
Tuesday, January 16, 2018


Couldn't Have

Perched on the edge of the sea cliff like a
Bird contemplating flight I stood stock still
And let the wind caress my face and blow
Back my hair in long black streams.

Down below and out in the distance 
The raging sea beckoned to me 
With it's little white hands of salt and foam
It was a gray day full of clouds and fog
A perfect day to leave the world on 
Does anybody care? I asked out loud
More a plea than a question, more a prayer
Than a plea. Is anybody there? I asked the sky
I waited for an answer that I never expected to come
And felt my heart drop to my stomach and my stomach
Rise up into my chest
Just then a sea gull flew by and I thought I heard it say
Don't do it.

Didn't it? No, couldn't have. Gulls don't talk
I thought of all of the loves I had lost and all
Of the loves that never had been and all of the anguish
I had passed through in ever growing depth and length
Enough was enough.
Just then a ship out on the ocean passed by and I
Thought I heard it's deep bass horn say
Don't do it.

Didn't it? No, couldn't have. Horns don't talk
Nobody will miss me, I thought. Nobody gives a thought
To me. Nobody. Better to do it now and get it over with
Just then a plane flew over my head just below the clouds
And I thought I heard it's engines say
Don't do it

Didn't it? No, couldn't have. Engines don't talk
I'm crazy, I thought, I'm insane
I'm grasping at straws and trying to find reasons
When there aren't any. Why wait? Just do it
Just then a voice behind me in the mist
 Startling and sudden, spoke out loud
In a tone I'd never heard before
And I thought I heard it say in foreign tongues
Don't do it.

Didn't it? No, couldn't have. There was no one there
Nobody cares! I screamed to the winds and the winds
Carried the sound of my cries out into the sea
Echoing off the cliffs and joining with the throng
Of strange white birds that suddenly appeared
Out of nowhere, that hovered there below me
And above the craggy rocks with broken peaks
I'm doing this! I shouted, I'm getting this over with
And nobody can stop me! Nobody on earth!

Then positioning my body like a precision
Olympic diver and letting the icy tears spill down
My determined face, I gave one last look around the
Awful world that had forsaken me and said, Goodbye
Then with courage and despair filling me like helium
I stepped off the cliff into weightless air and waiting death 
And anticipated peace............ 
And I jumped.

I don't know how long I fell
My eyes were closed and my senses resolved to feeling 
Pain unspeakable for the last time but only for a moment
I just wanted it to be over
I prepared to hit the ground with a velocity that took 
My breath and the wind of my falling dried the tears
That still clung to my eyes and twisted my hair 
Into long snake like dreadlocks wet with the mist of the ocean
Now! I thought and braced myself in anticipation. Now, it ends!

Just then, two strong but strangely tender arms broke my fall
And caught me before the moment of impact on the rocks
Swept me up into the sky like a space ship at warp speed
And I opened my eyes and saw that I was surrounded 
By the throng of strange white birds that were no birds at all
But shining beings with wings and shields and swords.

I looked at them in awe, dozens and dozens of them, hovering there
And back to the one who held me in his arms like a broken doll
I looked into his eyes and tried to fathom what I beheld there
But I could not. It might have been love. I don't know, never
Having known it but it felt like love. We told you not to do it
He said without opening his mouth. You are greatly loved whether
You know it or not. Greatly loved.

 And then like an eagle he flew
With me and all the others back to the safety of the cliff top
And set me down in a place I had not noticed before
Green with flowers growing and soft breezes touching me
Like whispers. Live! he said and bounded to the sky with his friends
Forming a V formation and flew into the West like a 
Silent white cloud and was gone before I could blink
I fell to the ground and lay there for hours and slept.

I must have slept. I must have! It must have been a dream
Towards evening time, I picked myself up and started towards
Home, feeling strangely alive and refreshed and renewed
What have I done? I asked myself in amazement. Am I dead or alive?
I did not know. I had never felt alive before

Just then a cloud of white, white birds flew over me without a sound
And for some strange reason I thought the cloud spoke to me
And rained compassion down on me and kindness
No, couldn't have, I thought, Clouds don't talk
Couldn't have. Couldn't have. Couldn't have.

Then my eyes picked up a speck that fell in my direction, falling fast
I watched as it drew near me quiet as snowflakes, white as snow
It fell into my outstretched hands like a longed for gift 
A present to a child on Christmas Day. I caught it in my hands 
And clutched it to my heart.

And I have it still......and it still speaks to me........
It speaks of love and life and I no longer want to die....
I cannot prove what I have told. I cannot convince a soul
I barely convinced myself! But there it lies in it's silver case
Under lock and key, more precious to me than gold:
The white feather that spoke
And you say, It couldn't have
But it did and it does.

©by Voo
Jan 13, 2005
 9:30 p.m.

