
Sunday, June 7, 2020

RainMaker.. and Romantic Planet. old videos of mine


  1. awwwww how sweet.You're the air my heart breathes...that's enchanting!. many pages you read today??? 960? haha
    You are a busy bee, my friend. 🐝🐝🐝🐝

  2. RainMaker is my favorite old video I ever did. I love Keb Mo.

  3. Yes I know. I haven't been feeling well today and nothin to do but mess with your mind. Not quite! Why? Are you keeping track? I can step it up a bit if I'm gettin behind.

    I recognized Keb Mo.

  4. Please don't step up your pace!!! I am exhausted trying to keep up with you, man!!!!!, go ahead. I'm curious to see if you find EVERY single blog page! haha There are things on here I don't even remember!!! 668 to be exact....whew You are SO funny!!!! love it! Voo Voo the Clown

  5. I'm with you. I'm tired too. I can see several on a page and I don't have to open them unless I see one I haven't seen or looked at. I'm having a blast keeping you laughing each time I log on.

  6. And I appreciate it so much. Doing much better emotionally.
    Have a wonderful night. hugs, Voo aka Aachoo Voo (who lives in the 1940s) ha!
