
Tuesday, April 13, 2021

We Became Strangers


 We Became Strangers

If I knew the reasons

I wouldn't be writing this poem
I'd be writing love songs
And publishing them up in a tome

If I knew the wherefores

I'd be fixing them all everyday
If I knew the whys
I'd know how to make your love stay

If I knew the answers

I'd lock all the questions up tight
If I saw this day coming
I'd chain the day up in the night

But I never saw it

And I never questioned your whys
Nor conceded your wherefores
Nor answered your questions with lies

But the day is now here

And I'm watching my life walk away
And I'm begging inside
But my lips have no words left to say

I thought we were lovers

And lovers forever till death
But all of your love died
As you exhaled that love out in your breath

It is my fault, I know that now

Just like I knew it when
You asked me to be true to you
And not look at other men

But I was greedy and I was wrong

And I gave my love away
For I was lonely and I needed you
And you were always away

Then in the process of our lives

Our hearts gave up and cried
And all the sweetness of our love
Just laid down and it died

And now we're strangers just as surely

As though we'd never met
Even though our hearts still feel
And our hearts can't forget

You turn and wave and I wave back

As tears roll down my face
You board the plane and fly away
And leave a lonely place

It's cold here in our empty bed

It's cold inside of me
Why couldn't we learn as we went
Why couldn't our eyes see?

It is too late, it's just too late

I whisper to myself
We've used up all the love we had
And there is no love left

I lie and cry and hate myself

I hate what I've become
I wish I'd had more time with you
To make this house a home

But you are gone now far away

Away from heartache's dangers
And I am here to think about
How lovers became strangers

If only I......I cry out loud

Had heard when your heart would sing
But I never listened and then it stopped
And you took off your ring

Now it's too late, you've lost your song

You'll find some other ears
And she will love you like I could not
While I drown in my tears

In my confusion and my grief

I do not hear the clock
I do not hear a car door slam
I do not hear the knock

And you are there in my doorway

You've set off the alarms
But I don't care for up I fly 
And you take me in your arms

I can't leave you, you say to me

For what would this world be
If you were not here in my life
What good would living be?

My love, my love, I say to you

I pray forgive my sin
And forgive mine you say to me
And we fall in love again

This time we'll do things differently

We vow to one another
And I hear your heart sing out to me
As two strangers become new lovers

Oh, love it is a precious thing

Guard it night and day
Don't let it cry and fade and die
And don't let it walk away

Who knows if it will dare return

To the place it felt alone
Who knows if it will see it's truth
And find it's way back home

©by Voo

January 30, 2019
4:58 a.m.


  1. Wow! I was almost heartbroken until the knock came at the door! ...whew! ... I felt the deep deep sorrow in this girls heart! Strangers becoming lovers and later on, strangers again! That is an awful, awful feeling! But when they can come together again; HAPPY DAYS!!!

    But it’s a good, yet heart-wrenching write!

    1. thank you. How are you, dear friend? Things are somewhat better here.
      Waiting on the appt with the specialist. No surprise that I have brain
      problems, huh? Everyone probably knew that all along and just didn't want
      to tell me. Still can't see very well yet so that hinders my writing so I've been
      reposting older stuff from other blogs. They did all kinds of tests but can't
      pinpoint what exactly is wrong. But we know what it is, don't we? Ly---.
      Hope you had a nice respite. A lot has happened here lately. LeeLee is out of hospital. A few small and large miracles have been granted. Keep praying. God is
      moving. yes, amen! Will get back to writing on both stories as soon as I can. Just some minor setbacks and cast changes to deal with and rewrite. haha My friend Nick has stepped up to the plate, bless his heart. So, we'll see how it goes. hugs, Voo

    2. Glad to hear things are somewhat better at your home....... Brain problems? I never knew you to have any brain problems... You seem wise and in control to me! Well sometimes you can be a "wise-woman" (the female version of a wise-guy).
      Sorry about your vision...How many fingers am I holding up?
      Hope they can finally find out exactly where the issue is and can resolve it. (We know where it originated, that Ly-- thing!!
      Good to hear that LeeLee is out of the hospital. Still praying...Glad He's hearing someones' prayers...

      You'll get back to your stories... I'm patient! Aachoo will come through for me... and so will Vaangelika!

      "My, my my! Aren't you a lovely thing fresh from the morning, covered in dewdrops and with flowers in your hair?"
      "Thou art a funny maiden. Little Flower!" (from the character that I'm so tempted to call D' Sal)

      I'm ok. Just contention around the house. I just keep to myself. I did want to talk with you about everything, but maybe next time I'm out in Winnsboro and your feeling up to it....

      Jugs right back atcha!

    3. I meant Hugs! not jugs! Hugs! fat-fingering again, huh, D' Sal!
