
Wednesday, May 12, 2021

The Light That is Merely Visual Darkness. a powerful video and word to be heeded


So tired of the deception spreading across the world like a thick blanket. 
So tired of satanic songs and demonic shows.
So tired of seeing the Adversary of all mankind receive the worship
that belongs to God Almighty. So tired of the old "new" age rising
that was birthed by fallen angels who pretended they were gods. So tired
of Wiccans pretending to follow Christ. So tired of atheists pretending
that this life is all there is. So tired of witches, devils and those that call
evil good and good evil. 

So tired of watching all of those that are blind to truth 
marching proudly toward that forever darkness where your
masters will soon join you. Those masters you will curse 
eternally when you realize how they have deceived you and
used you like a soul-less puppet. Every song you now sing 
to bless the enemy of your soul, every poem you write drenched
in witch language, every movie you make to give glory to satan
and terror, every filthy word, every blasphemy and sneer you
aim toward your Creator...

These are the very things you will be tortured with forever 
and ever. Begging for forgiveness like those who now reside in
chains in the Abyss but no forgiveness will be given. It will be 
too late. Too late.
But if you are reading this and watching this video, it is not too
late for you. God in His mercy is giving you yet another chance to 
walk out of the darkness voluntarily and into the True Light and not
continue in this counterfeit light in which you now walk and espouse 
with your New Age "blessings" of 'Light and Love'. No one loves 
you in that realm you walk in. It is fake and counterfeit and full of lies. 
Look into the mirror and see how empty your eyes are, your soul is. 
You have swallowed the poison, received the deception, believed the
greatest of all lies. The Darkness is Visual now. It can hide no more.
No mask can hide it. It is there for all with eyes to see and ears to hear. 

There, in front of you, smiling at you with it's sickening grin and 
you don't even know how much it hates you and wants to destroy 
you along with everything that God made beautiful and for His glory. 
No man can serve TWO Masters. He will love the one and hate the 
Other. Ask yourself:  Who am I serving? Who's words
pour forth from your mouth? The voice of Darkness or the voice 
of Light? You cannot use witchcraft and receive a blessing from Heaven.

There is no witchcraft there. It was kicked out centuries ago with the
Father of Lies who invented it. And now it has become the religion of
the masses who had rather perform rituals than dwell in God's presence, 
receive His blessings as grateful children and walk in the light of 
holiness. For without Holiness, no man will see God.
But see only the golden glow of His city and His throne from a distance. 
And as we who love Truth dance in joy and unending Love, you will 
beg for mercy and weep in the Darkness that you love now.

Please! I beg you.....come out of it while you still can. Renounce Evil!
I love you. God loves you. He waits with open arms......for you.
WAKE UP!!!!!


  1. Replies
    1. Not my words but yeah, my sentiments exactly.
      The truth shall set you free, right?

  2. I watched this last night. omg! Powerful stuff!
    He put it all together, didn't he??
    And the words below the vid....yikes!!!!
    I felt the Spirit and Anointing on those words!!!
    I hope they touched somebody's soul and woke them up!
    Sometimes God has to use tough love like a parent to
    save them from themselves. amen!
    You have so many layers to you, girl. A true seer, poet, writer, woman, human being.
    I am blessed to know you and learn from you, O, Wise Woman!!!!😉💖

    1. I learn from you too. It's so good to be on the same page
      with someone spiritually. Flowing together and in agreement.
      Otherwise you just feel pulled in 2 different directions all the time.
      not a good feeling. I misjudged you at first. I will never stop apologizing.
      You are a true and godly man. a funny crazy, scared of ghosts true and godly man!!!!!!!!!lol lol BOO!!!! smile