Across the Bridge Where Angels Dwell
 by Van Morrison

Sunday, January 14, 2018


I Love a Man Who Can Cry

I love a man who can cry without feeling embarrassed
Who can smile at a sunset at the end of the day
Who can listen to a symphony and get a lump in his throat
Who can write down a song and then give it away 

I love a man who can see little babies
And get all mushy inside without questioning the joy
Who can hear a child's laugh and remember what fun is
Who plays with puppies and kittens like he's still just a boy

I love a man who is not ashamed to be vulnerable
Who can show me his weaknesses, his fears and his thoughts
At the same time being confident of who he really is
Who can be my strong shoulder when he knows that he ought

I love a man who can hurt and then be healed by love
Who can pray darkness gone and keep demons at bay
Who can show the whole world that he's not ashamed
Of the God that he knows that made him that way

I love a man who loves with his whole heart
Who needs his woman like a flame needs to burn
Who isn't shy about saying just how much he wants her
And what he will do to make her want him in return

I love a man that works hard and plays hard
But will take rainy days off without so much as a care
When his woman needs him to stay in that bed
And shut out the world like it's not even there

I love a man whose eyes light up when he smiles
But can darken with passion when I look deep in those eyes
Who will recite my poetry like Shakespearean sonnets
Or a song so worth singing that's his joy and his pride

I love a man who can slow dance for hours
In candlelight's glow without saying word one
Who will touch me so softly that it feels like a feather
But then hold me so hard that I cry when he's gone

I love a man with a strut in his walk
Who can make the heads turn when he walks in the room
But who doesn't look back at the heads when they turn
And saves himself for the woman who's his sun and his moon

I love a man who writes poetry for me
Who writes letters to me
Who sings songs just for me
And who shows me "the him" that no one else ever sees

I love a man who takes time and is kind
Who knows and who shows that he understands
Who will hold me when I need him, you can bet I won't leave him
For he needs all the same things that I need from my man.

©By Voo
Jan 14, 2018 
9:20 a.m.

Like A Man by Adam Cohen
(son of Leonard)

I Want To Dance With Somebody
by Bootstraps

Cry Like a Man

Sunday, January 7, 2018


Silenced By Truth

Oh, how they howl
These belligerent dogs
That guard the sheep
That sleep in numbness, dumbness
Catatonic trances 
Of uninformed conformity.

They say they're there
For protection of the innocent
But that's not true
We know, me and you
That they are wardens
Of an invisible prison.

Skies are hardly anymore blue
But gray smudged canvases
Filled with long white trails
Toxic paints from big white brushes
Tic tac toe boards
That nobody sees.

A thousand sightings
Of a thousand ships
Besmerched by lies
From a thousand lips
But the truth is out there
Behind the clouds of misdirection.

Hiding the real 
In front of the masses
Who choose unreality shows
Instead of the news
They play us for fools
And use us for tools.

But the lights are on
In some of our eyes
And we burn with the sharing
Of truth and escaping
From the love of the Brother
Who is not our friend.

This world is not
What it seems
Don't you know that?
Drugged into submission
Is not even living, it's not even death
We have become slaves to the enemy of God.

We are beings
Made to live free
Breathe free, run free, die free
Unshackle yourselves and run now with me
The guard dogs will howl but don't be afraid
They will run when confronted and be silenced by truth.

©by Voo
Nov 12, 07


Waiting For Water

In between the raindrops
And the sun,
Every now and then,
We find the thing
Our souls cry out for,
Our bellies crave,
Our hearts need,
And our heads want.

It isn't often, mostly, rare
And hardly ever found
When we most need it,
Or crave it
Or want it
It's usually on a far-away hill
Hidden in shadow
Or smoke from the burning of dreams.

Is a puzzle piece
In a box full of death
Waiting to be pieced together,
To be made sense of,
And solved
Like a mystery,
When the picture comes clear.

Love, we suppose,
Should be a right
And not a gift
Should be waiting for us
At the dawn of the day
And the fall of the night,
But very seldom is,
Very seldom,
Even shows it's face.

It runs from us
Because it's afraid
Of what we'll do to it
Once we catch it
And so it runs,
And keeps it's distance
Outside of our hearts
And our hard clenching hands.

We are bellies
Begging to be fed,
Wanting to be filled,
Crying to find peace
And our hearts are cages
Where no bird sings.

But every now and then,
In between the raindrops
And the sun,
Though we may not know it's name,
Or recognize it's face,
Or understand it's touch,
(For we are humans, after all
And do not know what we do not know
Till it has passed.)

We find the thing
That gives life meaning
When clarity comes
Like a cup full of hope
Drawn from the wells of our darkest despair
And all of us, from the least to the greatest,
Before dying is over and all dreams gone to dust,
We will come to that well
And stand peering deep down
Sometimes, a mirage, and sometimes, for real
Waiting for water
In the desert of love.

©by Voo
Aug 15, 09
9:49 p.m.


Where Could I Go?

Without you in my dream-filled arms
Down where the hopeful meet
I'd never know what love looks like
Or how it tastes so sweet.

Without you running down that road
In misty morning air
I'd never see the sun light rise
Like halos in your hair.

I'd never hear the song bird's song
And the joy that shines in eyes
I'd never know the ring of truth
That separates the lies.

I could not know the touch of bliss
That visits at that gate
Could only long for a tender kiss
To come and change my fate.

But there you are, and there you stand
With arms out-stretched to me
And there I run in breathless haste
To where you'll always be.

In dreams, as perfect as a rose
In sleep, where dreams come true
In midnight lands where dreamers flee,
I flee, and search for you.

For in this world, you do not dwell
On east or western shore
Your spirit passed this way but once
And caught my eyes no more.

Yet every night I hear your call
Your voice so low and deep
You say my name and I awake
There in the realm of sleep.

And hand in hand, we run and run
From daybreak's heartless sorrow
To find the night that has no end
That always comes tomorrow.

Where could I go but to my dreams?
No love waits at the dawn
My life's a lonely, loveless thing
Since you've grown wings and flown.

Where could I go? Where could I find
The love I miss so much
There in the green fields of the heart
Mere deserts, without your touch?

Perhaps one day I will come to you
Though I don't know if that will be
Till then, I'll run through these days to night
When you can come to me.

©By Voo
June 13, 09
11:21 p.m.