
Friday, December 29, 2017


Gains and Losses

In the game of life, we lose a lot
Much more than we gain
And spend half our time out of our minds
And the other, half insane.

Our columns add up in tiny measures
But the minus columns are long
We hum our tunes about the moon
And never learn the song.

We walk the streets with solemn feet
And pass people we could love
But we don't have the time, we are so blind
To needs we don't think of.

Stock markets rise, stock markets fall
And we throw our money down
And riches lose or poverty gain
We swagger like a clown.

He who dies with the most toys wins
The saying goes today
But the winner loses all the same
When he throws his friends away.

And lovers come and lovers go
And people pass from Earth
And living flows so very slow
Between the death and birth.

We poets write in dark of night
Our prose for other's hearts
We see the love that others share
And of which we have no part.

And after death our fame may rise
And our verses published be
But the adoration given then
Our eyes will never see.

For poets only feel the losses
The suffering and pain
We do not know the face of love
Or blessings ever gain.

But if Heaven waits beyond the veil
As a reward for our trust
Then all our losses will fade away
And blow away like dust.

Perhaps this life was never meant
To be a poet's paradise
But through the preaching of our prose
Save other men from vice.

I cannot say, I do not know
I only know I yearn
To lose the losses and gain the gains
And to share what I have learned.

©by Voo 
Jan 6, 05

Sunday, December 24, 2017


Christmas Eve Blues

I spent my Christmas Eve 
Reading a book called
" Going Crazy"
And wondering if someone had snuck in
 While I wasn't looking
And written down my life story.

There on each page was a little tidbit about me
A little insanity, and a lot of sadness
I turned off the t.v.
' Cause every channel was showing fireplaces
And families and egg nog and Hollywood happiness
Tied up in red ribbons. It was absolutely depressing!
How can happiness bring you so much pain?

The frozen snow lay outside my windows like a blanket
And I watched the little birdies ice skating over the yard
In search of hopeful bread crumbs
The phone didn't ring
 And I knew it was you not calling
That's alright, I didn't expect any calls
I stopped expecting things years ago or allowing myself
To believe in Santa Claus or.... love.

The cat curls up beside me 
And purrs like a furry, little rowboat
His own feline way of telling me he loves me
And that he's glad to be in my presence........
Thank God for love in any form, I suppose.

©by Voo
December 24, 2004 
12:30 a.m.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017


I Was Born With Wings

I was born with wings that were clipped from my young shoulders
After running wild and free on this grim earth
After two or three years of flying and living
Innocent and unconcerned with terrestrial things and human pain

The loss of my wings brought me anguish
And sorrow and heartache and terror
That would shadow me the rest of my life
And never let me know that taste of freedom again

Feet cannot be compared to wings
Feet can only run, they cannot soar
They cannot take you high above the clouds
Of despair and over and beyond the awful things
That wait in darkness to grasp your soul

Feet cannot outrun the thing that runs behind you
Or crawls below you or slinks in front of you
But wings! Wings can lift you up and away
To heights untouched by life's tragedies and hell's demons

Wingless now, I can only run and run and run
Run toward Heaven, where I've been told 
My wings are waiting for me.

©by Voo
Feb 12, 2005
2:30 p.m.

Thursday, December 14, 2017


Seventeen Forever

I am seventeen in my heart
No matter how faded I may become,
How ancient I will seem one day
How elderly I might appear,
To future children
Who will never be younger than I.

I am seventeen in my soul
An innocent thing running
In morning's glory
Through sunflowered fields
And turquoise skies
Full of laughing birds
And whispered wishes.

I am seventeen in my attitude
(And defiant)
Wearing black leather
And hanging out with boys
No mother would ever approve 
I tempt them with my eyes
And disdain them with my mouth
Kiss them on the backs of motorcycles
And ignore them in the halls.

I am seventeen in my emotions
A wounded kitten
Looking for love
And having no idea
What love might be
When I find it
But every day in a hundred ways,
I continue my search.

I am seventeen in my mind
All woman
With a void that can never be filled
And a hunger that can never be fed
Except by that thing, (whatever that thing is)
That is missing from the deepest part of me.

I am seventeen in my spirit
Wilding away in the fields of eternity
Dancing on bare feet
Where the green does not fade
Watched over by angels who smile at my bliss
Watching all those, like me
Who aged with every tick of an earthly clock
Age no more
But remain in our happy and grateful hearts, 

©by Voo
started yrs ago
and finished just now
Dec 2017
12:39 a.m.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017


The Life and Death of the Sun

The cold autumn sun
            Is fading so slow,
She's looking for something
            She may never know.

            A room full of darkness
           That she can peek in
That's swept clean of clutter
            By her old friend, the wind.

Blowing steady like memories
           That cannot be seen
           Like the tasting of kisses 
           Like a hot summer's dream.

When the winter creeps in
           And the light crawls away
          Then the owls and the shadows
           To the woods come to play.

          There the sun rests in waiting
           For the night to pass by
          And they hold and caress her
         And she tries not to cry.

        But the sun, like the moon
      Needs to shine to be heard
      Like the growl of the tiger
       And the song of a bird.

     She is lonely in wanting
     And she shivers and sighs
     Watching, yearning for dawning
     With the Earth in her eyes.

     Then, in rushes of morning
     She awakes full of light
     Leaves still falling like teardrops
     From the soft Autumn night.

There ahead lies the Winter
There behind Summer's heat
Spring is only faint memory
And the fall's in retreat.

But the sun seems immortal
Be it cold, hot or rain
And she shines up the darkness
With it's pathos and pain.

Looking for what, she knows not
But she looks evermore
In the morning and noon time
And the dark of the door.

But she's fading in Autumn
Like a leaf in the wind
And the snow, soon will chill her
Till the Spring comes again.

Myths are spun on her shining
Tales are told 'bout her spark
Men believe she's a Ruler
But she follows the dark.

And one day, she will burn out
On that day, no one knows
And the night will reign endless
In the world when she goes.

©by Voo
Nov 28, 2010
7:48 p.m.