
Tuesday, October 13, 2020

A Meaningful Life

Love's Rain

Life without love
Is an lonely place

A star with no shine
And no gleaming

Life without love
Is a bitter taste

A life muddled through
With no meaning

Life without love
Is a tiresome thing

Running in circles
In vain

But life, like a desert
Can bloom like a garden

When that dry dust
Is drenched with love's rain.

©by Voo

This is a painting a friend did of me


  1. Life without love is lonely indeed.
    As a woodwind instrument is without a reed.
    It cannot talk. It cannot sing.
    It cannot speak musical notes or anything.
    But only love can remove what she's missed.
    by the tender lips of the one that she's kissed.

    I love the rain in the music.
    Nice write Voo!

    1. Don't you love all that purple? So peaceful and pretty.
      I love putting beautiful creations together. It passes the lonely
      night when I can't sleep...How are you feeling, David?
      I was in a wheel chair on oxygen Friday. Can you believe it???? Sheesh!!!!
      Going through another wave of this hellish stuff.....

      Yeah, rain and music, my favorite things......

    2. Love purple. Purple leaves me with a feeling of tranquility. Satisfied! So does rain and music. They tell me to slow down, stop and smell the roses.

      I feel much better.
      Yes, you do put lovely creations together. Even in your poems. Get some rest and sleep. That's an order! Lolwas! (laughing out loud with a smile)
      I have wondered how things went with the pulmonary specialist. Are you feeling better? And is it going to help? I'm sorry that you're going through this again. You got me worried Girl.
      You know how to get hold of me. Just take care and take it easy for now. And try getting some sleep if that's what you need!

