they couldn't be tamed by nobody but me.
I remember playing cowboys and indians
And robbers and cops
Setting the sawmill on fire with my little friend, Eddie
And how bad we felt
When the whole thing went up.
I remember I loved all the animals
And they all loved me
But I really loved horses
And I hadn't a care
I would sneak out and sleep in the stables beside them
And Mama would scream when she found me there.
I remember Mama's song writing
And singing and ironing
Her fried chicken and biscuits
And Ma's apple cakes
The country way Ma talked
Calling asparagus "Sparegrass"
And it was embarrassing to us kids
But boy, she could bake!
I remember the creek and the bridge
And the swimming hole in summer
Sitting on the stock-gap and up in the trees
Playing circus and clowns
With my brothers and sisters
Playing circus and clowns
With my brothers and sisters
Writing poetry for hours
'Bout the birds and the bees.
I remember sharing Ma's secrets
And going through her treasures
Stealing chocolate covered cherries
That she thought I couldn't see
That she thought I couldn't see
And how she would rail then
But she knew it was me.
I remember pet cats and dogs
And squirrels and horses
Rabbits and pigs
And geese and goats
Cows and chickens
That Pa sold me for pennies
Like peacocks and turtles
But I hated the guineas.
I remember Mama dressing up
In outrageous costumes
Coming round to the door
And fooling our dad
Who thought she was a stranger
And how we all laughed
But he never saw funny, he always got mad.
I remember gallons of ice cream and Ma's baby brother
Visiting the kinfolk that lived far off a ways
Working hard in the summer and sneaking off on Ole Dan
Riding up in the hills and staying all day.
I remember a lot of things
And some of them good
But most times were bad
Just because of my Dad
And to make a bad rhyme here:
That is so sad.
I wish I could remember him loving me
Like a daddy should love
Like a daddy should love
His own little girl
And him making me giggle
And buying me toys
But all I remember is his sad, angry world.
And in light of that memory
I've tried to make all my life
One big Hallmark moment
In the joy and the strife.........
And sometimes, I failed
And sometimes I succeeded
But there have been many and I'm proud of that.
©By Voo
June 17, 2017
10:47 p.m.
dedicated to Fathers everywhere
Please make happy times
For your kids to remember
For after all,
what else is left of you when you go
but the memories?
but the memories?
Giving Away Laughter by John Trudell
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