
Friday, September 24, 2021

Watching The Worker Bees

Watching The Worker Bees

Those eyes, those eyes
Those ever present eyes
See them? No, not really?
But they see you.

We have our blinders on now
Handed out at red carpet affairs
By handlers who handle Hollywood
And all it's luminous stars.

Look! A new HD show starts!
Isn't it fascinating?
See how they laugh in our faces
While hiding the plan in plain sight?

Years ago when innocence still lived
(At least in me, but no, not now)
I thought kings were good and ruled in wise judgement
And queens and princesses, benign and so fair.

But they have taken off their masks now
And their iniquities are revealed
So arrogant are they, they, with their blue bloodlines
And reptilian eyes.

Look! No, don't look!
(It was a camera zooming in)
Don't let them see you see
Or the men in black suits will be calling.

When I was a kid
A big brother was a marvellous thing
Someone to be adored and followed
Not something to be feared.

I don't like this world anymore
It is not my world, nor is it yours
Despite the fact that you still live here
And you still believe what they tell you.

I would shake you by your shoulders, friend
But would that wake you?
No, I thought not
I'm just a lunatic, full of paranoid conspiracy theories.

You know the old joke?
Just because you're paranoid
Doesn't mean they're not out  to get you
Oh, look! Here they come now! Ha Ha.

I had a dream last night
I dreamed that a knight on a white horse
Came to rescue me and I was so happy!
But when he found me, he cut off my head.

We can't even escape in our sleep now
Their influence is everywhere, everywhere
See, my body is shutting down and there's no cure
So I have to take medicine to sleep and wake up.

Look! Is that a black heliocopter?
Is he taking our picture, that guy, with the goggles?
Well, get used to it. It happens all the time now
Yesterday I found myself on Google holding a Bible.

My grandmother told me to
"Come out from among them heathens!"
When I was a child and didn't know daylight from dark
But now I do, but I don't know where to go.

Perhaps you'd better not hang out with me anymore
It could get you in trouble
See, I know too much. (Not nearly enough)
But enough that they want me silenced.

Did you hear that?
There's someone on this line!
Hello? Hello! Are you taping me?
Haven't you got enough evidence yet?

You know what?
I don't care anymore
Like Mulder said:  The Truth is Out there!
And it's in here, down here in my heart.

I just want to tell everybody that truth
I just want everybody to Wake Up
And see what's happening before our faces!
To know the Truth so the Truth can set you free!

Friend, you really have been a friend to me
And I appreciate you listening and feigning interest
Sometimes I think I'll go crazy knowing what I know
But you've been there and I appreciate it so much.

Who are you talking to? Is someone there?
Oh. I thought I heard another voice on your line
Well, I guess....oh, hold on a minute, there's someone at the door
*Door crashes in* *Phone is dropped* "Down on the floor, traitor!"

My God, this cell is so tiny
I can't breathe, I can't see the chemtrail laced sky
I hear sounds outside that I don't want to think about
Was that a scream? Was that something falling?

Oh, look! A little light pierces the darkness
Who's there? Can you help me? Who are you?
And a camera flash destroys my vision and I sink to the floor
And eyes of every shape and size blink on and watch me while I cry.

©by Voo
October 20, 08
5:49 p.m.


  1. Omgsh,Voo,I'm pretty sure we are two peas in a pod in terms of our thinking. If there is any comfort in me saying so, you are not crazy, and neither am I. And I love this piece that resonated on EVERY way with me! Brilliant! Much love to you, fellow comrade. ❤ Chris

    1. thank you so much fir saying so! and Welcome! How did you find me ??? I feel like
      a lone voice in the wilderness most of the time. there are others here like this.
      Have you read Don't Let Them Take You To Room 101???? Voo

  2. So much truth in this amazing piece.

    Mr I Paranoia ��

    1. indeed. We are seeing it playing out as we speak. Peace to you and yours

  3. I didn’t know about your blog, Voo, and I like it. Keep it up and I will keep an eye on it (so to say).

    1. So glad to hear that, Allan. There is a great variety of things here going back years. I write from my soul and spirit and am pretty transparent. I have lived a supernatural life in many ways and it seems to touch people and make them feel that I'm writing their own stories. I can be silly and goofy but also deep and prophetic. All those pics at the bottom of the blog are of me in different phases of my crazy life. I've done just about everything and I have many incredible stories to share. I love your books and blogs and research and have much respect for you. I know what it feels like to be "misunderstood". lol I am very curious about how your readers will respond to my hellish story.

  4. Oh, and the email you sent me, you must publish it, here and/or on my blog, and you must (please) explain what happened from the start. It’s an amazing and important story so far. Allan

    1. I wrote everything I could remember exactly how it happened.
