
Sunday, May 31, 2020

What Happened


  1. I'm sorry I really don't do memes they tend to be short sighted and written in a bubble. They're OK for some people.

    If what I felt was easy to walk away from was it ever real? If I professed that I'd die without them if I walk away was I lying all along?

    These are the demons that I fight for years after the fact. I have to reconcile my heart to give up everything it believed and go on. Sometimes along the way I meet someone who may help me in my fight to convince my heart to let go. More times than not they don't. But it's just as well it's not their fight.

    The last piece you read on my site was written 3 years ago. And felt for 40 years. And resung and re felt ever since. To say I know how it feels is an understatement.

    If it helps you, then never stop reading them but I can't do chicken soup for the cardboard sign protest sentiment. Maybe I would be the better person if I could.

    1. I don't usually read or post inspirational signs or the like but this one
      spoke to me. I posted it I needed it. Cause, like you, I don't easily
      let go of people, places or things. But I'm trying to learn how. It was like
      a commercial while waiting for the next heartbreaking, cry in your Merlot Voo write....๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

    2. Anything that helps you must be good by definition. Whether I understand it or agree with it or not. But I've been told that I'm helpful at times. Or maybe they're just trying to lul me into a false sense of security. Any who, food for thought.
      Be well my little Lotus Petal under the bridge. Lol

    3. When did I stop being a troll???? haha

    4. LOL my dear Voo whoever said that you stopped? LOL

      Diversity is infinite

    5. you know? JayRay......sometimes I just want

    6. To..... to.....
      Oh to do to do. What's there to do Voo? Is there any cheer in you, Voo? Or only boo whoo in Voo?

      I see what you do. So I have high hopes for you. Sometimes you hid, under the bridge. Sometimes you wiggled behind the fridge. I tried to see you in the shower. But you take them at such late hours. So sometimes your a flower. I try not to meddle. So sometimes you're a little Lotus petal.

      But what to do, to do when you only think that you're you. Voo

    7. lol lol lol What are you drinking, son???!!! I suddenly feel like yodeling....Yodel lay hee, Yodel lay hee O
      Yodel lay ti do!!!! O lay hee!!!! I got a feeling called the lovesick blues...Since
      my baby said goodbye Lord, I'm a feelin' soooo lonesome I feel like I'm gonna cry..... lol

    8. And in answer to your question??? Strangle you. ๐Ÿคจ


    10. That was cute. You know when I went tomy YT last night
      your name popped up as a recommendation and I ended up
      watching all your videos that I didn't even remember were there.
      They were very enjoyable!!! The drone flying lessons, the poetry
      everything. I loved how you did your poetry videos. They were Amazing!
      A couple of them actually made me cry. You should promote them more
      on your blog so people are aware of them or remember them. They're excellent!!!!
      You are indeed an interesting person, I must say.

    11. Boo hoo and no comments left for me, boo hoo. But really thanks.
